, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Apr 11, 2012

Wednesday, April 11 2012, Jack McInturff

theme: death and TAXES - TAXES is spelled out by the starting letters of all the theme answers.

benjamin franklin: "in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." very timely. hopefully most of us are done with this annual nightma-- ... er, chore, for another year.

18A. Porterhouse relatives : T-BONE STEAKS. ribeye for me, please.

24A. Hannibal Smith underling : A-TEAM MEMBER. george peppard portrayed this character in the tv series.

36A. Any of five Wolverine films : X-MEN MOVIE. based on marvel comic's fictional character. had to look it up, i've never seen any of them.

54A. Some online shoppers : E-BAY BIDDERS. anyone here not an e-bayer?

59A. Pot holder, perhaps : S-SHAPED HOOK. like this.

32A. Org. concerned with the word spelled by the starts of 18-, 24-, 36-, 54- and 59-Across : IRS. internal revenue service.

melissa here. since april 15th falls on a sunday this year, we have some extra time to file. if you haven't filed yet, you really shouldn't be here. go do your taxes. we'll wait.


1. Great, in slang : BAD. she's built, she's stacked.

4. Take as one's own : ADOPT

9. Scenic view : VISTA

14. Fifth in NYC, e.g. : AVE. major thoroughfare in midtown manhattan, "most expensive street in the world."

15. Indian prince : RAJAH

16. Indian, e.g. : OCEAN. world's third largest ocean.

17. [Quoted verbatim] : SIC. notation that indicates words are transcribed exactly as spelled from the original source, complete with any mistakes.

20. Trading center : MART

22. Without __: pro bono : A FEE. "professional work undertaken voluntarily and without payment or at a reduced fee as a public service." then there's these pro bonos.

23. Chop : HEW. to cut, as with an axe.

28. Dined : ATE. a belated easter funny ...

29. Polish place : TOENAIL

30. MetLife, for one : INSURER

33. Muslim leader : IMAM

35. Popular dolls : KENS. how you doin'?

40. Jeer : GIBE

43. Geraint's lady : ENID. here is the wikipedia page.

44. Cookbook abbr. : TSP. teaspoon.

47. Elite athlete : ALL-STAR

51. Urban skyline standout : EDIFICE. a building of imposing appearance or size.

53. Actress Peeples : NIA

56. Receive : GET

57. Talker on a perch : MYNA. talking myna bird.

58. Aid companion : ABET

64. Reason for gaping : AWE

65. Immunity agent : T-CELL. lymphocytes.

66. Porter's "__ the Top" : YOU'RE. cole porter tune from the 1934 musical 'anything goes.'

67. Dastard : CUR. new to me, but both are synonyms for coward.

68. Halos : AURAE

69. Board game with an exclamation point in its name : SORRY! and
55d. Internet giant with an exclamation point in its name : YAHOO!

70. Mil. spud duties : KP'S. kitchen patrols.


1. Long-grained Asian rice : BASMATI

2. One skilled in plane talk : AVIATOR

3. Fiats : DECREES

4. Legal hangings? : ART. haha.

6. Pancho's peeper : OJO. spanish for eye.

7. Jet age 2011-'12 TV drama : PAN AM. abc series.

8. Hoover led it for 37 yrs. : THE FBI

9. Political pollsters' targets : VOTERS

10. Winter glaze : ICE

11. Mollusk named for its pair of long earlike appendages : SEA HARE. pretty.

12. Rest : TAKE TEN. also, paul desmond's sequel to his monster hit 'take five,' that he wrote for the dave brubeck quartet.

13. Responds : ANSWERS

19. Espied : SEEN

21. Catch some rays : TAN. soon!

25. Injure severely : MAIM. ow.

26. Marceau, notably : MIME. marcel marceau.

27. Verve : ELAN

31. Don Ho's instrument : UKE. ukulele.

34. Sra.'s French counterpart : MME.

36. Crosses (out) : X'ES

37. A student's GPA blemish : ONE B. alright.

38. Caesar's "I saw" : VIDI. latin.

39. "__ it my way" : I DID. frank sinatra's signature song.

40. Kind of rap : GANGSTA. from wikipedia: "a subgenre of hip hop music that evolved from hardcore hip hop and purports to reflect urban crime and the violent lifestyles of inner-city youths."

41. Former Romanian president : ILIESCU.
President of Romania from 1990 until 1996, and from 2000 until 2004. a bit obscure.

42. Utter nonsense : BLATHER

44. Secure behind one's head, as long hair : TIE BACK

45. Make a mess of : SCREW UP

46. Really bugs : PESTERS

48. Synagogue : TEMPLE

49. "Rock-__ Baby" : A-BYE

50. Actor Quaid and pitcher Johnson : RANDYS

52. Pharm. watchdog : FDA. food and drug administration. also known as the f-duh.

60. According to : A LA. or, 'in the manner of.'

61. "__ Song": #1 country hit for Taylor Swift : OUR

62. Hockey great : ORR. bobby.

63. Opener on a ring : KEY

Answer grid.
