, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Friday


Showing posts with label Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friday. Show all posts

Dec 27, 2024

Friday, December 27, 2024, Gary Larson, Amy Ensz

 Today's theme is SELF-EVIDENT.

Gary Larson and Amy Ensz have placed five OBVIOUS theme clues symmetrically throughout the grid.  The first word of each answer is a synonym for OBVIOUS.

The theme clues and answers (all Across) are:

15. Casino employee, obviously?: PLAIN DEALER.  PLAIN is a synonym for OBVIOUS, as in, "It is PLAIN to me that the readers of this blog enjoy crossword puzzles."  A DEALER is a casino employee who runs games by distributing cards and managing chips.  A PLAIN DEALER is a person who interacts with others honestly and openly.

23. Natural pillow stuffing, obviously?: MARKED DOWN.  MARKED is a synonym for OBVIOUS, as in, "There is a MARKED difference between summer and winter temperatures."  DOWN is a layer of fine feathers found under the exterior feathers of birds, often used as pillow stuffing.  MARKED DOWN is a phrase that means reduced in price.

34. Actor Jude's offspring, obviously?: PATENT LAW.  PATENT is a synonym for OBVIOUS, as in, "He told a PATENT lie."  LAW is the surname of actor Jude Law.  PATENT LAW is a legal framework providing exclusive rights to inventors.

48. Honorific, obviously?: CLEAR TITLE.  CLEAR is a synonym for OBVIOUS, as in, "It is CLEAR to me that the theme answers are humorous double entendres."  TITLE can refer to an honoric, like "Mr.," "Ms.," or "Dr."  CLEAR TITLE is a phrase that means undisputed ownership.

58. Convenient excuse, obviously?: STRIKING OUT.  STRIKING is a synonym for OBVIOUS, as in, "The younger Law bore a STRIKING resemblance to his father, Jude."  OUT can be used to mean an excuse, as in, "I didn't want to attend the party, and my sniffles gave me an OUT."  STRIKING OUT has a number of meanings -- setting out on a course of action, having three unsuccessful swings in baseball, failing at something, or in this case, a spectacular excuse!

And now, it is obviously time to review the remaining clues and answers!


1. Made-up band: KISS.  The American rock band KISS has been made up of various members over the years.  They are known for being MADE-UP with lots of makeup.

5. EPA concern: SMOG.

9. "Rules __ rules": ARE.

12. Native of Pre-Columbian Peru: INCA.

13. Gaze: STARE.

14. T. follower: REX.  T. rex is short for Tyrannosaurus rex, a large, carnivorous dinosaur that lived in western North America during the Late Cretaceous period.

15. [Theme clue]

17. Red block in Minecraft: TNT.  Minecraft is the best-selling video game of all-time, with over 300 million copies sold and nearly 170 million monthly active players as of 2024.  The game world is composed of cubes (or "blocks") representing materials such as ores, water, and lava.  And TNT!

18. Retinol Correxion skin care brand: RoC.  Apparently this stuff is the fountain of youth for your face.  Stay out of the sun if you use it, and watch out for skin irritation!

19. Hair-raising: EERIE.

20. Manitoba people: CREE.  The Cree are a North American Indigenous people. They live primarily in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and the Northwest Territories of Canada.

21. "Plus some other folks" abbr.: ET AL.  Short for "et alia," a Latin phrase meaning "and others."

23. [Theme clue]

26. Leave the band, perhaps: GO SOLO.

28. Rejected: VETOED.

29. Pirouetting, perhaps: ON TOE.  A ballet dancer supporting their weight on the tips of their toes is said to be en pointe.  

30. Call on: VISIT.

33. Physicians, briefly: MDs. Medical doctors.

34. [Theme clue]

37. Coolers, briefly: ACs. Air conditioners.

40. A mile a minute: SIXTY.  If you're going a mile a minute, that's sixty miles per hour.

41. "Up in Smoke" co-star: CHONG.  "Up in Smoke" is a 1978 comedy film starring Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong.

45. New Jersey city: CAMDEN.

47. Black eye: SHINER.

48. [Theme clue]

52. Cacio e __ pasta: PEPE.  "Cacio e pepe" is Italian for "cheese and pepper."  The classic dish is made with just pecorino romano cheese, black pepper and pasta.  Some folks consider this a good dish to order to test the quality of the kitchen in an Italian restaurant.  If they offer pizza, try margherita, topped with crushed peeled tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and fresh basil leaves.

53. Not pretty: UGLY.

54. Plays: DRAMA.

56. GPS display: RTE.  A Global Positioning System app (like Google Maps or Waze) displays a "route" to follow.

57. Was on the bottom?: SAT.  Oh, *that* bottom! 

58. [Theme clue]

61. Before, before: ERE.  Ere used to mean before, well before our time.

62. Filch: SWIPE.

63. Nature or nurture: NOUN.  Nature and nurture are both nouns.  

64. Leb. neighbor: SYR.  Lebanon and Syria.

65. Schnoz: NOSE.  Likely from Yiddish שנויץ (shnoyts), cognate to German Schnauze (“snout”) and English snout.

66. Ill at __: EASE.


1. Unit of explosive force: KILOTON.  A unit of explosive power equivalent to 1,000 tons of TNT.

2. Plastered?: IN A CAST.  Plaster casts are used to treat bone fractures.

3. __-fi: SCI.

4. Sensible: SANE.

5. Step: STAIR.

6. "Bohemian Rhapsody" Best Actor Oscar winner: MALEK.  Rami Malek portrayed Queen lead singer Freddie Mercury in the 2018 biographical film "Bohemian Rhapsody."

Rami Malek as Freddie Mercury

7. Lode load: ORE.

8. Neighbor of Aus.: GER.  Austria and Germany.

9. Creative venue: ART ROOM.

10. Like some library books or contracts: RENEWED.

11. Stretches out: EXTENDS.

13. "Buona __": SERA.  "Good evening" in Italian.

15. Barilla rival: PREGO.  Competing brands of bottled marinara sauce, made with tomatoes, onions, garlic and herbs.

16. Expo presentation: DEMO.  At an exposition, exhibitors offer demonstrations of their products.

20. Chi. summer setting: CDT.  Chicago is on Central Daylight Time in the summer.

22. Aerial maneuver: LOOP.  A loop maneuver is an aerial stunt performed by airplane pilots.  The loop is achieved by diving and pulling back sharply. In every loop, the pilot has to navigate through a force of gravity nine times the normal.  It's dangerous!

24. Malicious: EVIL.

25. Rip off: DETACH.

27. Landlord: LEASER.

30. Bother: VEX.

31. Abbr. on a bank statement: INT.  With any luck, your bank statement shows interest.

32. Mud hole: STY.  A sty is a pig pen, which is often muddy.

35. Shade: TINT.

36. Blender setting: WHIP.

37. Charges: ACCUSES.

38. Home of the Stampede: CALGARY.  The Calgary Stampede is an annual rodeo, exhibition, and festival held every July in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

39. Place of refinement?: SMELTER.  A smelter is a machine or factory that heats ore to high temperatures to separate metal from other elements.

42. Burdensome: ONEROUS.

43. Planet with the Great Dark Spot: NEPTUNE.  The Great Dark Spot was observed by NASA's Voyager 2 space probe in 1989, and later by the Hubble Space Telescope.  It is a large storm.

44. Welcome: GREET.

46. Same-__ delivery: DAY.

47. Formal introduction?: SEMI.  Semi-formal is a dress code:  more polished than work wear, but less formal than black-tie.  For men, a suit is in order.  For women, who the heck knows?

49. Actor Elba: IDRIS.  Idris Elba is an award-winning English actor and singer.  He is OBVIOUSLY sexy, having been named Essence's annual Sexiest Man of the Year in 2013 and People's Sexiest Man Alive in 2018.

50. Drivel: TRIPE.  Drivel is nonsense.  Tripe is slang for nonsense.  The first meaning of tripe is the edible lining of a cow, pig, or sheep's stomach.  The edible tripe looks like rubbish, which led to the secondary meaning of rubbish or nonsense.

51. Camp sight: LAKE.

55. Celebrity chef Burrell: ANNE.  Anne Burrell is an American chef and television personality She hosts the Food Network show Secrets of a Restaurant Chef and co-hosts Worst Cooks in America

58. Digits from the government: SSN.  Social Security Number.

59. Wee hour: TWO.  The wee hours are the first few hours after midnight, so called because they have wee (or small) numbers.  TWO o'clock AM is a wee hour -- but not the only one.

60. Indian state whose capital is Panaji: GOA.  Goa is a state on the southwestern coast of India.  It is India's smallest state by area and fourth-smallest by population. India rates Goa as having the best quality of life in the country.  The state capital, Panaji, retains cultural influences from its 456 years as a territory of Portugal.  The beaches of Goa appear to be popular tourist destinations.

Here's the grid:

So, was this puzzle perfectly CLEAR to you?
Or did you find yourself STRIKING OUT along the way?


Dec 20, 2024

Friday, December 20, 2024 - Alan Siegel

Theme:  Goonerisms, Spalore! 

Puzzling Thoughts:

Sorry for my brevity today, but the holiday season has made blogging duties take a back seat.  Today's puzzle by Alan Siegel uses an assortment of spoonerisms to add some levity to our crossword puzzle solving.  I will describe these as the puzzle unfolds

Today's puzzle was not as difficult as some Friday puzzles I've blogged, nor was it so hilarious and/or clever that I got majorly excited.  On my 5-star rating scale, I give this one a ⭐⭐and 1/2⭐

Solved grid - my one mistake @ 44-down


1. Bunches of bucks: WADS.  The dollar bills; not the stags

5. A neighbor: B FLAT.  It is right next to "A".  Don't believe me?  See the image below: 

10. Annoyance that may be tough to reach: ITCH. Nothing more satisfying than an itch being scratched

14. Hodgepodge: OLIO.  Crosswordese

15. Still kicking: ALIVE.  As in "alive, and kicking"

16. Grand Canyon carrier: MULE.  I'm going to go out on a limb here and ask Picard to post a picture of him on a mule, descending into the Grand Canyon ... don't let me down, Robert!!

17. Org. that works with SpaceX: NASA.  Outsourced to Elon Musk 

18. "Bridgerton" rank: BARON.  Read all about it here

19. Murky: GRAY.  Nice Friday clue

(Entry #1) 20. Au pair with a sinister sidekick: CROOK AND NANNY.  First of the Spoonerisms:  the more recognized phrase is NOOK and CRANNY

23. Big name in battery-powered lawn equipment: EGO.  Unfamiliar to me; solved with perps.  I know that many of you dislike taking a word such as ego and clueing it as a proper noun/name

25. Briny delicacy: ROE.  This:

26. Official timekeeper of the Olympic Games: OMEGA.  Dunno why I chose ROLEX first

(Entry #2) 27. Purchases for an organized gardener: SHED AND HOLDERS.  Second of the Spoonerisms:  the more recognized phrase is HEAD AND SHOULDERS

32. Danger: PERIL.

33. Lines of praise: ODES.  Cute clue

34. Thumbs-up votes: YEAS.  AYES also fit

35. Italian fashion brand: PRADA.  Didn't the devil wear Prada?

37. Slash mark: SCAR.  The most recent famous one:

Harry Potter scar

41. Symbol on a dressing room door: STAR.  Also found on a famous street in Hollywood

Walk of Fame

And another clue/entry whose word means "star" in French: (44-down. Prima ballerina:) ETOILE

42. Roughly: CIRCA.  Referring to a date, perhaps ... I was born circa 1950, e.g. ... rounding the actual number up or down 

(Entry #3) 43. Common sights in the Caribbean: KEYS AND PARROTS.  Third of the Spoonerisms: the more recognized phrase PEAS and CARROTS (made famous by Forrest Gump)

48. Adjust to, as a radio dial: SET AT.  Green paint?  I have a number of pre-sets on my car radio

49. Flamenco shout: OLE.

50. Wee taste: SIP.  I am having a wee sip of Scotch as I am writing my blog tonight

(Entry #4) 51. Some pieces in an avian-themed chess set: CROWS AND PAWNS.  Fourth of the Spoonerisms:  the more recognized phrase PROS AND CONS

56. Has __ with: AN IN.  

57. Lack of musical ability: NO EAR.  Moe-ku #1:

        Vincent Van Gogh was
        Tone deaf.  He had an excuse
        'Cause he had NO EAR (literally)

58. Naturally curly style: AFRO.  This hair style is making a comeback 

61. TV component?: TELE. As in: TELE Vision

62. Gas meter unit: THERM. "a unit of heat equivalent to 100,000 Btu or 1.055 × 10 joules" [according to Dictionary dot com]

63. Feature of some vacation homes: VIEW.  I erroneously placed LOFT in here

64. Luge, for one: SLED.  I thought that the word "luge" meant an Olympic event ... 

65. Arranges in order: SORTS.  One of the many functions of an Excel spreadsheet

66. School visible from Windsor Castle: ETON.  This was too easy for a Friday clue


1. Finished up?: WON. Huh?  As in, finished (a game, e.g.) and were the winner? Meh 

2. __ FrançaiseA LA.  In the French manner

3. Summer's "Hot Stuff" time: DISCO ERA.  This one gave me fits, at first, as I misspelled olio as oleo and I couldn't figure out what "time" began DESC_ERE (I also had AYES instead of YEAS in 34-across).  I eventually saw the ways of my errors and corrected it.  And of course, I spent the rest of the puzzle solving with this ear worm ... 

4. Fly high: SOAR.  

5. Primate with a doglike muzzle: BABOON.  Woof!

6. Like Maldon sea salt: FLAKED.  Two thoughts about this: 

        1) Who among us even knew about the Maldon "sea" and its salt? (I didn't)
        2) And if we didn't know, how would we determine that it is flaked? 

Moe to the rescue ... this short (2 minute) video is quite the "Cliff Notes" version of this fascinating place

7. Turkish currency: LIRA.  Italy sent all of theirs to Turkey when the Euro was coined ... 

8. Bath flower?: AVON.  ROSE might have fit if:

        1) There was no ? in the clue
        2) The word "flower" meant a member of the flora family

This tricky clue plays on the word "flower" as something that "flows" (a river, perhaps?), and the word "Bath" refers to a city in England.  The River Avon flows through the city.  And now you know

9. See (to): TEND.  I tend the Crossword Corner blog every two weeks ... 

10. "Sure, let's!": I'M GAME.  A bit about its origin

11. English Romantic painter: TURNER.  A brief biography and some images of his paintings

12. Metallic sounds: CLANGS. This may be the most bizarre video that Chairman Moe has ever attached to one of his blogs ...

13. OutKast hit that asks, "What's cooler than being cool?": HEY YA.  This might be the second most bizarre video that C-Moe has shared ...

21. Administered with a spoon: ORAL.  This one almost gagged me (with a spoon) ...

22. Silent assents: NODS.  Okay

23. Award won by Caitlin Clark: ESPY.  Caitlin Clark wowed the basketball world with her gritty performance in the NCAA Tournament for the University of Iowa Hawkeyes this past March/April, and then went on to wow the WNBA with her Rookie of the Year performance for the Indiana Fever

24. Biryani butter: GHEE.  Moe-ku #2:

        What's the best butter?
        Some say Irish; I say GHEE.
        Just to clarify ...


28. Bad-mouth: DIS. Are you in the "one S" camp, or the two?  Dis versus diss

29. Stockpile: HOARD.  After my Mom passed away, and I was left to go through her stuff, I realized just how much of a hoarder she was

30. Peculiar: ODD.  Couldn't this be "EVEN"??  The word peculiar has eight letters ... just sayin'

31. Grassy meadow: LEA.  For as many times as I've seen the word "lea" in crossword puzzles, I don't think I've ever used it (in everyday conversation) to describe a grassy meadow

35. Org. with moms, dads, and educators: PTA.

36. Operated: RAN.

37. Post-dubbing title: SIR.

38. Workout regimen with tire flipping: CROSSFIT.  Oh, to be young again ...

39. Dramatic beginning: ACT I.  This is more of a Friday clue

40. Filing tool: RASP.  

41. Bygone jets, briefly: SSTS.

42. __ cut: CREW.  BUZZ also fit

43. Essence of an idea: KERNEL.  This seems kinda corny, to me 

45. Displayed boredom: YAWNED.  I thought that you yawned to get more oxygen into your lungs ... 

46. Warhol genre: POP ART.  Why didn't I think of this???  Could've made a fortune

47. Scares: ALARMS.  The verb form

48. Sings jazzy nonsense syllables: SCATS.  She was the best

52. Farm insects: ANTS.  Some might argue that ants were the original colonists

53. L.A. nabe with an arts district: NO HO.  Short for North Hollywood

54. Animal on "XING" signs: DEER.  Have you ever seen a deer actually cross at one of these signs??

55. Cathedral area: NAVE.  APSE fits, too

59. __ Speedwagon: REO.  Last of the videos ... 

60. Cop to: OWN.  See you all in 2025 ... Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Holidays! 

Dec 13, 2024

Friday, December 13, 2024, Rebecca Goldstein

 Theme:  Less is less.

The theme clues and answers are:

18. Flat sea urchin: SAND QUARTER.  Instead of sand DOLLAR.  

29. Period covered in a midterm exam, maybe: ACADEMIC DIME.  Instead of an academic QUARTER.  When I was in college, a midterm exam covered the first half of an academic quarter.  I suppose an academic dime is a little less than half.

45. Tattles (on): DROPS A NICKEL.  Instead of drops a DIME.  "Drop a dime" is an idiom that means to inform on or betray someone, especially to the authorities.

57. Dense, dark rye bread: PUMPER PENNY.  Instead of pumperNICKEL.

And the reveal ...

36. Form of downsizing, and what has affected 18-, 29-, 45-, and 57-Across?: SHRINKFLATION.  Shrinkflation is a business practice by which a company reduces the size or quantity of a product while keeping the price the same. Fewer Cheerios in the Cheerios box. The value of your DOLLAR is now a QUARTER.

On to more ... or less!


1. Makeup of an oyster bed?: ICE.  Raw oysters are stored and served on crushed ice.

4. Ordering aid: MENU.

8. Superlatively smart: WISEST.

14. Sanskrit honorific: SRI.  In India, Sri is a title of respect used before the name of a man, a god, or a sacred book.

15. Second word in many fairy tales: UPON.  Once upon a time ...

16. Member of the Seven Council Fires: OGLALA.  The Oglala are one of the seven subtribes of the Lakota people who, along with the Dakota, make up the Seven Council Fires.

Thomas White Face, Oglala Lakota, 1899.

17. Ducked, maybe: HID.

18. [Theme clue]

20. Mouth-puckering: TART.

22. Mate mate?: SOUL.  DH is my soul mate.  Or perhaps, my better half.  

23. Altar answer: I DO.  That's essentially what I said to DH!  But it was more like, "Behold, by this ring you are made holy unto me."

Best day ever.

24. Small storage unit: KILOBIT.  A unit of computer memory or data equal to 1,024 (2¹º) bits.  Kilobytes measure storage capacity or data size, while kilobits measure data transfer rates or transmission speeds.  I'm sure you knew this, but I sure didn't!

26. Assumes: ADOPTS.  "Adopt" in the sense of "assume" means to take on or accept something as your own, like an idea, attitude, or position.

29. [Theme clue]

31. Cap: LID.  What do caps and lids conjure up for you?

Caps and lids ... or caps and lids?

32. Hosp. ward: ICU.  Intensive Care Unit in a hospital.  Abbreviation in the clue calls for abbreviation in the answer.

33. South Indian rice cake: IDLI.  Crossword cuisine.


36. [Theme reveal]

41. __ squeeze: MAIN.  Uh, oh.  TMI today about DH!

42. Peaty wetland: FEN.

43. Singular: ONE.

45. [Theme clue]

50. Fresh air, say: BREEZE.

52. "Maybe give it a pass": NO STARS.  A no star rating is a rating that indicates there is no redeeming quality about something.  A reviewer might say "maybe give it a pass" about a bad movie or museum.

53. 401(k) kin: IRA.  Individual Retirement Account.

54. Flying start?: AERO.  A Greek prefix relating to flight and air, as in aerodynamics and aeroplane (British for airplane).

56. Graphic __: ARTS.  The graphic arts include drawing, painting, photography, and printmaking -- all of which are produced on flat surfaces -- and are often associated with visual communication and advertising.

57. [Theme clue]

61. Vote for: YEA.  As opposed to nay.  In a sensible language, these would be yea and nea, or yae and nae, or yay and nay.

63. Wet weather wear: ANORAK.  A usually pullover hooded jacket long enough to cover the hips.

64. Reddit Q&As: AMAS.  Reddit AMAs (which stands for “Ask Me Anything”) are Q&As designed to bring an authority on a subject to a community of interested people.  News to me.

65. Stale, in a way: OLD.

66. Names on some college buildings: DONORS.

67. Toy brand with a 3,955-piece "Home Alone" set: LEGO.  The level of detail in this set is astonishing.

68. Phenomenon that may be explained by NASA: UFO.  Unidentified Flying Object (commonly abbreviated as UFO) is the popular term for any apparent aerial phenomenon whose cause cannot be easily or immediately identified by the observer.


1. In a way: ISH.  The suffix "-ish" is used to form adjectives from nouns or other adjectives to indicate an approximation.

2. Pulitzer category since 1970: CRITICISM.  The Pulitzer Prize for Criticism has been presented since 1970 to a newspaper writer in the United States who has demonstrated "distinguished criticism."

3. Muslim festival that precedes the Tashreeq days: EID AL-ADHA.  Eid al-Adha, or the Feast of Sacrifice, is one of the two main holidays in Islam.  The Days of Tashreeq are the three days after Eid al-Adha.

4. "There's no other explanation": MUST BE.

5. AQI monitor: EPA.  The Air Quality Index is the Environmental Protection Agency's tool for communicating about outdoor air quality and health. 

6. Like some cookware: NONSTICK.

7. Take back: UNDO.

8. Eager agreement: WOULD I.  DH:  Would you marry me?  Me:  Would I?!  (Not the actual words that were uttered.  Proposal-ISH.)

9. Grocery store franchise based in Chicago: IGA.  The Independent Grocers Alliance was founded in 1926 to bring family owned, local grocery stores together under the IGA brand.

10. Shutterbug's initials: SLR.  A single-lens reflex camera (SLR) typically uses a mirror and prism system that permits the photographer to view through the lens and see exactly what will be captured.  I like to point my SLR at birds in the backyard.

Yellow-rumped Warbler, a fall and winter resident in my Los Angeles garden.

11. Hit the deck: EAT IT.  "Hit the deck" means to suddenly fall to the ground, usually to avoid danger. One meaning of "eat it" is to fall down.

12. Para ice hockey gear: SLEDS.  Para ice hockey is an adaptation of ice hockey for players who have a lower body physical disability.  A specialized sled (or sledge) is substituted for skates.

A para ice hockey player handling the puck.

13. Boba tea flavor: TARO.  Taro root has a slightly sweet and nutty flavor with vanilla undertones that goes well with the milk, sugar, and black tea used to make boba tea. Or so I've read!  I'm not a fan of the tapioca bubbles (AKA pearls, AKA boba) in boba tea.

19. Campus square: QUAD.  In architecture, a quadrangle (or colloquially, a quad) is a space or a courtyard, usually rectangular, the sides of which are mainly occupied by parts of a large building, or several smaller buildings.  Often associated with college campuses.

The original quad at UCLA is bordered by the first four campus buildings, dating to 1929:  
the Library, Royce Hall, the Physics Building and the Chemistry Building.  Pictured here is Royce Hall.

21. Staff: ROD.  Psalm 23:4 speaks of God as a good shepherd:  "Your rod and your staff, they comfort me."  The shepherd's rod warded off predators; the staff (with a hook on one end) was used to gently guide the sheep.  Although the two English words are sometimes equated, that is probably an error.  At least in this instance, the Hebrew text uses two distinct words.

24. Actor Penn: KAL.  Kalpen Suresh Modi, known professionally as Kal Penn, is an American actor, author, and former White House staff member in the Barack Obama administration. 

Kal Penn

25. "Name the time and place": I'M IN.

27. Conveniently forget, maybe: OMIT.

28. Treatment for tootsies: PEDI.  A pedicure makes your toes pretty.

30. Results of rolling up one's sleeves?: CUFFS.

34. "Great job, friend!": LOOK AT YOU.

35. Private parts?: INNER SELF.  Ha ha!

37. Roller coaster, e.g.: RIDE.

38. Subject line phrase: IN RE.  In re, Latin for "in the matter [of]," is a term with several different meanings.  I always assumed it meant "in regard to ...."

39. Bill Withers hit that begins, "Sometimes in our lives / We all have pain": LEAN ON ME.  What a great song!

40. Civilization-building video game series set in various years: ANNO.  Did not know this, but guessed the name, since "anno" is Latin for "in the year."

44. Half of roll call: ELS.  The letter L (spelled "el") constitutes half of the letters in "roll call."

46. Range whose highest point is Wahzhazhe Summit: OZARKS.  The Ozarks, also known as the Ozark Mountains, is a region in the states of Missouri, Arkansas, and Oklahoma, as well as the southeastern corner of Kansas.

47. Marshmallow treat: PEEP.

These do not look like good eats.

48. "It's my decision": I SAY SO.  Did your parents give you this answer to "Why?"

49. QB feeder: CTR.  Football *and* abbreviations!

50. "Encanto" uncle: BRUNO.  I saw the 2021 animated film by Walt Disney Studios, but had to guess at this character's name.

51. Rodriguez of "Will Trent": RAMON.  Ramón Rodríguez is a Puerto Rican actor known for his current role as the title character in the ABC series Will Trent.  Well, known to some -- not to me!

Ramón Rodríguez

53. Apple tablet: IPAD.

55. Honest-to-goodness: REAL.

58. Major leaguer: PRO.  A member of a major-league baseball team is a PROfessional ball player.

59. Maize unit: EAR.  Corny!

60. Remind repeatedly, say: NAG.  Dr. Laura Schlessinger says not to do this to our Dear Husbands.

62. Fuss: ADO.  Nagging DH would constitute Much Ado About Nothing.

Here's the grid:

I had one bad cell in the solve, thanks to that small storage unit at 24 Across.
Did you have more?  Or LESS?
