, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Dec 12, 2012

Wednesday Dec 12, 2012 Marti DuGuay-Carpenter and Don Gagliardo

theme: a dime a dozen

17a. 12 : BIG TEN TEAM COUNT. Big Ten has 12 teams.

30a. 12 : NOTES IN AN OCTAVE. here's a visual, from C to C (little shout-out to CC):

maybe some of our musical musical commenters will chime in here with more info, my head was spinning reading about the technicalities.

49a. 12 : CENTURY BEGUN MCI. 1101.

62a. What this puzzle's three identical clues can represent : DAY MONTH AND YEAR

melissa here.

i am reminded of this august puzzle. except, to make it even better, today is 12/12/12, i love timely puzzles! i wonder how long this has been in the pipeline? and how lovely to see our own marti and don hard-g team up, another dynamic duo, congratulations!

finals week for me, so i'm gonna knock this out and get back to it ...


1. Life and Risk : GAMES. board games.

6. Pkg. markings : UPC'Suniversal product codes. 

10. Yoda trainee : JEDI

14. Lacking a point : INANE

15. __-dieu : PRIE. french for pray to god, which is what this kind of bench is called:

16. Nativity scene animals : OXEN

20. ID theft target : SSNsocial security number.

21. __-Aid : KOOL. ew.

22. Memo lead-off : IN RE. latin for in the matter of.

23. Our Gang word spoken with a hand signal : OTAY. the little rascals.

25. Garage type : TWO CAR

28. Spring growth : BUD

33. Detective Wolfe : NERO

34. Room with a remote : DEN

35. Yet again : ANEW

36. Norwegian throne name : OLAF

39. Color like aqua : TEAL

41. 1990s Expos manager : ALOU

44. __ long way: help considerably : GO A

46. Shooter ammo : PEAS. haha.

54. Pointe balancing point : TOE. ooch.

55. Versatile veggie : POTATO

56. Go another way : TURN

57. Set up a Titleist, say : TEED

59. "Vamoose!" : SHOO

61. Collector's objective : SET. anyone else watch market warriors?

66. Ex-Dodger Hershiser : OREL

67. Revival meeting shout : AMEN

68. Prefix in skin care brand names : DERMA

69. Rapids phenomenon : EDDY

70. Cool one's heels : BIDE. wait.

71. Full of spunk : SASSY


1. Martini with a onion : GIBSON. gin martini for me, please.

2. Cox sitcom co-star : ANISTON. courtney and jennifer, from friends.

3. Influential businessperson : MAGNATE. "an entrepreneur who has achieved wealth and prominence from a particular industry."

4. Tolkien creature with branches : ENT. lord of the rings.

5. Car radio button : SEEK

6. City area associated with affluence : UPTOWN

7. Install beforehand, as software : PRE-LOAD

8. Org. with moles : CIA. a mole is an informant within an organization.

9. Th.D.-issuing school : SEM. a doctorate of theology is issued from a seminary school.

10. "Benny & __": Depp film : JOON. sweet movie.

11. Like many commuter towns : EXURBAN. 

12. "Indochine" Oscar nominee Catherine : DENEUVE

13. QB's flub : INT. interception.

18. Innocent's claim : NOT I. said the fly.

19. Publication sales fig. : CIRCulation

24. Bad news upon arriving at home? : YER OUT. hee.

26. Website with gadget reviews : C-NET

27. Super-duper : A ONE.

29. Morning moisture : DEW

31. South-of-the-border sun : SOL. spanish for sun.

32. Gift : TALENT

37. Soil-related prefix : AGRO. agrochemical.

38. Racer A.J. : FOYT

40. Kwik-E-Mart proprietor : APU. the simpsons.

41. Do one's part? : ACT. great clue.

42. Bodysuit named for a trapeze artist : LEOTARD. made famous by french acrobatic performer jules leotard.

43. Like the jack of hearts : ONE EYED

45. Chagrined : ABASHED

47. Ones who make you chuckle : AMUSERS

48. Ones who make you guffaw : SCREAMS. scream in the sense of something funny - a guffaw is a hearty laugh.

50. Prom hairstyle : UPDO

51. Natural gas component : ETHANE

52. "Continue ..." : GO ON

53. Where work piles up : IN TRAY

58. "Little" girl in "David Copperfield" : EM'LY. playmate of david copperfield.

60. Vegas figures : ODDS

62. Fawning critter : DOE

63. Catch red-handed : NAB

64. "I didn't need to hear that," in texts : TMI. too much information.

65. Senator's assent : YEA
