, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jul 17, 2009

Friday July 17, 2009 Dan Naddor

Theme: The Double(t) Is Double(d) TT DD

17A: Evidence of a spilled dessert? PUDDING ON THE DOG

22A: Nervous ticks?: SHUDDER BUGS

35A: Linens for jockeys?: OFF-TRACK BEDDING

51A: Slope where sycophants hang out?: NODDING HILL

57A: What a yenta exam does?: TESTS ONE'S MEDDLE

Just learned the idiom "putting on the dog" a few months ago from a LAT puzzle. Notting Hill is an affluent area in West London. Also a very romantic movie starring Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant.

Bitter & bidder should be interesting to work with. Latter & Ladder might not be fun. What else can you think of?

Quite a few tricky clues in today's puzzle:

54A: It may be added to impress: IVE. Impressive.

7D: Jet problem?: LAG. Jetlag.

I struggled with the multiple-word entries today.


1A: Per se: IN ITSELF. Per se is literally "by itself" in Latin.

9A: Research, perhaps: LOOK UP. Hmm, I often LOOK UP the word in my dictionary during solving. I am not cheating. Just doing my research.

15A: Statue, perhaps: MEMORIAL. I guess I understand the controversy over a Chinese designing MLK Memorial Statue. Maybe it should be sculpted by an African American. However, MLK transcended racial line.

16A: When some shifts start: AT NINE. Never know when to put AT NINE, when to put NINE AM.

19A: Symbol of love: EROS. Ha ha, I thought of ROSE. Red rose is my favorite flower.

20A: Any of the Beverly Hillbillies: YOKEL

21A: PC linkup: LAN (Local Area Network)

28A: Consider overnight: SLEEP ON. Don't think too much. Just do it.

30A: Sicily's capital?: ESS. Letter S is the first (capital) letter of Sicily.

32A: They're usually rolled outs: TARPS. D'oh, ballpark. I was thinking of dough.

34A: Hipbones: ILIA

41A: Miss equivalent?: MILE. I've never heard of the proverb "A miss is as good as a MILE". Thought of the French miss MLLE.

42A: W, once: YALIE. George W. Bush graduated from Yale. Harvard Business School as well.

43A: Sports drink suffix: ADE. Gatorade.

44A: Pinch, so to speak: NAB. I did not know pinch is a slang for arrest.

47A: Staples Center NBAer: LA LAKER. I am glad Kobe Bryant got his NBA Championship ring sans Shaq.

55A: Playground assertion: IS TOO

56A: 1961 space chimp: ENOS. I wonder why they named him ENOS.

63A: "The Joy Luck Club" author: AMY TAN. A rare author gimme for me. She is a Chinese American. "The Joy Luck Club" is the name of the mahjong club the four ladies formed. Great read.

64A: Fetch: RETRIEVE

65A: Artist's home, perhaps: COLONY. I am not familiar with this definition of COLONY. I thought of STUDIO.

66A: 2009 film based on a TV show that premiered in 1966A: STAR TREK


1D: Drives forward: IMPELS

2: __ network: NEURAL. Had problem piecing the answer together.

3D: "Finished!": I'M DONE. One blank too much for VOILA.

4D: "Dracula" (1931) director Browning et al?: TODS. I can never remember this guy. Last time the clue was "Pioneer filmmaker Browning".

5D: Hindu honorific: SRI. Sanskirt for "splendor/majesty". SRI Lanka means "Venerable Island".

6D: Cologne article: EIN. Or DER, DAS, all German articles.

8D: Rock's Pink __: FLOYD

9D: Fried fare often served with applesauce: LATKES. I don't know, I've never had LATKES or the Norwegian lefsa.

10D: Catchall column heading: OTHERS

11D: Produce amt.: ONE LB. Cherries are in season now. My favorite snack at the moment.

12D: Tease: KID

13D: Game with Draw Two Cards: UNO

14D: Takedown units?: PEG. Oh, "take down a PEG".

18D: Junction point: NODE

22D: Bandy words: SPAR. I think Chris Matthews (Hardball) has the best job in this world.

23D: Group dance done while holding hands: HORA. The Jewish wedding dance.

24D: Offensive to some, briefly: UN-PC (UN - Politically Correct). And ETTE (29D: Suffix which may be 24-Down). I don't understand why ETTE is UN-PC.

25D: Wrinkly fruit: UGLI. It's actually quite sweet.

26D: Cross the threshhold: GO IN

27D: Beast with a rack: STAG. Ha ha, I just typed in "Breast with a rack" a moment ago.

33D: Shade of blue: SKY. The clue is quite Monday-ish.

34D: Flash of sorts: IDEA

35D: Arabian Sea nation: OMAN. Capital Muscat.

36D: Generic pooch: FIDO. What's the name of your dog(s)?

37D: Hightailed it: FLED

38D: Site of the active volcano Mount Agung: BALI. Guessed MALI first.

39D: Airline to Eilat: EL AL. Eilat, pronounced as ey-laht, is the southernmost city of Israel.

40D: Pickle flavoring: DILL. The only herb I use are chives. The basil at the Farmer's Market makes me headache.

44D: Xterra maker: NISSAN. My knowledge on car makers is as weak as my understanding of Bible.

45D: "I come to bury Caesar" speaker: ANTONY (Mark). "I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him...".

46D: Weed __: lawn care product: B-GON. Not familiar with this brand at all. No chemical spray in my garden. And HOERS (53D: Weed whackers).

49D: Exhibit Darwinism: EVOLVE. This clue feels so highbrow.

52D: "Same here!": DITTO. Interesting to see a lone TT here.

56D: Work for Money, maybe: EDIT. I did not pay attention to the capitalized Money (Money magazine).

57D: Part of a winning trio: TAC. Tic-TAC-Toe. Stumped also.

58D: Musical genre related to punk: EMO

59D: Dict. division: SYL (Syllable). I wanted SYN (synonym).

60D: An hour's worth of tunes, maybe: SET. OK, Dictionary says SET can refer to "a group of pieces played by a band, as in a night club, and followed by an intermission". Is this the correct rationale?

61D: NYC subway inits.: MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority). I wrote down IRT (Interborough Rapid Transit).

Answer grid.
