, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jul 9, 2009

Thursday July 9, 2009 Dan Naddor

Theme: The Real (e)State

17A: Realtor's "lavish landscaping"? Frankly, there are ___: WEEDS EVERYWHERE

24A: Realtor's "charming"? Actually, it's __: REALLY TINY

35A: Realtor's "expansive backyard"? Honesty, there's __: NO POOL OR SPA

45A: Realtor's "needs TLC"? Candidly, __: IT'S A PIGSTY

53A: Realtor's "quiet setting"? Truthfully, it's __: OUT IN THE BOONIES

I discovered this morning that "realtor" was coined by a guy named Charles N. Chadbourn from Minneapolis. He sold the rights to the word to the National Association of Real Estate Boards for only one dollar.

Amazing. I wonder how much Jack Dorsey is willing to part with his Twitter. I bet Rupert Murdock is salivating.

Dan Naddor probably constructed this puzzle when the current housing bubble just started to burst. Nice puzzle. Amusing theme, Merl Reagle style.


4A: Not for most teens: RATED R

10A: Gambling game: FARO. Named after the Egyptian king Pharaoh.

15A: "Same here": I DO TOO.

16A: "The X-Files" extras: G-MEN. FBI Agents.

20A: Hi-tech eye surgery: LASIK. Tiger Woods had LASIK surgery.

22A: German pronoun: SIE. German "you". I wrote down ICH, thinking of JFK's "Ich bin ein Berliner".

28A: Opposite of FF: REW

29A: Student's buy: TEXT. Short for textbook I suppose. Really wish I had attended some school when I first came to the US.

30A: Stood: ROSE

31A: Toaster treat: POP-TART. Kellogg dropped Michael Phelps after his pot-smoking photo.

34A: Blown away: AWED

37A: Eisner's successor at Disney: IGER (Robert). Sigh. I could picture his face, but his name escaped me. He used to appear on CNBC often, before he succeeded Michael Eisner in 2005.

39A: Ad staples: SLOGANS

40A: Speaker before Dennis: NEWT (Gingrich). Speaker of the House from 1995 to 1999. He is going to run for the presidency in 2012 I think.

41A: Arroyo __: Southern California watershed: SECO. Literally "dry creek".

42A: Mass vestment: ALB. See, this L is pronounced. But the L in alms/salmon is silent. I do not pronounce the L in almond either.

49A: Diction problem: SLUR. Sylvester Stallone has a SLUR problem.

50A: Homer consequence: RBI (Run Batted In). I like this new clue.

51A: Anecdotal collection: ANA. The Old Norse literary collection is EDDA.

52A: Deadly snake: COBRA. The "Dried coconut meat" is COPRA.

58A: Tiny time pd.: NSEC (Nanosecond)

59A: Barrel cleaner: RAMROD. I know nothing about gun.

60A: Robertson of CNN: NIC. I find NIC Robertson to be very attractive, don't you?

61A: Northeast clothing chain: SYMS. No idea. Wikipedia says it's founded by Sy SYMS in 1959.

62A: Recorded: ON TAPE

63A: "Starpeace" album maker, 1985: ONO. "Starpeace" is a statement against Reagan's "Star Wars".


1D: Loud crier: BAWLER. The "Mythical crier" is NIOBE, and the "Irish folklore crier" is BANSHEE.

4D: Reward seeker's concern: RISK

5D: Gator chaser?: ADE. Gatorade. Nice clue.

6D: Good, in Hebrew: TOV. As in "Mazel TOV!" (Good fortune, Congratulations)

7D: Hot time in Paris: ETE. Quite an ordinary "summer" clue.

8D: Florida's "Blue Monster" golf course: DORAL. The previous DORAL Open was played at the "Blue Monster".

9D: King or queen: ROYAL. Thought of RULER first.

10D: E followers: FGH. Alphabetically.

11D: City north of Des Moines: AMES, IOWA. The clue seems to be asking for a 8-letter city name.

12D: Perform a shampooing step: RERINSE. I actually do RERINSE.

13D: Like two jacks: ONE-EYED. The Jack of Spades and Jack of Hearts.

18D: CCLI doubled: DII. 251 X 2 = 502.

24D: Deadbeats's autos, eventually: REPOS. Hmm, where is Realtor's "RELO" when you need it?

25D: Praise: EXTOL

26D: Baffled: AT A LOSS

27D: Corners: TRAPS. Verb.

29D: Preeminent: TOP. I still can't believe tops is an adjective.

31D: Potty opening?: PORTA. PORTA-potty. Just saw someone selling his old outhouse at the Flea Market the other day. He wanted $1,500.

32D: Man of many words: ROGET. Ah, ROGER's Thesaurus. He was also a doctor.

33D: Frequent leading man for Hepburn: TRACY (Spencer). He always demanded the top billing, in all the movies they made together. I often wonder if Spencer TRACY really loved Hepburn. Too much surprising sacrifice on her part. I like their "Woman of the Year" the best.

35D: The "this" in "This just in": NEWS ITEM

36D: __-Cat: SNO

37D: Shackled: IN IRONS

38D: Order to a slacker: GET BUSY

42D: White rat, e.g.: ALBINO

43D: Entice: LURE IN

44D: FBI undercover agent Donnie, title subject of a 1997 film: BRASCO. "Donnie BRASCO" is a great movie.

46D: Put down in writing? PAN. Put down here means to "criticize". Great clue.

47D: Opening words: INTRO. Kept thinking DEAR SIR.

48D: Cartoonist Wilson: GAHAN. A complete stranger to me. GAHAN is Hindu for "deep/complex".

52D: UPC part: CODE. UPC is Universal Product CODE.

54D: Suffix with robot: ICS. Dictionary says robotics is coined by Isaac Asimov.

56D: Support provider: BRA. Wacoal is my favorite brand.

57D: Alley __: OOP. Alley OOP is derived from French "Allez, hop!" (Let's go).

Answer grid.
