, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 11, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008 Jim Page

Theme: WOW!

17A: Wow!: Sakes Alive!

39A: Wow!: Holy Cow!

59A: Wow!: Great Scott!

11D: Wow! Lo and Behold!

25D: Wow!: What on Earth?!

Never read Superman or any comic book, never heard anyone gasp "Great Scott".

But WOW, what a proper and fitting theme for thousands of solvers this morning. I am just so stunned and stupefied by Governor Spitzer's "private matter". Down a hero (49D: EAT)!

I was so enamored of his Eliot Ness - style aggressive & relentless pursuits of those criminal dealings in Wall Street. I could not tell you in words how impressed I was of him when he forced Richard Grasso (NYSE) to pay back part of his scandalous compensation package. I learned the word "fiduciary duty" from him. The thing that bothers me is: Who leaked it to the press?

I had another tough uphill battle today. I put IRAN for 6A: Persian's contemporary (MEDE), and I ended up with ALTO for 8D: TOP vocalist (DIVA). I did not know Runner Zatopek's (EMIL), then I could not fill in anything sensible for 21A: NATO, for one (ACRONYM).

Here are the across entries.

1A: Kind of flu: ASIAN. I penned in AVIAN.

6A: Persian's contemporary: MEDE. They lived in ancient Media.

10A: Pig vittles: SLOP

15A: Runner Zatopek: EMIL. Never heard of him. If it's clued as Chef Lagasse, I would've got it. (Update: I blundered again. Lagasse's name is Emeril)

20A: Elmer or Jerry: RICE

21A: NATO, for one: ACRONYM. Of course! General Patraeus will be an awesome NATO Commander.

23A: Certain metal craftsman: PEWTERER. Never knew that a pewter maker is called a pewterer.

28A: Exist as a characteristic: INHERE

29A: Harrow's rival: ETON. Both Prince William and Harry attended ETON. James Bond too. Churchill and Nehru are Harrow graduates.

36A: Kind of trooper or line: STATE

37A: Skinny twins?: ENS. There are 2 letters "n" in the word "skinny". Last time many people were confounded by the clue: Minnesota twins?.

38A: Meow Mix eater: CAT

43A: Stand by: AWAIT

44A: Fleshy fruit: POME. I never heard of the word "Pome", so I was marshaling all the 4-letter fruits in my mind: Pear, Plum, Kiwi, Date.

47A: Camelot magician: MERLIN. No idea. But I read almost every book about JFK and his Camelot legacy.

51A: Explosives with pins: GRENADES

53A: Erupt: FLARE UP

57A: Lena of "The Ninth Gate": OLIN. She had a role in Chocolat (Juliette Binoche).

58A: Cooking fat: LARD. Stop larding the spending bill with your stupid pork-barrel earmarks, you bigwig in D. C. (SEN).

65A: "A Girl Like I" author: LOOS (Anita). She is back, 2 days in a row. I found out that besides Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, she also wrote But Gentlemen Marry Brunettes.

66A: Temporary contract: LEASE

67A: Actress Madeline: KAHN. So sorry. I really did not know you.

69A: Ill-fated Ford: EDSEL

Down entries:

2D: Place for fish and ships: SEA. Misread it as Place for fish and chips.

3D: Sort: ILK

5D: More snoopy: NOSIER

6D: Free-for-all: MELEE. Donnybrook.

7D: Radio static, in brief: EMI (Electromagnetic Interference). Sometimes it's clued as British record company.

9D: Power, in brief.: ELEC

10D: Keep under wraps: SIT ON. To suppress the release of certain news I suppose.

12D: Like Woodsy?: OWLY. I made a guess. I had no idea that Woodsy Owl is the owl icon for the US Forest service. I only knew Smokey Bear.

22D: Give a face-lift to: RENEW. I groaned after the answer emerged.

23D: Zodiac sign: PISCES

24D: Coop up: ENCAGE

26D: Knotting again: RETYING. Very gnarly clue.

30D: Diplomatic asset: TACT. Bill Richardson seems to be very well respected outside US for his diplomatic tact.

33D: Personal instability: ANOMIE. Unknown to me. According to the, it's "a state or condition of individuals or society characterized by a breakdown or absence of social norms and values, as in the case of uprooted people."

36D: Shredded side: SLAW. Add some raisins, it will be tastier.

39D: Undue speed: HASTE

40D: Be light chips: OWE. (Update later: According to drdad, "In poker, if you are "light chips" that means you "owe" the pot/kitty.")

44D: Strutted about: PRANCED

47D: Run in the heat: MELT. Good clue.

48D: Isolate: ENISLE. Saw it clued this way before, so no problem this time.

50D: Dale of "Flash Gordon": ARDEN. No idea.

52D: Prepare peanuts: ROAST.

53D: Excessive criticism: FLAK. Both the Clinton & Obama campaigns have brought FLAK into an elevated art form.

54D: Actress Turner: LANA

55D: Wrinkly fruit: UGLI. Never had it. I don't think our Rainbow Foods even carries it.

56D: Masters players: PROS. Those PGA golfers. Tiger Woods probably will win Masters again this year. But I am rooting for K. G. Choi (South Korean). He is such a workhorse, well, not as crazy as Vijay Singh.

60D: PAU's successor: OAS (Organization of American States, US is a member). Gimme for anyone who paid attention to the tense situation in Columbia last week. Oh, PAU stands for Pan American Union.

62D: Mao _ -Tung: TSE. Could also be clued as Literary monogram (T. S. Eliot).

I forgot to mention yesterday that NPR's On the Media Sunday had a very good segment on crossword and ACTP 2008. In case you missed, you can hear it here.

C. C.