, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 7, 2012

Wednesday, March 7 2012, Erik Agard

theme: zip it.

17A. 1981 Richard Pryor film : BUSTIN' LOOSE. during the shooting of this film richard pryor caught himself on fire while freebasing cocaine. article.

24A. Band whose frontman passes through the audience in a plastic bubble, with "The" : FLAMING LIPS. wayne coyne, in his famous bubble.

46A. "Everything but" item : KITCHEN SINK. 'everything but the kitchen sink.'

58A. Jolly Roger fliers : PIRATE SHIPS. skull and crossbones flag.

60A. The word, as suggested by the saying formed by the ends of this puzzle's four longest answers : MUM. according to wikipedia, loose lips shink ships is an american english idiom meaning 'beware of unguarded talk,' which originated on propaganda posters during WWII.

seemed a bit easier than a wednesday level to me, but still provided some learning moments. haven't seen this constructor's name before, might be his debut.


1. Taj Mahal city : AGRA. always nice to start with a gimme.

5. Merry : JOVIAL. like santa.

11. One doing serious crunching in 29-Down : CPA (certified public accountant), and 29d. Busy mo. for 11-Acrosses : APR. timely.

14. Perturb : ROIL

15. Hang on a clothesline : AIR DRY

16. One of a swiveled pair : HIP. technically, the hip is a ball-and-socket joint.

19. Sit-__: protests : INS

20. Ancient Greek theater : ODEON. beautiful.

21. Merry old king : COLE. nursery rhyme, 'old king cole was a merry old soul, and a merry old soul was he.'

22. In a funk : BLUE

23. Managed : RAN. can anyone identify this quote without googling? 'he ran spain.' 'spain?' 'the country, he ran it, it was his job.'

27. Typical "Twilight" fan : TEEN. i haven't seen any of them, have you?

28. Billy of "Titanic" : ZANE. yummy.

29. Daisylike blooms : ASTERS

32. Pipe dream : DELUSION. haha.

36. Bartlett, e.g. : PEAR. a different kind of yummy.

37. Distress signal : SOS

38. Pop : SODA

39. Chew out : REPROACH. to express dissolution.

42. Chic : TRENDY

44. "How steak is done" sauce : A-ONE. good steaks are like good men ... better undressed.

45. Like a battery needing a charge : DEAD

50. "Don't __": 2005 R&B hit : CHA. pussycat dolls.

53. Dull discomfort : ACHE

54. Chess ending : MATE

55. Cultural values : ETHOS

57. King of Spain : REY. spanish.

61. Cab rider-to-be : HAILER. went to new york for the first time last month, got to be a pretty good hailer.

62. Sheltered, at sea : ALEE

63. Mimic : APE

64. Lover of Tristan : ISOLDE. vagner opera.

65. Student's stressor : TEST


1. Shady alcove : ARBOR

2. Dutch cheese : GOUDA. named after the city of gouda in the netherlands. gouda cheese market.

3. Gotten up : RISEN

4. Choir member : ALTO

5. "The Brady Bunch" girl : JAN

6. Tin Woodman's saving grace : OIL CAN

7. Auto race noise : VROOM

8. Puts on a pedestal : IDOLIZES

9. Arms supply : ARSENAL

10. Caustic substance : LYE

11. It's measured in alarms : CHILI. cliff huxtable's 8-alarm chili (from the cosby show).

12. Man cave hanging : PINUP

13. Church areas : APSES

18. Suss out : INFER

22. Leading a charmed life : BLESSED

25. Guitar great Paul : LES. died in 2009.

26. Novel-sounding beast : GNU. also called a wildebeest.

27. Outdoor dining spot : TERRACE. just did so yesterday, gotta love california.

30. Notice : SEE.

31. Percussive dance : TAP.

32. Homer call? : D'OH. Homer Simpson.

33. Charged particle : ION

34. Like 2011, e.g. : ODD

35. Anti's cry : NAY

37. Plot outline : SCENARIO

40. "Delightful!" : OOH

41. Causes of pallors : ANEMIAS

42. Phil Rizzuto's number : TEN. Retired by the Yankees in 1985.

43. Fall implements : RAKES

45. Tried to lose, in a way : DIETED

46. Fate : KARMA

47. Freeze, as a road : ICE UP

48. Herb in a bouquet garni : THYME

49. Slot in a stable : STALL

50. Country that's nearly 25 times as long as its average width : CHILE

51. Crosses one's fingers : HOPES

52. Liability's opposite : ASSET

56. The other one : THAT

58. Key letter : PHI

59. Before, to a bard : ERE

Answer grid.
