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Mar 19, 2010

Friday March 19, 2010 Dan Naddor

Theme: Uber-Ersatz - Part of each common English phrase is substituted by a similar sounding German word/name with a corresponding "German" clue.

17A. German version of GQ? HERR STYLE (Hair style). German title, equivalent to Mr. or Lord.

18A. Section reserved for a German composer?: BACH'S SEATS (Box seats). Johann Sebastian Bach.

23A. Car parked next to a German sedan?: AUDI NEIGHBOR (Howdy neighbor!) German car make.

35A. Germans living in the fast lane?: AUTOBAHN SOCIETY (Audubon Society). German motorways which have no general speed limit.

43A. Give a German philosopher the third degree?: QUESTION MARX (Question marks). Karl Marx.

52A. Former German chancellor's coffee sweetener? LUMP OF KOHL (Lump of coal). Helmut Kohl, chancellor of Germany from 1982 to 1998.

59A. Causes for alarm in the West German capital? BONN FIRES (Bonfires). Bonn was the capital of West Germany from 1949 to 1990.

And some bonus fill:

16A. Cousin of danke: MERCI. German and French for 'Thank you".

19D. "Sprechen __ Deutsch?" SIE. German for 'Do you speak German?'

melissa bee here. what an honor to guest blog a Dan Naddor puzzle, and this one was really fun. i love heavy themeage, count 'em, six theme answers. six in german is "sechs," pronounced 'zeks,' rhymes with sex.

(Note from C.C.: There are actually seven theme answers, the first and last two are overlapped. A whopping total 77 theme squares. But Melissa's rhyming comment is precious!)


1. "Eats, Shoots & Leaves" subject: COMMA. Book referred to frequently on this blog, about proper punctuation.

6. Interim measures: STOPGAPS

14. James teammate: O'NEAL. LeBron James and Shaquille O'Neal, Cleveland Cavaliers.

15. Provided home security, in a way: HOUSE SAT. Or haus sat?

20. Freshman, probably: TEEN

21. Lubricate: OIL

22. Back in: RETRO. Everything old is new again.

30. Place follower: SHOW. Win, place and show. Horse racing.

31. Put out: EMIT

32. Comrade: PAL

40. Acidity-level symbols: PH'S. The pH scale corresponds to the concentration of hydronium ions in a solution, and measures the acidity (or basicity) of a solution. Paging Dr. Dad ...

41. Manitoba tribe: CREE

42. Prolific auth.? ANON. Ain't it the truth.

47. Relish: EAT UP

50. Bossy remark? MOO. Great clue. But this is really milking it.

51. La __ Tar Pits: BREA. Is there an echo in here?

61. Excessive: UNDUE. As in undue speeding.

62. In a tight row: END TO END

63. Paris bisector: SEINE. According to Wikipedia, the River Seine in France is 482 miles long, and there are 37 bridges over it in Paris alone. One of the final scenes in 'Something's Gotta Give,' is filmed on just such a bridge, when when Harry (Jack Nicholson), thinking he has lost Erica (Diane Keaton), stumbles out of the Grand Colbert restaurant and past the Hôtel de Ville. Remember?

64. Relieve, as of mistaken ideas: DISABUSE

65. Searches for: SEEKS


1. Search thoroughly: COMB. Like for ticks. "You never know where one might be..."

2. Ready to serve: ONE-A

3. Cougar or Sable, briefly: MERC. Mercury the automobile make.

4. Speed ratio: MACH. It is said that an aircraft is flying at Mach 1 if its speed is equal to the speed of sound in air (which is 332 m/s or 1195 km/hr or 717 miles/hour.) Named after Ernst Mach (1838-1916), an Austrian philosopher and physicist.

5. "The Nowhere City" author Lurie: ALISON (not to be confused with the American rapper named Allison Lurie). Relied on perps for this. Interesting info from Wiki: 'The Nowhere City, evokes both Thomas More’s Utopia (Greek for “nowhere”) and Gertrude Stein’s comment about Oakland, California, “There is no there there.” Coincidentally, my last guest blog puzzle had 'Utopia' clued as "More work."

6. Subway Series stadium: SHEA. The Subway Series is a series of Major League Baseball games played between teams based in New York City. So named in the 1920's because the subway had become an important form of public transport in the city and provided a convenient form of travel between the three city ballparks: the Polo Grounds, in upper Manhattan; Yankee Stadium, in the Bronx; and Ebbets Field in Brooklyn.

7. Suit material? TORT. Torts are civil wrongs recognized by law as grounds for a lawsuit.

8. Couple's word: OURS. Aw.

9. Afterthoughts, briefly: PS'S. Post Scripts.

10. Go-__: GETTER

11. So far: AS YET

12. Not as flushed: PALER

13. Dictator's assistant? STENO. Stenographer.

17. Prefix with pad: HELI. Heli-pad. I hear Jazzbumpa groaning from here.

22. Univ. recruiter: ROTC. Reserve Officers' Training Corps.

23. Quickly, in memos: ASAP. As Soon As Possible.

24. "Don't think so": UH UH

25. Bitmap components: DOTS. Fooled me, I wanted DPI's.

26. '40s flag-raising site, briefly: IWO. Iwo Jima. Here is the famous photograph by Joe Rosenthal, and even live footage.

27. "The Maids" playwright: GENET. No idea.

28. Pinafore letters: HMS. HMS Pinafore, the comic opera by Gilbert and Sullivan.

29. Short life story? BIO. Short for biography.

32. 2003 A.L. Manager of the Year Tony: PENA. A.L. = American League. Pena managed the Kansas City Royals from 2002-2005. Again from Wiki: He is the father of pitcher Tony Francisco Peña (mistakenly known as "Tony, Jr."), as well as New York Mets minor league player Francisco Peña, a prospect for the New York Mets.

33. Fabric finish? ATOR. Finish of the word fabricator. That you again, Jazz? (Groaning, not fabricating.)

34. Bobcat, e.g.: LYNX

36. Support spec: B-CUP. I think Dan threw us a bone.

37. "Chances __": Mathis hit: ARE. Song. Also a movie with Cybill Shepherd, Robert Downey Jr., and Ryan O'Neal.

38. Men: HE'S

39. Sam-__: I AM. He does not like green eggs and ham.

43. Amounts: QUANTA

44. Little rascals: IMPS

45. Hugs, in letters: OOO. XXX are kisses.

46. Easy to use, in adspeak: NO FUSS

47. Subsided: EBBED

48. Rice-__: A-RONI

49. Ministers: TENDS. Verb, not noun.

52. Place: LIEU

53. Coffee servers: URNS

54. Ancient Persian: MEDE. The Medes lived in Media.

55. Place for a pad: KNEE. Knee pad.

56. Comic strip dog: ODIE. Garfield's bane.

57. Adonis: HUNK. Du siehst echt zum Anbeißen gut aus!

58. 19th-century military family: LEES. I was unaware there were so many.

60. "The Gift of the Magi" gift: FOB. Also a set of COMBS (1D).

Answer grid.
