, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Dec 8, 2012

Saturday, Dec 8th, 2012, Doug Peterson & Brad Wilber

Theme: None

Words: 68

Blocks: 23

Another DP&BW duet - we saw their last collaboration Oct 13th, and.... this one had me stumped to start, with WAY too many empty squares after the first pass across and down.  Lots of names and Dan Naddor-style* two-word fills, but I WAGed a few spots, and took a gamble on some others, and slowly the grid filled in, from the bottom up - which is appropriate, since we have an "ascending" staircase pattern today (as I see it), with some chunky corners and four double-stacked spanners;

15. Frankie Carle signature song that became a #1 hit : SUNRISE SERENADE - I defer to JazzB for the link

17. Cast off inhibitions : LET ONE'S HAIR DOWN - Wonderful fill

46. Popular household reference since the 1930s, as it's commonly known:  THE JOY OF COOKING - who here at the blog is a regular "subscriber"~?

49. Helter-skelter : ALL OVER THE PLACE - and "Santa" can find a suitable musical clip for this one - you know me, I'll put up the Mötley Crüe cover

oN wArd ~!!!


1. Got out of a shelter : ADOPTED - Aww, I want one~! (Mike, who collaborated on the solving of the last DP-BW puzzle has one of these)

8. Slender watercourse : RIVULET

18. Peppy : ALIVE

19. Ken Jenkins's "Scrubs" role : KELSO - Never watched it; this guy

20. __ Bo : TAE - the martial arts exercise, and our first "Bo" for the day (41A.)

21. Captain in an 1870 sci-fi classic : NEMO - Ah, not AHAB

22. "The Colossus" poet : PLATH - Ah, not PLATO

23. Unyielding : FIRM

24. Cube root of ventisette : TRE - no clue; foreign language math - Italian ³√27

25. Visibly touched : TEARY

26. Cyclist's challenge : GRADE - well, I knew we were talking about a hill, so I thought maybe CREST

27. Prison periods : TERMS - not YEARS

28*. Take part : JOIN IN

29. Genre that influenced Paul Simon's "Graceland" album : AFRO-POP - this was my favorite song from that album, and it's not "You Can Call Me Al" (may have to skip ad.)

32*. Flees : BEATS IT

33*. Redirecting sign : NO EXIT

34*. Irk : GET TO

35. Grandiose, as rhetoric : TUMID

36. Blanc and Pelat : MONTS - I was thinking colors, not that I know what French color is "Pelat", and the "N" was my last fill

37. Bring up the rear : LAG

40. Press : IRON

41. First dog walker, maybe : SASHA - did NOT fool me~!  This isn't the first dog in Eden, it's Bo, the dog the Obamas received as a gift in 2009

42. Sidekick role for Bruce Lee : KATO - not the KATO of the Pink Panther

43. Itinerary fig. : ETD - to avoid confusion with the words used in 3D.

44. __ Agnew, singer with Celtic Woman : CHLOE - new to me

45. Lake named for a tribe : HURON - Healthy guess, since I remembered the puzzle from last week~!

50. Queen's genre : MYSTERY - Ellery, that is

51. Cared for : TREATED


1. Italicized : ASLANT - our "A" word for the week

2. One who needs a second helping? : DUELER - So, who was Darth Vader's "second"~? What about Inigo Montoya?

3*. Flight board status : ON TIME

4. City near Sundance : PROVO - Utarrrgggh~!!

5. Jabber at the table? : TINE - not FORK; from now on, I am only eating my steak with a "meat jabber"

6. Tip of one's tongue? : ESE - if I am not mistaken, this refers to one's language - as in Chinese.  Notice how the "tip" moves around the globe?  Japanese, Vietnamese, American, Canadian, Mexican...Irish, English, Swedish....Irani, Iraqi, Hindi, and, um, French?

7. Dorm room buy : DESK LAMP

8. Land and buildings : REALTY - ugh, not ESTATE

9. Notre Dame squad, familiarly, with "the" : IRISH - DAR~!! My first thought, and I didn't fill it in

10. Florida's __ Beach : VERO - where is this on Husker Gary's map?

11. Coblenz conjunction : UND - My first thought, filled it in, and I took it out....

12. Countrymen who kick off their rainy season with a Rocket Festival : LAOTIANS - I had ---TIANS, and I was pretty sure it does not rain on Mars....

13. Foe of Robert the Bruce : EDWARD II - Oh, I thought I had a shout-out, but RICHARD did not fit

14. Film noir setting : TENEMENT - not BASEment - hey, it could have been....

16. Wool-gathering aid : SHEARS - Weed-whacker wouldn't fit ?

22. "Waiting for __": Time magazine cover of 5/25/1992 : PEROT - LaLaLinda....HAR HAR, a play on the play "Waiting for Godot"

23. __-Lay : FRITO - chips and dips, baby

25. Warmish : TEPID

26. Fall guys : GOATS

27. Lionfish's weapon : TOXIN

28. Volkswagen compact : JETTA

29. First major Civil War battle on Union soil : ANTIETAM

30. When Santa calls "Vixen," in poetry : FOURTHLY - so timely~!  Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, and fourthly, VIXEN, with one's hair let down?

31. Does over : REMODELS

32. Screenwriter called the "Shakespeare of Hollywood" : BEN HECHT - this guy

34*. Opposite of get tough : GO SOFT

36. Arthurian chronicler Sir Thomas __ : MALORY

37. Rustler's rope : LARIAT

38*. Opposite of whenever : AT ONCE

39. Kicked off the stage, in a game show : GONGED

41. Not as forward : SHYER

42. Friend of Oliver J. Dragon : KUKLA - before my time; more here

44. Pirate's recess : COVE

45. Optimism : HOPE

47. Scribble : JOT

48. "Now __ the one half-world / Nature seems dead": Macbeth : O'ER


Note from C.C.:

Happy Birthday to Jazzbumpa (Ron), the coolest economist (He blogs at the Angry Bear), trombonist, baseball nut (Tigers & Mud Hens) & grandpa. Below are two photos from his big family Thanksgiving gathering. Click here for more.)

Left to right, his son Eric, daughter Karen, Ron (with a nice IPA), granddaughter Rebekka, her dad Doug and aunt Beth.

Front: Rebekka, Emily, Lauren, Samantha, Josh, Nate, Abby. Alexa.
Behind are Ryan, Amanda and Danny.