, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 14, 2010

Sunday March 14, 2010 Don Gagliardo

Theme: Why Not - The ending letter Y in each familiar phrase is dropped off.

23A. Attire at the UN?: WORLD WEAR(Y)

25A. Loaner policeman?: COURTESY COP(Y). I see one more untrimmed Y.

40A. Final step in a marksman's manual?: FIRE WHEN READ(Y). When ready, yes. WHEN READ confused me.

53A. Fairway shot that goes in the hole?: DRAMATIC IRON(Y). Golfers use irons when approaching the green from fairway. I always say iron shot, not just iron.

71A. Autograph candy for the Halloween visitor?: SIGN A TREAT(Y)

74A. Lawyer's sure thing?: MIGHTY CASE(Y). Mighty Casey from the great baseball poem "Casey at the Bat". One more untrimmed Y in MIGHTY.

87A. "Grey's Anatomy" leading man?: CLINICAL STUD(Y). This clue made me laugh.

102A. Unexpected piece in a chicken order?: SURPRISE PART(Y). Why "chicken order"?

119A. Russian rodent's approval?: GROUNDHOG DA(Y). Da is Russian for "yes". We often see NYET ("no") in our puzzles.

122A. Dentistry expo?: TOOTH FAIR(Y)

I liked how Don lopped off each Y at the end of each theme entry, very clear and consistent theme pattern.

After glancing at the theme title, I grokked immediately that letter Y might be cut off from theme entries. Just not sure where. So clever interpretation & application of "Why Not".

This puzzle is simpler in concept than Dan Naddor's "Why, Yes!" Sunday puzzle we had last October. Dan inserted Y sound in familiar phrases and it took me some effort to understand his gimmick due to my poor grasp of English pronunciations.

Very pleasant solving. I was engaged and had fun. A couple of question marked clues did confound me.


1. Heathrow landers until 2003, briefly: SSTS. The best SSTS clue I've seen is "Retired boomers?".

5. Cookbook meas.: TBSP. And BASIL (22. Pesto herb). Food items are always welcome!

9. Hunt down: TRACE

14. "All Day Strong" medication: ALEVE. Advil has 5 letters too.

20. Discipline: AREA

21. Tranquil disciplines: YOGAS. Nice consecutive "discipline" clue echo.

27. Ontario-born hockey legend: ORR (Bobby)

28. Suffix with Capri: OTE. Capriote.

29. Film doctor with 7 faces: LAO. "7 Faces of Dr. Lao".

31. River of Germany: EDER. ODER is also a German river.

32. Scale sequence: SO LA. And FAS (116. Followers of mis).

33. Tolkien ringbearer: FRODO. "The Lord of the Rings".

35. National park near Springdale, Utah: ZION. Have you been there?

37. Blastoff follower: ASCENT. Had a brain freeze.

39. Abode: Abbr.: RES (Residence)

43. Liqueur in a godfather cocktail: AMARETTO. Easy guess. The other ingredient is Scotch.

45. Rope loops: NOOSES

46. Hoot: RIOT

48. '60s-'70s hot spot: NAM (Vietnam)

49. B'way sellout sign: SRO (Standing Room Only)

52. Barre move: PLIE. Barre is the ballet handrail.

58. Peerage member: EARL

60. Rajiv's mother: INDIRA (Gandhi). Both assassinated.

62. "Boola Boola" singer: ELI. "Boola Boola" is Yale's fighting song.

63. Pull up stakes, slangily: RELO

64. Dolts: IDIOTS

66. Uncertain word: MAY

67. __ about: meddles: NOSES

70. Enero, e.g.: MES. Spanish for "months".

76. Longtime Tom Petty label: MCA (Music Corporation of America). Now belongs to the Universal. Got me.

78. Sch. that had a Roger Williams Dining Center: URI (University of Rhode Island). Have never heard of Roger Williams.

79. "Swan Lake" swan: ODETTE. Peeked at the answer sheet.

80. Pet food brand: IAMS. Named after the founder Paul Iams.

82. 401, in old Rome: CDI

83. Five-time speed skating gold medalist Eric: HEIDEN. His name escaped me.

86. Neutral hue: ECRU

91. Rainbow goddess: IRIS

93. Sam-I-Am's meat: HAM. Dr. Seuss' "Green Eggs and Ham".

94. Digital comm. method: ASL (American Sign Language). Of course I was thinking of the electronic digital rather than my fingers.

95. FEMA part: Abbr.: EMER

96. Quixote's squire Panza: SANCHO. Sancho Panza. He has an impossible dream too.

98. Some cigarette boxes: FLIP-TOPS

107. Terhune dog: LAD. "Lad, A dog". Stumped me.

108. Quick court contest: ONE SET. Tennis court.

110. Multi-talented Danny: KAYE

111. First name in fragrances: ESTEE

112. Bird that probes mud for food: IBIS. Oh, good to know.

114. Scatter supreme: ELLA (Fitzgerald). Scatter made me think of "disperse" rather than one who scats.

115. Scribble (down): JOT

118. Little amphibian: EFT. Little newt.

125. Corner: HEM IN

126. Hi-fi pioneer Fisher: AVERY. Stranger to me.

127. Mark's successor: EURO. German mark.

128. Pres. Carter's alma mater: USNA. Only know Sen. McCain went there.

129. Flavor: TASTE

130. Frawley role: MERTZ (Fred). Ethel's husband in "I Love Lucy". Played by William Frawley. Blind spot for me.

131. Tease: RIDE. Was ignorant of this meaning.

132. English horn, e.g.: REED


1. Said "Bon voyage!" to: SAW OFF

2. "Edda" author __ Sturluson: SNORRI. He penned "The Prose Edda (or Younger Edda). Nobody to me.

3. Holy one?: TERROR. Holy terror! I wrote down TOLEDO, Jazzbumpa.

4. N.L. cap letters: STL. St. Louis Cardinals.

5. Verb for Tweety: TAWT. The Tweety Bird.

6. Arrives casually: BREEZES IN

7. Vast expanse: SEA

8. Settee settings: PARLORS. I love the sound of the clue.

9. Big name in little trains: TYCO. Now part of Mattel.

10. Milne baby: ROO. Kanga's baby in "Winnie-the-Pooh".

11. Fits of fever: AGUES

12. Bygone library feature: CARD CATALOG. Thank God for computers.

13. Admiration: ESTEEM

14. Toning targets: ABS

15. Chip brand: LAYS. Intel too.

16. Arm offerer: ESCORT

17. Bath salts scent: VIOLET. Sweet violet.

18. City near Ciudad Juárez: EL PASO. Got the answer from crosses.

24. Street corner genre: DOOWOP. Why "street corner"?

26. Elvira's lover, in a Verdi opera: ERNANI. Man, I can never remember this guy's name. He's a bandit chief.

30. Hydrocarbon suffix: ANE

34. Place for a La-Z-Boy: DEN

36. "__ a vacation!": I NEED. I do!

37. 1998 Sarah McLachlan song: ADIA. I often confuse this song title with Verdi's AIDA.

38. __ II razor: TRAC

41. New Age gurus: HOLISTS. According to Wikipeidia, the general principle of holism was concisely summarized by Aristotle in the Metaphysics: "The whole is more than the sum of its parts". I don't understand the "New Age" connection.

42. It may be imposing: ARRAY. Great clue.

44. Kaffiyeh-clad ruler: EMIR

47. "__: The Final Conflict": 1981 horror sequel: OMEN III. No idea. See this poster. I've never heard of any of the Omens series.

49. Groundbreaking?: SEISMIC. And RADICAL (50. Groundbreaking). Fantastic pair of clues.

51. Paper tiger, perhaps: ORIGAMI. Nice clue too. Chairman Mao called US "Paper Tiger".

53. "Fiddlesticks!": DRAT

54. Gomez's wife, affectionately: TISH. "The Addams Family".

55. Chance to get even: REMATCH

56. Fat substitute: OLESTRA. OL (eo) + alteration of (poly) Ester. New fake fat to me.

57. Tiny gnat: NO-SEE-UM. So called because it's hard to see 'um. Yet one more unknown to me.

59. Chaney of horror: LON

61. Poetry movement promoted by Amy Lowell: IMAGISM. Faintly remember Clear Ayes brought us a imagism poem from her.

65. Sigma follower: TAU

68. Some athletic shoes: ETONICS. I like their golf shoes.

69. Chaplin's half brother: SYD. Who knows?

73. 1981 Ross/Richie duet: ENDLESS LOVE. Here is the clip.

74. Wilbur's horse: MR. ED. "A horse is a horse, of course, of course".

75. 2.0: CEE. 2.0 average.

78. Freedom, in Swahili: UHURU. Nope. Not in my memory file. It's pronounced as oo-HOO-roo.

81. Cinch: SNAP

84. Book with a key: DIARY

85. "Sixteen Tons" singer: ERNIE FORD. Here is the clip.

89. Duplicated: CLONED. Penned in COPIED first.

90. Driving need?: TEST. The question marks made me think of golf and TEE(S).

92. "Jeepers!": SHEESH

96. Frying pan mishap: SPATTER

97. Word after photo: OPS. Photo ops.

98. Standby's desire: FLIGHT

99. Tar pits locale: LA BREA. La Brea Tar Pits. La Brea = "the tar" in Spanish.

100. Language learner's challenges: IDIOMS. So true. Slang too.

101. The "P" in P.G. Wodehouse: PELHAM. No, no. Too obscure for me.

103. Studio that made nine of the ten Astaire/Rogers films: RKO

104. Feeling no stress: AT EASE

105. Make genteel: REFINE

106. Monopoly's railroads, e.g.: TETRAD. Group of four.

109. Psyched up: EAGER

113. Exec: SUIT. Slang for business executive.

115. Rapper who co-founded Roc-A-Fella Records: JAY- Z. Very business savvy. Married to Beyoncé.

120. 22.5 deg.: NNE. I forgot the rationale for this clue again.

121. "__ & the Women": 2000 Gere film: DR. T. Is it a good movie?

123. Non's opposite: OUI. Oh, oui, Je t'aime.

124. It may fly in a fight: FUR. Idiom "make the fur fly" = Cause a fight.

Answer grid.
