, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Oct 16, 2010

Saturday October 16, 2010 Barry Silk

Theme: None

Total words: 72

Total blocks: 28

Quite low black square count. One letter V away from being a pangram.

Barry framed this puzzle with 12 ten-letter entries, triple-stacked in each quadrant:

5A. Younger partner : JESSE JAMES. The Younger brothers. Four Js in the grid, two in this fill alone.

16A. Field for bug bugs : ENTOMOLOGY. I used to confuse it with etymology.

18A. They need to be transcribed : STENO NOTES

58A. Networking asset : SHARED FILE. Gorgeous entry.

62A. Scotch part? : PINE NEEDLE. Not familiar with Scotch Pine.

64A. Agent's accounts : SPY STORIES

1D. Southwestern national park, or the primary plant that grows there : JOSHUA TREE. This is a theme answer in Jerome's tease puzzle, with JOSH embedded in front.

2D. Apparent : OSTENSIBLE

3D. Strength-training exercises : ISOMETRICS. No idea. It strengthens an isolated area?

30D. Three-time U.S. Open champ : TIGER WOODS. Nailed it.

31D. He played Max Bialystock in "The Producers" : ZERO MOSTEL. Nailed it as well, since I got the crossing TZU easily.

32D. Act diplomatically : USE FINESSE.

A typical Silk puzzle. Long & scrabbly answers. Several baseball references as well, including his home team.


1. Bring together : JOIN

15. Bone, to Benito : OSSO. Osso Buco = Bone with a hole.

17. USAF plane for limited runways : STOL (Short Takeoff and Landing). Drew blank again, Dudley!

19. Surgical instrument that stops bleeding : HEMOSTAT. Hemo is prefix for "blood".

21. Ice cream choice : QUART. Was thinking of flavor.

22. A, in Arles : UNE

23. Crime show in its 11th season : CSI. "Crime" hint was a big help.

24. Modem speed unit : BAUD. Kept reading "Modern speed unit".

26. "Per ardua ad __": RAF motto : ASTRA. Literally "Through Adversity to the Stars".

28. Pope before Paul V : LEO XI. Educated guess.

30. Lao-__ : TZU. It's Lao-Zi in Mandarin Chinese. Literally "Old Master".

33. Bitter outburst : TIRADE

35. 2008 World Series champs : PHILLIES. Barry made a tribute puzzle to celebrate the win.

37. Baseball stats : RBIS

38. Small opening? : MICRO. As in microscope.

40. Fiend : OGRE

41. Stiff's nickname : EL CHEAPO. I was picturing a priggish old woman.

43. Formed from : MADE OF

45. Some MIT grads : EES

46. Screams : RIOTS

48. Manhattan Project notable : FERMI (Enrico). 1938 Nobel Winner in Physics.

49. Forward : BOLD

50. Result in a roped-off area, briefly : TKO. Boxing.

52. Earned : WON. Oh, as in earned/won the trust.

53. Equally hot : AS MAD. I had different "hot" in mind.

56. Cobra-killing carnivore : MONGOOSE. Was ignorant that it feeds on cobra.

61. Scribbles : JOTS

63. Sidewalk sale items : ADES

65. Bikini component : ISLE. No bra. Just Bikini Atoll.


4. Court plea, briefly : NOLO. Nolo contendere.

5. Kids : JESTS

6. Necessitate : ENTAIL

7. Proof mark : STET. "Ignore the change" mark.

8. Didactic term of address : SON. Nice clue.

9. Expressive rock genre : EMO. Three letter rock genre has to be EMO. Dark stuff.

10. Flower in the amaryllis family : JONQUIL. No idea. See here. Dictionary says it's rooted in Latin juncus, meaning "rush".

11. Voiced : ALOUD

12. Manny with 150 career pinch hits : MOTA. Totally unknown. See this photo. #11. Dodgers. Did you get it immediately, Bill?

13. Hungarian wine region : EGER. Well, maybe Jazzbumpa knows.

14. Part of SSS: Abbr. : SYST

20. Large number : SCAD. And 55. Myriad : MANY.

24. Quantum physics pioneer : BOHR (Niels). Nobel Physics 1922.

25. Accepted principle : AXIOM

27. Impetuous : RASH

29. Disney acronym : EPCOT

34. Spam, at times : EMAIL

36. Rich supply : LODE

39. 2001 high-tech debut : IPOD. That early?

42. Like wind and surf : ERODENT

44. Clueless, after "in" : A FOG

47. 1966 U.S. Open champ Fred : STOLLE. Tennis. I drew a blank. Just knew it's can't be Couples. Fred Couples has never own US Open.

49. Discloses : BARES

51. Places for pads : KNEES. And MIDI (56. It covers the 51-Down). Did you want PADS?

53. Ancient royal symbols : ASPS. Ancient Egypt.

54. Crow's-nest sighting : SHIP

57. Resort NNE of Ventura : OJAI. Man, this has become a popular city in Xword.

59. __ gratias : DEO. "Thanks be to God".

60. French iron : FER. No idea. Fer-de-lance = Iron of the lance. Strange name for a snake.

Answer grid.
