, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


May 12, 2012

Saturday, May 12th, 2012, Barry C. Silk

Theme: Saturday Silk

Words: 72

Blocks: 30

I guessed it this time~!! A great construction with little "clunky" fill - those answers that are so VAGUE (see 53A.) that you get that "ugh" feeling when you solve them some Saturdays. Lots of "A" names and food as well - see the *starred* clues/answers. Two 11-letter climbers today:

11D. D.C. monument that includes a dog : FDR MEMORIAL - Image - we often see "Fala" in puzzles - well, there he is~!!

22D. Film in which Agnes Moorehead debuted as the title character's mother : CITIZEN KANE - did not see this classic movie, but I had enough across to suss this one

Triple stacks of 9's, and two 'stand alone' 9-letter answers worth a mention;

29A. Clue outlets : TOY STORES - now, I was on Mr. Silk's wavelength here, since I was thinking about the board game with its secret passages diagonally across the 'mansion' - not the right "outlet", but....

36A. Four-time Grammy-winning R&B group : BOYZ II MEN - Great letter COMBO, and since this group was a contemporary of the stuff I grew up with, I nailed it, once I solved the "Z"

And Onward~!!


1. Group of cats : JAZZ COMBO - And I thought we were going to get "clowder" here (or even destruction)- "cool, daddy-o, cool"

10. B's equivalent : C FLAT - a musical rarity, but I screwed up and thought it said B- (B minus), so I started with "C-plus", which strangely gave me the "L" for LOAMY, and so....

15. Mr. Wickfield's clerk : URIAH HEEP - common in CW, but not the whole name

16. They can make you hungry : ODORS

17. Mild : TEMPERATE

18. Grouch : CRANK - not Oscar~!

19. ID issuer : SSA - Social Security Administration - I need a new card - my paper one is showing its age big time.

20. Judge : RATE

21. 1960s-'70s outfielder *Agee : TOMMIE - I defer to our baseball fan C.C. (Center fielder of the "Miracle Mets". Also AL Rookie of the Year 1966.)

22. Application datum : CITY

23.* Sweetened, in a way : HONEYED

24. HBO title agent whose name includes dollar signs in the show's logo : *ARLISS - the Wiki

27. Jazz pianist inspired by Waller : TATUM - more Wiki for those who need more

28. Wasteland : HEATH

33. "__ Love Her" : AND I

34. Forecast word : WINDY

35. Exceptional : RARE

38. Language that gives us "pundit" : HINDI

39. Broke off : ENDED

40.* Part of a product name chosen because it sounds Scandinavian : HÄAGEN - as in Dazs, the ice cream

41. Sunburn-related meas. : U.V. INDEX

44. Cyan relative : TEAL

45. Disgust : SICKEN

46. Recipe direction : SEAR

47. Plant activity: Abbr. : MFG - I suppose it could be 'both' types of plant - the factory, and the organism that can be found ManuFacturinG oxygen....

50. Place with crests : OCEAN - waves

51. Some free downloads : SHAREWARE - I tried PHONE APPS, which gave me the "H" for SHAH; oh, the misdirection....

53. Hard to make out : FAINT - not VAGUE

54. Crystal clear : EASY TO SEE

55. Baseball's Angels owner Moreno et al. : *ARTES - C.C., anything to add~?? (C.C.: Wow, had no idea who owns the Angels. Wiki said he's he first Hispanic to own a major sports team in the US. And he changed Anaheim Angels to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim.)

56.* Kraft spread : CHEEZ WHIZ


1. Protrudes : JUTS

2. War deity : *ARES

3.* MillerCoors malt beverage : ZIMA - seen this before on Saturday

4. Stun : ZAP

5. Remember fondly : CHERISH

6. "Nuts!" : "OH RATS~!"

7.* Like some spaghetti sauces : MEATY

8. __ de somme: beast of burden : BETE

9. "... thus wide I'll __ my arms": "Hamlet" : OPE

10.* Indonesian export : COCONUT

12. Like fertile soil : LOAMY

13. Contemporary of Jack and Gary : *ARNIE - Golfers, Jack Nicklaus, Gary Player, Arnold Palmer

14. Showed disapproval : TSKed

21. Hotsy-__ : TOTSY - Urban dictionary - this is my idea of "hotsy-totsy"; can a man be "hotsy-totsy, ladies?

23. Mozart contemporary : HAYDN - another great letter combo

24. Pequod skipper : *AHAB

25. City at the foot of the Sierra Nevada : RENO - map, on the left - I hope I can visit from my new home soon~!

26. Jane Grey's title : LADY

27. Fit : TONED

29. Ironman watch maker : TIMEX - funny, 5-letter brand could also be ROLEX, SEIKO, BRERA, FENDI, GUCCI, CASIO

30. Jingled : RANG

31. Earth, to Freud : ERDE

32. "__Language": 1993 best-seller : SEIN - Jerry Seinfeld

34. Add a lane to, say : WIDEN

37. Moves to the right, usually : INDENTS - nothing political, just the "tab" key

38. Israel's oldest daily newspaper : HAARETZ - here is the online version

40. Court call : HEAR YE, hear ye

41. D.C.'s locale, familiarly : U.S. OF A.

42. Parish priest : VICAR

43. Nail down the deal : ICE IT

44. Bait : TEASE

46. Old Mideast ruler : SHAH

47.* Squish : MASH - like potatoes - right~?

48. Emancipated, in Essen : FREI

49. "Yikes!" : GEEZ and a straight clecho at 52A.

51. Short time? : SECond

52. "Yikes!" : WOW

Oh, and here's your "Q"

Answer grid.
