, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Oct 9, 2008

Thursday October 9, 2008 Alan P. Olschwang

Theme: Cut Losses

21A: Start of Molly Irvin quote: THE FIRST RULE OF

28A: Part 2 of quote: HOLES:

34A: Part 3 of quote: WHEN YOU

47A: Part 4 of quote: ARE IN

51A: End of quote: ONE, STOP DIGGING

Is this an original quote from Molly Irvin?

Too many 3-letter words for my taste. I guess the constructor has no other way to get around unless he shortens 21A into "THE FIRST RULE" and move "OF" into the next line. But then he will have difficulty grid the remaining quotes symmetrically.

I don't know. I do remember reading it somewhere that the theme answers for Quote/Quip puzzle do not have to follow the 180-degree rule, though all of them should be structured in all Across instead of Down.


1A: FDR Program: WPA. It's shut down in 1943 as WWII created lots of jobs in the military.

7A: Fella: BUB. I penned in BUD.

15A: Candler of Coca-Cola: ASA. It could also be clued as "Happy ____ clam" if partial fill is allowed in our puzzle. I don't understand why our editor stubbornly eschews this. Remember Barry Silk said last time that this actually makes it harder to construct for TMS than for other papers?

18A: Bad in Sedan or Limousin: MAL. Sedan is town in Northern France, and Limousin is one of the 26 regions in central France. I had never heard of them before. Very clever clue though.

19A: One with lots to offer?: REALTOR

30A: Rhyming verse: POESY. New word to me. I only know POETRY.

36A: Mike of talk radio: MALLOY. His name is foreign to me.

41A: Christiania today: OSLO. Wiki says "it's called Christiania from 1624 to 1878, and Kristiania from 1878 to 1924."

45A: With all one's might: AMAIN. I forgot this word.

50A: Site of ancient games: NEMEA. I've never heard of this place before. Doesitinink probably will give us more information about this site.

54A: Inhuman being: ANDROID. What is the difference between a ANDROID and robot?

56A: Eerie poet: POE. Very nice "Annabel Lee" interpretation.

57A: Douglas' tree?: FIR. It's also the state tree for OREG (41D: Neighbor of Calif.)

60A: Basic of edu: RRR. Mine was ABC. What is RRR again?

61A: Scottish river: TAY. The longest river in Scotland.


1D: Huh?: WHAT THE. Shouldn't "Huh" be in quotation mark?

2D: Haystack odd one out?: A NEEDLE. Is this playing on "needle in a haystack"? What does "odd one out" mean?

4D: Negligent: REMISS

6D: Pimento: ALLSPICE. Yes, no need for you to check again, Bill. Pimento is a synonym for ALLSPICE.

9D: Ancient fertility god: BAAL. I was thinking of Isis, the Egyptian goddess of fertility.

11D: Abundant: PROFUSE. So many *FUSE word: diffuse, defuse, confuse, infuse, refuse, effuse, etc. I suppose they are all of the same root.

20D: Strung along: LED ON. I did not know this "deceive" meaning of "String along".

23D: Overland excursion, perhaps: TRAIN TRIP

27D: Sweat shop?: GYM. Do you walk, jog or go to the GYM for exercise?

30D: City near Lourdes: PAU. I forgot all about PAU. Last time Mr. Olschwang clued CES as "Pau pronoun". See this map. It's a winter resort.

35D: Inclined to give in: YIELDING. It's so hard not to yield to certain temptations in life.

37D: Pungent gas: AMMONIA. Both AMIDE and IMIDE are AMMONIA compound, right?

38D: Hamper collection: LAUNDRY. Do you wash your bras in the washing machines? I don't. Never.

39D: Metric unit: LITER

42D: Part-time athlete: SEMIPRO. Amateur has the same number of letters as SEMIPRO.

43D: Some claimants: LIENORS. "claimant" is a new word to me.

44D: Wild Asian asses: ONAGERS. I forgot. Here is a picture. Its spelling reminds me of grilled eel UNAGI. Delicious!

46D: __ oo!: TOODLE. New to me. I've never heard of "chin chin" as "ta ta" either.

49D: Steps over a fence: STILE. This "fense" is easier for me to grok. I really had difficulty understanding the "Steps over a wall" clue yesterday.

52D: Peau de ___ (soft silk): SOIE. French for silk. "peau" is skin. "mal dans sa peau" is "Ill at ease."
