, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Aug 12, 2012

Sunday August 11, 2012 John Lampkin

Theme: "Beg Your Pardon?" - Each apology is ironic & funny considering the profession of the person who apologizes.

23A. Slapstick comic's apology ... or is it? : I FELL DOWN ON THE JOB. Falling down is a slapstick routine.

39A. New Year's Eve techie's apology ... or is it? : I DROPPED THE BALL. He should have dropped the ball.

59A. Proud liberal's apology ... or is it? : I DID NOTHING RIGHT. Liberals lean left of course.

84A. Army cook's apology ... or is it? : WHAT A MESS I'VE MADE. Army mess.

100A. Zen Buddhist's apology ... or is it? : I WAS THOUGHTLESS. Zen Buddhists tend to keep their mind simple and uncluttered.

122A. Nostalgic seismologist's apology ... or is it? : THIS WAS ALL MY FAULT. Perfect apology for Jayce.

Only 6 theme entries, but they're all long, taking a total 96 squares, which is a Sunday norm (84-100).

Total 63 black squares, we normally get 70-78 on Sundays. Excellent gridding skill and amazing restriction in using cheater squares. (Correction: I meant "restraint from using cheater squares"). John likes to make every black square count.


1. Greengrocer's stock : PRODUCE

8. "Piano Man" singer : JOEL (Billy)

12. Head honcho : PREZ

16. Down-in-the-mouth org.? : ADA. Fun clue.

19. Classic mouthwash : LAVORIS. I can only think of Listerine. All clue echos are highlighted in green.

20. Sell short : UNDERRATE

22. L.A. Times section? : LOS. Great clue. Los & Angeles are two sections of L.A., visually.

25. DJIA stock : AT &T. Or IBM.

26. British peer : EARL

27. Actor Morales : ESAI

28. Smashing target : ATOM. Was picturing a door.

29. Suckling babe : NURSER

31. Western evergreen : RED FIR

33. CD-__ : ROM

35. __ Plaines, Illinois : DES

37. Muskogee's st. : OKLA

38. N.Y.C. medical facility grantor : SLOAN. Spitzboov mentioned this before.

44. "Mad Money" network : CNBC. Jim Cramer. He's always so excited.

46. Certain : SURE

47. Gave the nod : SAID OK

48. Tempo : PACE

51. Conducted : LED

53. Fruit zest : RIND

55. Sneaky : SLY

56. Kind : ILK

63. Soccer ball juggler : KNEE. And 73. Ball girls : DEBS. Different balls.

64. Dragonfly snare : NET

65. Albatross's milieu : OCEAN. Golf course too.

66. Prefix with gram : SONO

67. Composer Rachmaninoff : SERGEI

69. First name in Prohibition history : ELIOT. Eliot Ness.

71. Sciences' partner : ARTS

75. Agreements : PACTS

76. Bubbly drinks : FIZZES

78. Tavern in the same city as Krusty Burger : MOE'S. "The Simpsons".

80. Capital of India : RUPEE. Money again.

82. Slowing, in scores : RIT

83. 111 digits : ONES. Three one's.

88. Cartoon canine : REN. Ren & Stimpy.

89. Half a cocktail : MAI. Or TAI. I want a Bloody Mary now. Weird.

90. City near Provo : OREM

91. Ditty syllable : TRA

92. "Remote Control" host Ken : OBER. Not familiar with this guy. Died in 2009. Only 52 years old.

93. Muscular jerks : SPASMS

96. Shorten, as nails : CLIP

98. Auto designer Ferrari : ENZO. Learned from doing Xword.

104. Newton with laws : ISAAC

108. Writer Ephron : NORA. Really like her "Sleepless in Seattle".

109. Orbiter until 2001 : MIR

110. 67.5 deg. : ENE

111. Inedible buffet jelly : STERNO. Another fun clue.

112. Shell shooter : MORTAR

115. Frat frock : TOGA

118. Set down : ALIT

120. Gear components : COGS

121. Lyric poem : ODE

126. Boom lead-in : SIS. Sis boom bah!

127. Saying "You can say that again!" again, say : REDUNDANT. Another clue gem.

128. Victim of river diversion in Asia : ARAL SEA. This and Ross Sea both have friendly letters, hence their frequent appearance in puzzles.

129. Lunar New Year : TET

130. Mounted on : ATOP

131. Prevent littering? : SPAY. Ouch.

132. Tailgaters' carriers : COOLERS


1. Nut grippers : PLIERS

2. San __, city near San Francisco : RAFAEL

3. Go too far : OVERDO

4. Like young Shirley Temple : DOLL-FACED

5. Surfer's destination : URL. Internet surfer. And 101. Stereotypical surfer's wagon : WOODIE

6. Apple product : CIDER. And 119. Apple on a desk : iMAC

7. Those, to Juan : ESOS

8. Subordinates : JUNIORS

9. Lennon's lady : ONO

10. Poet __ St. Vincent Millay : EDNA

11. Riga native : LETT

12. Doc wannabes : PRE-MEDS

13. British rule in India : RAJ. And 14. British prep school : ETON

15. Indian cattle : ZEBU. New word to me. What's under her belly?

16. Aleutian Islands crustacean : ALASKA KING CRAB. Huge.

17. "Go on" : DO TELL

18. Star-shaped : ASTRAL

21. __ Island : RHODE

24. Annie, vis-à-vis Daddy Warbucks : WARD

30. "__Cop" : ROBO

32. Country retreat : INN

34. Cry over : MOURN

36. Hidden supply : STASH

39. Summer cooler : ICE TEA. Ate lots of water melon this summer.

40. Overly fussy types : PRIGS

41. Booth Tarkington kid : PENROD. No idea.

42. Sword handles : HILTS

43. Dreyer's partner in ice cream : EDY

45. Faction : BLOC

48. Desire intensely : PINE FOR. Don't. Giving up is a wise choice.

49. Barbershop quartet sweetie : ADELINE. "Sweet Adeline".

50. Vigilante's collar : CITIZEN'S ARREST. Excellent long entry. Same as 16D.

52. Greg's sitcom wife : DHARMA."Dharma & Greg". Unknown to me.

54. Bistro patrons : DINERS

57. Current with the wind : LEE TIDE

58. Tush : KEISTER

60. Something to take or play : NOTE. Not an easy clue.

61. From A to Z : IN TOTO

62. Lose it all : GO BUST

63. Malay Peninsula's Isthmus of __ : KRA. See here. Yet another unknown.

68. Fencing weapon : EPEE

70. U.S. pint's 16 : OZs

72. Go through : SEARCH

74. Church points : SPIRES

77. Sound of breakers : SWASH

79. Refine, as ore : SMELT

81. "Thirteen" star __ Rachel Wood : EVAN

85. Stereotypical sidelines greeting : HI MOM

86. Author Zola : EMILE

87. Hunter's bull attractor : MOOSE CALL

89. Yoga class need : MAT

94. Coll. prep exam : PSAT

95. Gets dressed for the launch : SUITS UP. Oh, for the astronauts.

97. Fine, for instance : PENALTY. I was thinking of card grading.

99. Complexion spoiler : ZIT

100. Like the hub, relatively : INMOST

102. Mature : GROWN

103. Hawk : SELL

105. Excite : AROUSE

106. One playing the bass? : ANGLER. Lovely clue.

107. Sportscaster Bob : COSTAS

111. Start to foam? : STYRO. Styrofoam.

113. Gillette Mach3 forerunner : ATRA

114. Art of publ. speaking : RHET. Rich probably only allows this entry on Saturday/Sunday.

116. Gallivants : GADS

117. "Hurry!" : ASAP

123. Agreement to enter an institution? : I DO

124. Literary collection : ANA

125. Schwarz of toys : FAO

Answer grid.
