, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jul 15, 2012

Sunday July 15, 2012 Gareth Bain

Theme: "Say What?" - Say can precede the first word(s) in each theme entry.

23A. Area for religious zeal : AMEN CORNER. Golfers are all familiar with Augusta's Amen Corner. Say "Amen".

25A. Actress turned princess : GRACE KELLY. She epitomized elegance. Say grace.

42A. Jackie Coogan's "Addams Family" role : UNCLE FESTER. Say uncle.

47A. A Bible, to many : THE WORD OF GOD. Say the word. I just can't focus on my Bible.

68A. 1961 Marvelettes #1 hit : PLEASE MR. POSTMAN. Say "Please".

93A. O'Neill play : AH, WILDERNESS! Not familiar with the play. Say "Ah".

96A. "I'm full!" : NO MORE FOR ME. "Say no more".

116A. Start of an opinion : I DO BELIEVE. Say "I do".

119A. Everly Brothers classic : BYE BYE LOVE. Say "Bye Bye".

Simple, elegant & original. Love it. I like that two of the theme entries are familiar songs.

9 theme entries with 101 squares are not easy to deal with, luckily the entry length are grid-friendly for Gareth. Constructors love 10's on Sunday, since you can place them side by side. The 11's and 12's have a malleable 2-letter overlap.


1. Old West gunslinger Jack : SLADE. Wiki said he was "a stagecoach and Pony Express superintendent, instrumental in the opening of the American West and the archetype of the Western gunslinger."

6. Converse : CHAT

10. Sound off : OPINE

15. Wall St. hedgers : ARBs. Arbitragers.

19. "Enough of that!" : CAN IT. 29A. "Told you!" : SEE

20. Like gossamer : AIRY

21. Nobelist Curie : MARIE

22. Joint malady : GOUT. Strict diet for gout sufferers. They can't eat sardines.

27. Contemptible : BASE

28. __ voce: softly : SOTTO

30. "Who'd've thought?!" : I'LL BE. Needs "Well" in front.

31. Political handout : TRACT

33. Suffix with Zola : ESQUE. So, what kind of style is Zola-esque?

36. Rapper __ Dogg : NATE. Also the name of Jazzbumpa's grandson, who aspires to be a Tiger someday.

38. Shade of gray : ASH

40. Dragon slayer's destination : LAIR. Every Chinese wants his/her son grow up to be a "dragon", meaning "highly successful".

51. Rummage event : YARD SALE. Neighborhood yard sales are always fun.

52. Big dos : BASHES. Not AFRO (37D. High style).

53. Personal account, briefly : BIO

54. Roughly : OR SO

55. Big weight : TON

56. Et __ : ALII

57. Quaint graphic, for short : LITHO. Lithograph.

59. Ferdinand II, por ejemplo : REY. "King" in Spanish. "Rei" in Portuguese.

60. Dropped off : SLEPT

62. Chef's measure : TEASPOON. I cook by feel.

65. "The Raven" opener : ONCE. "Once upon a midnight dreary..."

67. Hobbits' home, with "The" : SHIRE. We had this before.

72. "... all snug in __ beds" : THEIR

74. Organ parts : KEYS. Are you thinking of EYES/EARS?

75. Volcanic depressions : CALDERAS. New word to me. And 104. Like volcanoes : CONIC

79. Longest river in France : LOIRE

80. Club date : GIG. So simple.

82. Eventually become : END UP

84. Human plant? : MOLE. Tricky clue.

85. Bruins legend : ORR (Bobby)

86. Superior at work : BOSS

87. Pussycat's partner : OWL. "The Owl and the Pussycat".

88. Deceive : LEAD ON

90. Queen who bankrolled Columbus : ISABELLA. Long gimme.

98. Round-of-four game : SEMI. I only know Final Four.

99. Sugar suffix : OSE

100. Starts to doze : NODS

101. Derby setting : EPSOM

106. King of Judea : HEROD

109. Realm from 800-1806: Abbr. : HRE

111. 2001-'08 White House Deputy Chief of Staff whose middle name is Whitehouse : HAGIN (Joe). Wow, I have no memory of this guy at all. He reported to Andrew Card. That's a prescient middle name.

113. Whipped cream amount : GLOB

121. "Farewell, Luigi!" : CIAO

122. Sea eagles : ERNES

123. English horn relative : OBOE

124. Crockett contemporary : BOWIE (James). Alamo.

125. Mfg. guidelines : STDs

126. India's first one took place in 1974 : N-TEST. New trivia to me. China's first was in 1964. My grandma reminded me often the great "Three Years of Natural Disasters" (1958-1961) when at least 15 millions died of hunger. Drought.

127. Cheer : YELL

128. They generate interest : BONDS. Another great clue.


1. Sign of healing : SCAB

2. Very high priest? : LAMA. High indeed.

3. It can knock you out : ANESTHESIA. Number.

4. Eatery with its own lingo : DINER

5. "Yadda yadda yadda": Abbr. : ETC

6. Major artery : CAROTID

7. Insinuate : HINT

8. Rugged ridge : ARETE. Classic crosswordese.

9. They're hardly old hands : TYROS

10. Texter's "Heavens to Betsy!" : OMG

11. Interstellar unit : PARSEC. About 3.26 light-years. Doesn't look like a word.

12. "Dies __": hymn : IRAE

13. Clairol hair-coloring brand : NICE 'N EASY. I dyed my hair red for a short period in college. I was out of my mind.

14. Width designation : EEE

15. Forever young, seemingly : AGELESS. Isn't she cool?

16. Kaiser __ : ROLL

17. Filament container : BULB

18. Eyelid problem : STYE

24. Annual black-tie affair, with "the" : OSCARS. Have you ever watched/listened to any Sacha Baron Cohen interview as himself? He's extremely intelligent.

26. Cashed, as a forged check : KITED

32. Skin irritation soother : ALOE

34. Status __ : QUO

35. Sturm __ Drang : UND. Hi there, Spitzboov!

38. Swinging time? : AT BAT

39. Rock often containing quartz : SHALE

41. Kilmer's nestful : ROBINS. "...A nest of robins in her hair..."

43. Ancient strings : LYRE

44. Certain tuber, slangily : TATER

45. Skip church, in a way? : ELOPE. We were married by a judge.

46. Musical with the song "Seasons of Love" : RENT

48. A secret may be told in one : WHISPER

49. Be the right size : FIT. This is perfect. Angelina who?

50. Call it a night : GO HOME

54. Nabisco trademark : OREO

57. Mauna __ : LOA

58. Ham __ : ON RYE

60. River herring : SHAD

61. Guy with wires : LINEMAN. Know nothing about football. What "wires"?

63. Ballet bend : PLIE

64. Anthem contraction : O'ER

66. "Strangers and Brothers" novelist : C P SNOW. Stumper.

67. Tee buyer's options, briefly : SML

69. ER readouts : EKGs

70. Racing craft with an anatomical-sounding name : SCULLS. Thanks for the helpful clue.

71. Exploit : TAP

72. Common statue : TORSO

73. Distiller Walker : HIRAM

76. Bull rider's protector : RODEO CLOWN

77. Posted __: didn't break even : A LOSS

78. Have a feeling : SENSE

79. Filet mignon cut : LOIN

80. Pro shop purchase : GOLF SHIRT. And 81. World Golf Hall of Famer Aoki : ISAO. Minor "Golf" & GOLF dupe.

83. "One for the road" offense, briefly : DWI

86. Wasn't colorfast : BLED

88. Snicket of children's books : LEMONY. What would be your pen name?

89. St. Patrick's land : ERIN

91. Rare great apes : BONOBOS. No wonder I've heard of them. Rare!

92. Lose ground? : ERODE

93. Roadie's load : AMP. 95. 93-Down measurement unit : DECIBEL

94. Cock and bull : HEs

97. '50s Superman player George : REEVES. The only Reeves I know is Keanu.

102. "This will be awesome!" : OH BOY

103. Equivocator's word : MAYBE

105. Block house : IGLOO. Sounds good. So hot here.

106. Sounds from a wino : HICs

107. Work on one's work : EDIT

108. "The __ Not Taken": Frost : ROAD

110. Artist Magritte : RENE. Surrealist. This is not a pipe.

112. Rock sci. : GEOL

114. Banished Roman poet : OVID

115. Waggle-dancing insects : BEES. Melissa is enjoying her annual Girls' Weekend at Shasta right now.

117. Deighton of thrillers : LEN

118. Superlative finish : EST

120. Go back : EBB

Answer grid.
