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Mar 9, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 Gareth Bain

Theme: O, MG! Each theme answer is a two word name, with the initial letters M and G.

17A. *Moscow park eponym : MAXIM GORKY.  Gorky Park is an amusement park in Moscow, named after the Russian/Soviet author born Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov. The bitterness of his early experiences in Russia led him to choose the name Maxim Gorky (which means "the bitter one") as his pseudonym. 

61A. *"What's Going On" singer : MARVIN GAYE. LOVE any excuse to see his name. What a genius, and like many other brilliant artists, awash in drama and gone too soon. This tune seems appropriate, as tax filing time nears.

10D. *20th-century cartoonist who wrote "He Done Her Wrong," a 300-page pantomime tale : MILT GROSS. Billed as one of the greatest cartoonists of the 20th century. Complete title: He Done Her Wrong: The Great American Novel and Not a Word in It — No Music, Too. It's the story of a young man from out of the wilderness, coonskin cap and all, who falls in love with a fair maiden. 

32D. *"Mad Max" star : MEL GIBSON. Still in the doghouse.

61D. With "the," 48-Down's band (which sounds as if it could have included the answers to starred clues) : MG'S

48D. Leader of the band with the 1962 hit "Green Onions" : BOOKER T. I know this song because it is on the soundtrack of one of my favorite movies, Get ShortyLook at me.

Melissa here. This seemed to be on the easy side for a wednesday, very few pauses or unknowns. Not a terribly exciting theme (MG), although i loved the trivia associated with all the above answers, and found lots excuses for musical tie-ins. 


1. Doughnut shape : TORUS

6. Doofus : CLOD. Tried putz first.

10. Hi sign nicknames : MOMS. Hi, Mom!

14. Furniture wood : EBONY. 

15. Circle dance : HORA

16. Does a bakery job : ICES. Aced it.

19. "__ we forget" : LEST

20. Palm Treos, e.g., briefly : PDA'S. Personal Digital Assistant.

21. Tailless primate : APE

22. School orgs. : PTA'S. Parent Teacher Association.

23. Article for Adenauer : EIN. German, translates to a, an, one, on, or any. Konrad Adenauer was the first chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. Following WWII, he brought Germany prosperity, democracy, stability and respect. To a large extent Adenauer's policies still dominate Germany.

24. Upside-down frown : SMILE

26. __ Dei : AGNUS. Latin term meaning "Lamb of God." Rufus's take.

28. __ Andreas Fault : SAN. In my backyard. For now.

29. Bit of dogma : TENET

30. Poppycock : TRIPE

31. Opera setting, for short : THE METThe Metropolitan Opera, in New York City's Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. Reminded me of Moonstruck, which just came up on the blog.

33. Outs partners : IN'S. In's and out's.

35. Hops-drying oven : OAST

36. Animals who often bear twins : EWES. Windhover!

38. Evokes wonder in : AWES

40. Asian sea : ARAL

43. It's not known for MPG efficiency : SUV. Sport Untility Vehicle - gas guzzler.

45. Soak up : ABSORB

49. Din in the library? : GUNGA. Gunga Din, one of Rudyard Kipling's most famous poems, from the point of view of a British soldier, about a native water-bearer (a "bhisti") who saves the soldier's life but dies himself. Jim Croce adapted the poem into a song for his album Facets.

51. One of Chekhov's "Three Sisters" : MASHA. Olga, Maria (Masha) and Irina.

53. Big suit, briefly : CEO. "Suit" is slang for executive.

54. About the eye : OPTIC

55. Elect to take part : OPT IN

56. Hoo-ha : ADO

57. Option for Hamlet : TO BE. Or not to be.

58. Exxon Valdez cargo : OIL. Very moving documentary about the spill, Black Wave.

59. Short run, for short : ONE K. 1 mile = 1.609344 kilometers.

60. Wimple wearers : NUNS. Medieval garment worn by women around the head.

64. Élan : BRIO. Enthusiastic vigor. Hm ... i need to start using this word.

65. Kindergarten staple : GLUE. And sometime snack.

66. Courtroom demand : ORDER. Order in the court!

67. Quite a long time : AEON

68. Pair in bunk beds, perhaps : SIBS. Siblings.

69. Burden bearer : BEAST


1. Violent storm : TEMPEST

2. Shortest book in the Hebrew Bible : OBADIAH. After Amos, and before Jonah. I had to memorize all the books of the bible in order as a child. One of those things that sticks.

3. Steve Martin film based on "Cyrano de Bergerac" : ROXANNE. Mildly amusing movie. Better tune.

4. Colleges, to Aussies : UNI'S

5. Mozart's "Jupiter," e.g.: Abbr. : SYM. Symphony.

6. Noted composer of études : CHOPIN

7. Rhine siren : LORELEI. rock on the eastern bank of the Rhine near St. Goarshausen, Germany, which soars some 120 metres above the waterline. 

8. Mork's planet : ORK

9. "And God called the light __": Genesis : DAY

11. "1984" setting : OCEANIA. From Wikipedia: George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four takes place in Oceania, one of three intercontinental super-states who divided the world among themselves after a global war. 

12. Goofs : MESSUPS

13. Old JFK arrival : SST

18. Spermatozoa, e.g. : GAMETES. A cell that fuses with another cell during fertilization.

22. Frisk, with "down" : PAT. Pat-down.

24. Crock-Pot potful : STEW. Crock-Pot weather lately.

25. Sicilian mount : ETNA

27. Collector's goal : SET. 

34. East African language : SWAHILI

37. Sport for heavyweights : SUMO. Sumo wrestling.

39. Israeli diplomat Abba : EBAN

40. In days past : AGO

41. Burst : RUPTURE

42. Actor Banderas : ANTONIO

44. Vicks ointment : VAPORUB

46. Anthem for "eh" sayers : O CANADA. Canadians end a lot of their sentences with the confirming, "eh?" like Americans ask, "right?" or "you know?" at the end of sentences to make sure they are understood clearly or to verify that the other party agrees. Nice puzzle today, eh?

47. Overnight flights : RED EYES

50. Impeccable service : ACE. Tennis. Great clue.

52. "As I was going to __ ..." : ST. IVES. English nursery rhyme: 

         As I was going to St Ives

I met a man with seven wives
Each wife had seven sacks
Each sack had seven cats
Each cat had seven kits
Kits, cats, sacks, wives
How many were going to St Ives?

59. Fairy tale baddie : OGRE

60. Hoops org. : NBA. Basketball.

62. Poetic boxer : ALI

63. San Francisco's __ Hill : NOB. Also Telegraph Hill and Russian Hill.

Answer grid.
