, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Apr 22, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012 John Lampkin

Theme: "Hiss Story" - Snake puns. One word in each common phrase is replaced by a sound-alike snake name. Snake crawling paths are symbolized by consecutive black squares in the middle of the grid (I think).

24A. Healthy, happy newborn snake? : BOUNCING BABY BOA. Bouncy baby boy. This clue brought a big smile.

38A. Wild and crazy snake? : PARTY MAMBA. Party member. Fun clue also.

59A. Schmoozing snake? : SOCIAL ADDER. Social ladder. A consonant is added.

84A. Dashing young snake? : RACER BLADE. Razor blade. Not familiar with racer snake.

99A. Snake in the glass? : WINDSHIELD VIPER. Windshield wiper.

3D. Poolside snake's shedding spot? : COBRA CABANA. Copacabana.

62D. Run-of-the-mill snake? : ASP PER USUAL. As per usual.

40D. Classic Belushi comedy, or an apt description of this puzzle's grid? : ANIMAL HOUSE. Too broad a term. It's not really needed for this theme. I wonder if this entry came up at John's filling process.

100D. Warning from the critters that appear to be slithering through the grid? : SSS. Remember Marti's snake puzzle?

Can you tell John's playful personality by his theme clues? Outstanding!

You'll also notice that there are two long Down fill of the same letter count as the paralleled theme entries:

2D. Essential self : INNER SPIRIT

63D. The Information Age : INTERNET ERA

Constructors/editor try to avoid that for fear that solvers will be confused by what the real theme entries are. Two reasons for their existence today:

1) Theme answers all have question marks in the grid and all have "snake" in them;

2) Already 80 black squares in the grid. You don't want to go over that.

How about you point out John's distinctive clechos (clue echos) to me for a change?


1. Potato press : RICER.. I like potatoes stir-fried, with a splash of vinegar.

6. Point the finger at : ACCUSE

12. Endure : LAST

16. Local govt. unit : TWP (Township)

19. Jumper cable connection point : ANODE

20. Small bite : MORSEL

21. Sea lion predator : ORCA. What's the lifespan of orcas?

22. Calder Cup org. : AHL (American Hockey League). Minor league.

23. Out of favor : IN BAD. Can you make a sentence for me?

27. Amen prompter : SERMON

29. Future J.D.'s hurdle : LSAT. Shout out to my favorite JD.

30. Aircraft pioneer Sikorsky : IGOR

31. Shepard in space : ALAN

32. Roth investments : IRAs

33. Polish prose : EDIT

35. Persian Gulf leader : EMIR

36. Great Smokies st. : TENN

37. Foreign policy gp. : NSC (National Security Council). I used to think those Secret Service guys were rather cool.

41. Giggle : TEHEE

42. Taster's sense of taste : PALATE

44. Pro foe : ANTI

45. Made a profit on, perhaps : RESOLD

46. Put the __ on: quash : KIBOSH

47. NFL analyst Collinsworth : CRIS. His face looks familiar.

48. Moral misstep : SIN. For Dennis, who knows how to sin backward. He was once innocent, PK!

49. West Bank initials : PLO

50. Kneeling figure, in art : ORANT. Like this. I learned from doing Xword.

51. Injure gravely : MAIM

52. McDonald's arches, e.g. : LOGO

53. A word from P.M. Roget : SYN. Roget's Thesaurus.

54. Fragrant wood : PINE

55. Miraculous food : MANNA

56. Sun-withered tea : OOLONG. Literally "black dragon" in Chinese. Long = Dragon. Oo (Wu in Mandarin) = Black.

58. Critic's bestowal : STAR

61. Transportation option : RAIL

65. Pipsqueak : SQUIRT

67. Takes cover : HIDES

68. Ain't put right? : ISN'T. Right!

69. Conk on the head : BOP

72. Poi ingredient : TARO. Freshly baked taros is quite tasty. Similar to the texture of potatoes.

73. Deposits in 52-Down : ORES. 52D. Mineral-laden deposits : LODES

74. Barren : EMPTY

75. Top gun : ACE

76. "Now __ seen everything!" : I'VE

77. Sierra Club founder : MUIR (John)

78. Self-conscious smile : SIMPER. New word to me.

79. Delaware Valley tribe : LENAPE. Also new to me. Wiki said they're also called Delaware Indians.

81. 1998 Literature Nobelist Saramago : JOSE. Portuguese. Has anyone read his books?

82. Ship's treasurer : PURSER. Gimme for Spitzboov, eddyB & D-Otto. Never heard of it before.

83. Dens : LAIRS

87. Some OR staff : RNs

89. No longer fooled by : ONTO

90. Bumps hard : RAMS

91. Seemingly forever : EONS

92. Tune two croon : DUET. Who's your favorite duet of all time?

93. Jumpy critter : FLEA

94. "Cheerio!" : TA TA

95. What there oughta be : A LAW

97. Full of vitality : YEASTY

103. Peasant's porridge : GRUEL. Millet gruel is comfort food to me.

104. Siesta time: Abbr. : AFT

105. Beachfront property? : SAND. Fun clue.

106. "Sexy!" : OO LA LA. For you, Splynter.

107. Driving hazard : GLARE

108. Kisses, in letters : X'ES

109. Charon's waterway : STYX

110. Woven fabrics : TWILLS

111. Soup partner : SALAD


1. Trail mix tidbit : RAISIN. Reminds me of Steve J. St. John's RAISIN D'ETRE puzzle two weeks ago.

4. Red-coated cheeses : EDAMS

5. Update, in a way : RE-DO

6. Embassy VIP : AMB (Ambassador)

7. "Enough already!" : COOL IT. And 47. "Enough already!" : CAN IT!

8. Like a curmudgeon : CRUSTY

9. Middies' sch. : USNA. I used to think most Seals attended USNA. The Dummy set me straight.

10. Shakers, but not movers : SECT

11. Quarterback Manning : ELI.

12. Robert of "Prizzi's Honor" : LOGGIA. Stranger to me.

13. Shaded area : ARBOR

14. Surgery memento : SCAR

15. Bar account : TAB

16. Makes the rounds at an affair : TABLE HOPS. I was thinking of love affairs.

17. Sportscaster Keith Jackson's catchphrase : WHOA, NELLY! Thought it's spelled as "Whoa, Nellie!"

18. Anticipated : PLANNED ON

25. Radiant auras : NIMBI. Aurae might be a better clue. Yes?

26. "Bullitt" director : YATES (Peter)

28. Below, quaintly : 'NEATH

34. Dr. with Grammys : DRE

35. "Nurse Jackie" extras, briefly : EMTs

38. Over and done with : PAST. LaLaLinda's "good old days" Yaz post moved me greatly. Then LA CW Addict's subsequent comforting post to Linda just teared me up. Here is part of what he said: "..I did not know about this blog at the time. If I had, I thought, how nice it would have been to stop in and see Dad on my way home from work, so that we could have shared so many of the music clips and movie out-takes provided by you kind folks..."

39. Yacht basin : MARINA

41. Part of a dovetail joint : TENON. Fits into a mortise.

43. They keep to themselves : LONERS

45. Strictness : RIGOR

46. Keystone cutups : KOPs

48. Cobbler's inventory : SOLES

51. Computer shortcut : MACRO

55. Wavy fabric pattern : MOIRE. See this pattern.

56. Harder to explain : ODDER

57. "__ Fairy Tales" : GRIMMS'

59. Smooth-tongued : SUAVE. I recently listened to a John Barry ("James Bond" composer) interview. Man, was he smooth-tongued.

60. Less stuffy : AIRIER

64. Roughly six trillion mi. : LTYR (Light-year)

66. Small swabs : Q-TIPS

69. Everything, informally : BALL OF WAX. Great entry.

70. Marine flora and fauna : OCEAN LIFE

71. Hair shirt wearers : PENITENTS. What's a "hair shirt"?

74. DĂșn Laoghaire's land : EIRE

77. Comfy slip-ons : MOCs

78. Full of bubbles : SUDSY

80. "We're on __ to nowhere": Talking Heads lyric : A ROAD

81. Malcolm-__ Warner of "The Cosby Show" : JAMAL

82. Camera move : PAN

84. Hard-core, filmwise : RATED-X

85. "Little help here, bud?" : BE A PAL

86. Poet Amy : LOWELL. Oh, how I miss Clear Ayes!

88. Done at the salon : STYLED

90. Hardly fair : RAINY. Rainy and cold here. But I think my peas and cucumbers planted in March survived.

92. Alfalfa's heartthrob : DARLA. "Our Gang".

94. Pointer's word : THAT

95. Assert : AVOW

96. Taylor of "Six Feet Under" : LILI

98. Breakfast fare : EGGS

101. Web address part : DOT. Hi there, Dot!

102. Dorm figs. : RAs. Our dorms were guarded by an old couple who would not allow any boys in after 11:00pm.

Answer grid.

John Lampkin met with Annette and Lemonade during his Florida nature talk last month. Here is a beautiful picture of Annette & Lemonade. Gorgeous shirt, Annette! Here is a fun picture of Lemonade & John.
