, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jun 8, 2011

Wednesday, June 8 2011, C.W. Stewart and J.K. Hummel

Theme: double down. nouns that fit into a certain group are used to create a silly, two-word phrase, first word functioning as a verb & second a well-known name.

17A. *Persistently pester journalist Blitzer? : BADGER WOLF. wolf blitzer, cnn reporter. (mammals)

23A. *Evade actor Harrison? : DODGE FORD. harrison ford, actor. (car makes)

51A. *"Look out, Ichabod!"? : DUCK CRANE. ichabod crane. (fowl)

11D. *Spotted rapper MC? : SAW HAMMER. m.c. hammer. (tools). really, you can't. touch these.pants.

32D. *"Step on it, Mrs. Cleaver!"? : MARCH JUNE. june cleaver. (months)

and the unifier:

62A. Biblical cargo, or what makes up the answers to starred clues : TWO OF A KIND

clever  phrases, made me giggle. fun when the theme answers include acrosses and downs. don't recognize these constructors but they have teamed up before in at least one nyt puzzle (1/29/2008.) can you think of any more 'two of a kind' clues and answers?

melissa here, and this will be somewhat brief today. don't blink.


1. Relay, say : RACE

5. Parasol purpose : SHADE. monet's woman with a parasol.

10. Nile biters : ASPS

14. University with a law school in Greensboro : ELON. north carolina. had no idea.

15. Swiss Alps refrain : YODEL

16. Like a blue moon : RARE. van the man.

19. Branch branch : TWIG

20. Business opening? : I MEAN. "i mean business."

21. Ballerina's pivot point : TOE. that's gotta hurt.

22. Dodo : SCHMO. dodo!

25. Carte start : ALA. a menu item ordered and priced separately.

26. Goof up : ERR

27. Office assortment : STAMPS

30. NCR product : ATM. ncr corporation, first made cash registers, now makes atm's (among other things).

33. Moronic : OAFISH.

37. Fictional pirate : SMEE

38. Crumbly soil : LOAM

40. Word with mouth or pool : MOTOR

41. Flu fighters : SERA

42. Taj Mahal site : AGRA

43. Large departure : EXODUS

45. Pirate's potent potable : RUM. yo ho ho.

46. Like some cows : SACRED

48. Take in : NAB. vague clue.

50. "Let me think ..." : HMM.

57. Green-skinned pear : ANJOU

59. Blood system letters : ABO

60. Tease : RAG ON. i don't really think of them as being the same.

61. Chef lead-in : SOUS

64. "Green Gables" girl : ANNE. anne of green gables.

65. Plumber's tool : SNAKE

66. Zeno of __ : ELEA. no idea. 5th century bc greek philosopher. anyone know this?

67. Amanda of "Gulliver's Travels" (2010) : PEET

68. Fall flower : ASTER

69. Paving stone : SETT. a rectangular, quarried stone.


1. Auction action : RE-BID

2. Avis rival : ALAMO

3. Like some wartime messages : CODED

4. Captivate : ENGAGE

5. Turk. neighbor : SYR

6. Instruction book : HOW TO

7. "Every wall is __": Emerson : A DOOR. ralph waldo emerson quote.

8. Edited out : DELED

9. North Pole resident, presumably : ELF

10. Place for a nude : ART CLASS. but welcome in other places also.

12. Proper partner? : PRIM

13. Showy lily : SEGO. utah state flower.

18. Cool time in Madrid : ENERO

22. Made a lap : SAT

24. Set up : FRAMED

27. Diminished : SHRUNK

28. Lima or llama land : PERU. dig the alliteration.

29. Mine line : SEAM. did not know this term. "a stratum of ore or coal thick enough to be mined with profit."

30. "Woe is me!" : ALAS

31. Frat party wrap : TOGA

34. Deceive : FOX

35. "What was __ do?" : I TO

36. Instant lawn : SOD

39. Small monkey : MARMOSET. strange looking.

44. Pelvic bones : SACRA

47. Down Under runner : EMU

49. Traffic stoppers? : BRAKES

51. Suddenly occurs to, with "on" : DAWNS. dawns on.

52. WWII German sub : U-BOAT

53. "Another Saturday Night" singer Sam : COOKE. oldie.

54. Nimble : AGILE

55. The Muses, e.g. : NONET

56. Conclude by : END AT

57. PDQ relative : ASAP

58. Not a lick : NONE. aw.

62. Frisk-y govt. group? : TSA. great clue.

63. Not agin : FER
