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Mar 18, 2012

Sunday March 18, 2012 John Lampkin

Theme: How to Finish This Puzzle -Every "Don't give up" phrase is interpreted as if it's related to the profession in the clue.

24A. Persevere, like a teamster? : KEEP ON TRUCKIN'

39A. Persevere, like a stand-up comic? : NEVER SAY DIE. I don't quite get this one. Is it because comics slay (amuse) their audience?

68A. Persevere, like a frequent flier? : CARRY ON

95A. Persevere, like a very loud organist? : DON'T STOP NOW. Those organ knobs are called "stops". That's all I know.

113A. Persevere, like a golfer? : STAY THE COURSE. Golf course.

3D. Persevere, like a boxing promoter? : PUT UP A GOOD FIGHT

6D. Persevere, like a judge? : TRY, TRY AGAIN. Ha ha!

47D. Persevere, like a lightning rod installer? : STAND YOUR GROUND

70D. Persevere, like a museum curator? : HANG IN THERE

Fun theme. Don G and I had a similar gimmick a while ago, except we clued each answer as related to the animal. Our HANG IN THERE clue is "Advice to a monkey"? Didn't interest Rich enough.

John is an artist. He pays attention the visual aspect of his grid. The arraignment of the theme entries in this grid shows his taste, skills & perseverance. How he consistently avoids cheater squares for Sunday grids is beyond me. This one has a low back square count also. Only 64. Our norm is 74.


1. Bestows on, with "to" : IMPARTS

8. Forgoes scissors : TEARS. And 11D. Forgo scissors : RIP. Clecho (clue echo). All in green highlight in my write-up.

13. Captivates : ENAMORS

20. Fashionista's field : COUTURE. As in "Haute couture". "60 Minutes" had a good segment on Anna Wintour a while ago.

21. Bring to the mix : ADD IN

22. "Sorry, Charlie" : NO SIREE

23. Start to finish, e.g.? : ANTONYM. Start & Finish are antonyms. Great clue.

26. It may be abstract or concrete : NOUN. I like this clue too.

27. Stopwatch users : TIMERS

29. Intent : AIM

30. "Gladiator" composer Zimmer : HANS. No idea. But John is a musician. As I said before, clues often reflect constructors' interests.

31. Examines closely : PEERS AT. And 49. Examination : TEST.

33. Raise a glass to : TOAST. 103. Where glasses may be raised? : OPERA. Opera glasses.

36. Clerical residence : MANSE

37. Really boring : DEADLY

42. Lang. of Jamaica : ENG. "One Love"!

43. Dora the Explorer, for one : LATINA. Dora Marquez, "the first animated Latina character in a leading role".

45. Cartoonist Keane : BIL. Died last Nov.

46. Ready : ALL SET

50. Place for a plunger in Plymouth : LOO. Plymouth, England.

51. It's wet in Oaxaca : AGUA

52. Infatuated, old-style : SMIT

54. Display irritation : BRISTLE

55. Sea debris : FLOTSAM. And Jetsam.

57. Warmup for college hopefuls, briefly : PSAT. And 40D. Poughkeepsie college : VASSAR. Another clecho with the previous "Aussi college" for UNI (89-A).

58. Diamond strategy : BUNT. Bunts are boring to watch, unless the bunter is Ichiro, right, LaLaLinda?

59. Morning hrs. : AMs

60. "VoilĂ !" : TA DA

61. Hand-on-chest words : I SWEAR

63. listing : JOB

64. Contingency phrase : IF NOT

66. Writer Lebowitz : FRAN. She's in "Law & Order".

70. Challenging : HARD

71. Impose fraudulently : FOIST. On or upon.

73. Rams' city: Abbr. : STL. St. Louis Rams.

74. Musician awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2011 : YO-YO MA. Yo means "friendly". Chinese nickname usually is a repeat of the last word of the given name. Hence the panda name Ling Ling. My sister-in-law calls me Chin Chin (a repeat of my Cantonese name Chow Chin).

76. Julio's yesterday : AYER. Spanish.

79. Neighbor of Uru. : ARG

80. Isaac's eldest : ESAU

82. Aussie runners : EMUS. And 89. Aussie college : UNI. That's convenient. Hi there Kazie!

83. Nonnegotiable, as a plan : IN STONE

85. Queequeg crewmate : ISHMAEL. "Moby Dick".

87. Suds : BREW

88. Utah state flower : SEGO. Ours is Lady's slipper.

90. Do routine tire maintenance : ROTATE

91. Inspired mixture : AIR

92. Strands at a chalet, maybe : ICES IN

94. Carpet : RUG

98. Bean or noodle : NOGGIN

100. Leipzig legwear : HOSEN. German for "hose"? I know lederhosen.

104. Strove to attain : WENT FOR

106. Dip __ in: test the water : A TOE

107. Manage moguls : SKI. Marti knows how to manage them.

108. Full of school spirit : RAH RAH

110. Wealthy "Wind in the Willows" character : TOAD. Mr. Toad.

117. Longtime CBS golf analyst Ken : VENTURI. I like Johnny Miller. He can be brutally honest.

119. Nintendo game with Pikachu : POKEMON

120. Nasty smile : SNEER

121. Hall of talk : ARSENIO. I thought Clinton was really cool when he appeared in this guy's show.

122. Scaredy-cats : SISSIES

123. Surfer wannabe : HODAD

124. Hero's hero : LEANDER. Such a moving love story.


1. "If __ make it there ...": "New York, New York" lyric : I CAN

2. Like old records : MONO

4. Set things right : ATONED

5. Make tracks : RUN

7. Weigh station visitors : SEMIs

8. Grab a coffee, say : TAKE TEN

9. Central German river : EDER

10. "__ Fideles" : ADESTE

12. Cat lead-in : SNO. I'm already wearing short shorts. Hot here.

13. Sum of all parts : ENTITY. Drew a blank.

14. Cliff's pal on "Cheers" : NORM

15. Sun Devils' sch. : ASU

16. "Where Creativity Happens" retail chain : MICHAELS. I like their flowery notebooks. Very pretty.

17. Mork, by birth : ORKAN

18. Harness straps : REINS

19. Get the feeling : SENSE

25. Nosy? : NASAL. Fun clue.

28. Craze : MANIA

32. Fitzgerald et al. : ELLAS

34. Planetary path : ORBIT. Quite a few alliteration in the clues today.

35. "__ turns out ..." : AS IT

36. Revolutionary army : MILITIA

37. Dutch city in many Vermeer paintings : DELFT. Did you watch "Girl with a Pearl Earring"?

38. First name in bombers : ENOLA

41. "Nerts!" : DARN

44. Antacid choice : TUMS

48. Pal of Grover : ELMO

53. Proposal with a nice ring? : MARRY ME. Sweet! It does have a nice ring to it. And 57. Ring out : PEAL

54. Buster : BUB. Did not know this meaning of "Buster".

56. Works on the road : TARS

58. One-named rocker : BONO

62. Carrie Nation's org. : WCTU. No idea. Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Wikipedia says it still exists.

63. High points : JOYS

65. Kegger locale : FRAT

67. Pigged out : ATE A TON

69. "Oh, I give up!" : YOU WIN

71. Susceptible to sunburn, probably : FAIR

72. Roughly : OR SO

73. "Exodus" actor Mineo : SAL

75. Architect __ van der Rohe : MIES

77. The blahs : ENNUI. Is anyone wearing Eclat?

78. Rule : REIGN

81. Beheld : SEEN

82. Computer message : ERROR

84. Arabic : ibn :: English : __ : SON OF

86. Flirted with, with "at" : MADE EYES. Made me think of Jeannie.

87. Calamine target : BITE

88. Thread puller : SEWER

91. Gelatin garnish : ASPIC. What? Garnish only? Aspic is the gelatin to me.

93. Branding iron wielder : COWHERD. I always want to watch "Brokeback Mountain", but Boomer says "No".

96. Mementos : TOKENS

97. Nearly birdied : PARRED. True when you had a tap-in par.

99. Understood : GOTTEN

100. Hinged fasteners : HASPS

101. 10th-century Roman emperor : OTTO I. How should we clue our own D-Otto? 21st-century Crossword Corner emperor?

102. Drenches : SOAKS

105. Involving warships : NAVAL

107. Dealer's dispenser : SHOE. Gambling.

109. No longer in port : ASEA

111. Soul singer India.__ : ARIE. A gimme for most constructors, same with yesterday's SCREAM QUEEN, a term forever associated with Fay Wray. Not many ways to clue FAY.

112. Poison and Pure Poison creator : DIOR. Miss Dior last time.

114. "OMG! Spare me!" : TMI

115. Kyrgyzstan city : OSH

116. Card game shout : UNO

118. DOD division : NSA. DOD= Department of Defense.

Answer grid.

1) Happy Birthday to dear Warren! Hope Ruth makes this day very special to you.

2) From John Lampkin:

Greetings from Florida, where I’m doing a week-long series of presentations to Nature groups based on my book of macro-photographs of insects, “Bugged Beyond Belief.” Blog regulars Lemonade and Annette and I are meeting Wednesday night, March 21 for dinner in Hollywood, FL. Please email me at for details. You are all welcome to join us if you promise to behave. Or not.