, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


May 16, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 Don Gagliardo & C.C. Burnikel

Theme: ring my bell

18A. February Hollywood speculation : OSCAR BUZZ

27A. Station branding tune : RADIO JINGLE

43A. Applaud acknowledgement : CURTAIN CALL

55A. School souvenir : CLASS RING

63A. Instrument used to give someone the end of 18-A, 27-A, 43-A or 55-Across : PHONE

melissa here, reporting for duty.

the dream team is at it again, what a treat to blog a c.c. and don hard-g puzzle. lots of great cluing. see the constructor's note at the bottom.


1. Highlights segment: RECAP

6. Gets ready to seal, maybe : WETS

10. Short rests : NAPS

14. Penobscot County college town : ORONO. university of maine.

15. Robust : HALE

16. Tony's cousin : OBIE. theater awards - tony = broadway; obie = off-broadway.

17. Mermaid who rescued Prince Eric : ARIEL. the little mermaid.

20. Flat bodied bottom-feeder : MANTA RAY. so sleek.

22. "The Blue Danube," e.g.: WALTZ. i was thinking river.

23. Aout time : ETE. aout is french for august. ete is french for summer.

24. Butter : RAM. butt-er.

25. Anger : MAKE MAD. oh, verb.

30. Oil spill-monitoring org: Abbr. : EPA. environmental protection agency.

31. Langley letters : CIA. langley is a metonym for the CIA, which is headquartered in langley, a community in mclean, virginia.

32. The NBA's Magic : ORL. orlando magic - basketball.

33. Short cut : SNIP. great clue. french idiom for short cut is 'cut the cheese.' i learned this from my french amie, when we were walking somewhere and took a shortcut, and she said, "let's cut the cheese." umm, what?

34. In heaps : PILED

37. Beta rival, once: VHS. the beta format was superior, imo. both are outdated now. i wonder what will replace blu-ray.

38. Memory units : BYTES

39. Part of Q.E.D. : ERAT. latin for quod erat demonstrandum, meaning "which was to be demonstrated."

40. Mai ___ : TAI. often followed by a hangover.

41. PC hookup: LAN. Local Area Network.

42. Hong Kong currency : DOL. dollar.

48. Seriously suffering : IN AGONY

50. Joke : GAG

51. Forte automaker : KIA

52. Supplied hints for, as a crossword : CLUED. so apropos.

53. Lottery winner's cry : WE'RE RICH

57. "Tiny Bubbles" singer : DON HO. always nice to see first and last names.

58. Passionate blog entry : RANT. passionate ... so diplomatic.

59. Jessica of "Sin City" : ALBA. woops.

60. Out-and-out : UTTER

61. Line in Vegas : ODDS. betting odds.

62. Painful rebuff : SLAP


1. Gadabout : ROAMER. synonyms for vagabond, hobo, tramp, wanderer.

2. Manuscript mess-ups : ERRATA. plural of erratum.

3. Made cents : COINED

4. Working without __ : A NET

5. Instant photo : POLAROID

6. End of many a riddle : WHO AM I?

7. Piece of cake : EASY

8. Dr. Mom's forte : TLC. tender loving care. sweet.

9. Shoreline container? : SEA WALL.

10. Highborn : NOBLE

11. Arch support : ABUTMENT. nice misdirection. here's a diagram.

12. Round item in a square box : PIZZA PIE

13. "__ you!" : SEZ. anyone listen to 'says you!' on npr?

19. Bunker smoother : RAKE. golf.

21. Indian leader : RAJA

25. MLB team leaders : MGRS

26. Skips along the water : DAPS

28. "O.G. Original Gangster" rapper : ICE-T.

29. Like four Sandy Koufax games : NO HIT. more baseball.

33. harmony : SYNC.

34. Mani partner, in a spa : PEDI. do you like pedicure, too?

35. Rigid, as a contract : IRON CLAD

36. Spaced-out state : LALA LAND

37. Diversify : VARY

38. Bruised and hurting : BANGED UP. aw.

40. Arctic plains : TUNDRAS

41. False witness : LIAR. snort.

43. Miler Sebastian, et al : COES

44. Difference between generations : AGE GAP

45. Like : AKIN TO

46. Tree growth : LICHEN. pretty.

47. Capital of Pakistan's Punjab province: LAHORE

49. Flag wavers? : GUSTS

53. Org. with the Minnesota Lynx : WNBA

54. "Goodbye, Columbus" author Philip : ROTH

55. __-Magnon : CRO

56. Out of sorts : ILL

Answer grid.


Constructor's note:

Boomer's eight 300 rings inspired this puzzle. Don designed the grid with only 32 squares. We had fun (and frustration) filling this grid. 20A used to be BOY OH BOY, but it resulted in a NIRO, which is not allowed in LAT. Shout out to our own LaLaLinda with 36D.