, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Dec 16, 2012

Sunday Dec 16, 2012 Gareth Bain

Theme: "Less is More" - LESS is attached to the first word of each familiar phrase.

25A. Coward's path? : GUTLESS COURSE. Gut course.

32A. Sleeping watchman, say? : POINTLESS GUARD. Point guard.

44A. Bro who cracks insensitive jokes? : TASTELESS BUD. Taste bud. Are you familiar with W. Kamau Bell?

61A. Chores done altruistically? : SELFLESS CLEANING. Self-cleaning.

93A. Naive Romeo? : ARTLESS LOVER. Art lover. How tall do you think Romeo is? Short men tend to be very artful.

74A. Cruel school assistant? : HEARTLESS MONITOR. Heart monitor.

107A. Pixie whose dust lacks potency? : TOOTHLESS FAIRY. Tooth fairy.

116A. Stairway to heaven? : TOPLESS FLIGHT. Top flight. The answer cracked me up. Dennis would want a different clue!

Very consistent. LESS is added to the end of the first word of each theme entry. Gareth's themes are always tight. Meaty too. No light theme in his grids. He takes no gutless courses.

I mentioned before that gridding always gets tougher when you dedicate over 100 squares to the theme. This one has 110. 


1. PC core : CPU

4. NYC airport : LGA. Unusual to have the top/bottom divided into 5 parts. Easier to have more abbrs with 3-letter fill.

7. Shia holy man : IMAM

11. Short : CURT

15. Driver's economy meas. : MPG

18. __ Tin Tin : RIN

19. Its "Concise" version has more than 1,700 pgs. : OED

20. Orkan sign-off half : NANU

21. Sailing, say : ASEA

22. Uncommon size : EEE

23. Nine-circles literary locale : INFERNO. Hot spot.

28. Oregon's Douglas fir, e.g. : STATE TREE. Ours is Red Pine.

30. Uncertain : LEERY

31. General __ chicken : TSO'S

35. "Dead parrot" sketch actor : CLEESE (John). Funny episode.

37. London's __ Modern : TATE

38. Secret supply : STASH

39. Roman naturalist : PLINY

40. Letters for a British princess : HRH

42. Tennis legend : ASHE

49. Clumsy types : OAFS

51. Oncle's mate : TANTE. Aunt. J'ai trois tantes on my father's side. All illiterate. My grandparents were too poor to send them to schools. I miss my youngest aunt very much.

53. "Telephone Line" gp. : ELO

54. Vatican masterpiece : PIETA

55. Cute cases : ETUIs

57. Grasp : SEE

58. White hat, in oaters : HERO

60. Skewed : ASLANT

65. Oolong or souchong : TEA. What the heck is "souchong"? Never heard of it. OK, I just googled. Never heard of it.

66. Jam cause, maybe : TOLL

67. Subway opposites : ELs

68. Like much lore : ORAL

71. "That's refreshing!" : AHH

82. Capital affected by typhoons : TAIPEI. Immediately thought of my old haunt Guangzhou, also a capital city, also affected by typhoons. It has the best tea and tea houses in China. No "souchong"!

85. "The Highwayman" daughter : BESS. Was this a gimme to you?

86. Theta preceder : ETA

87. Like a good guess : CLOSE

88. Powerful god : TITAN

89. Classic Pearl Jam album : TEN. Guessed.

90. "Inside the NBA" analyst : O'NEAL (Shaq). Sir Charles too.

92. 'Tis the season : YULE

97. Latin trio word : AMAS

99. Psalm 23 comforter : ROD. This might be Rich's clue. "Thy ROD and thy staff they comfort me."

100. "Under the Redwoods" author : HARTE (Bret)

101. AMD rival : INTEL

103. Kitten's plaything : YARN

105. Playground retort : ARE TOO

112. Cub with records : SOSA (Sammy). With *records.

113. Necklace gem : PEARL

115. One-legged ballet pose : ARABESQUE

120. Is connected : HAS PULL

121. Old MGM rival : RKO

122. Meat : GIST. Hard clue for me.

123. Put a handle on : NAME

124. Vague time frame indicator : ERE. Poetically.

125. Sargasso swimmer : EEL

126. German sunrise direction : OST. East.

127. Small bills : ONEs

128. Beethoven's nine: Abbr. : SYMS. Alright, symphonies.

129. First name in comics villains : LEX (Luthor)

130. QB's coups : TDS
1. Like fresh lettuce : CRISP

2. Patchy horse : PINTO

3. Not true : UNFAITHFUL. This "Ai Du" was featured in the movie "Unfaithful". Melissa Bee likes Ari Farka Touré.

4. Sissy's Oscar-winning role : LORETTA

5. Least violent : GENTLEST

6. Love : ADORE. I've been thinking of that "60 Minutes" Korean prisoner a lot. My family, specifically my mom, suffered tremendously during Cultural Revolution. But I never hated Chairman Mao. I was deeply brainwashed and I believed (I still do) many things I was taught.

7. Put away : INGEST

8. Egyptian __: spotted cat : MAU. Hi, cutie, do you know CrossEyedDave?

9. Army unit : ANT

10. Muslim theologians : MULLAHS

11. Examined, as a joint : CASED

12. 1979 Afghanistan invader: Abbr. : USSR. They failed, of course.

13. Use color-coded cans, say : RECYCLE

14. Lao Tzu principle : TAO

15. British Invasion genre named for Liverpool's river : MERSEY BEAT. River Mersey. Unknown fact to me.

16. Mexican change : PESOS

17. Honkers : GEESE. Lots lots of honkers in our neighborhood.

24. Sicilian high point : ETNA

26. Ballad's end? : EER. Balladeer.

27. Spork, for one : UTENSIL. I'm thinking of buying a garlic press. Do you all use it?

29. Reputed Dead Sea Scrolls transcribers : ESSENES. This word used to stump me.

33. Concert receipts : GATE

34. Ryder Cup team : USA. The 2016 Ryder Cup will be held here in MN.

36. Imitates Daffy : LISPS. Reminds me of Marti's "Going Daffy".

39. Arafat's org. until 2004 : PLO. Arafat died in 2004.

40. Breaks ground : HOES. Nice clue.

41. Assign stars to : RATE

43. Annoyance : HASSLE

45. Bird that migrates from the Arctic to Antarctica : TERN. That's interesting.

46. Sci-fi people : ELOI

47. __ Reader: eclectic magazine : UTNE

48. Facts and figures : DATA

50. Baker's verb : SIFT

52. Noir hero : TEC. Detective.

56. City NW of Santa Barbara, to locals : SLO. San Luis Obispo. New to me. Makes sense.

58. "__ Kitchen": Gordon Ramsay show : HELL'S. This guy is so hot-tempered.

59. No trouble at all : EASE

60. Farming prefix : AGRO

62. Comprehensive, gradewise : EL-HI. Let's accept it and move on.

63. "Shall we?" reply : LET'S

64. Polite reply : NO MA'AM

69. RSA ruling party : ANC (African National Congress). Gareth lives there, in case you're new to this blog.

70. Showy bloom : LILY

71. "__ girl!" : ATTA

72. "What a Piece of Work Is Man" musical : HAIR

73. Fulfill an urgent desire : HIT THE SPOT. Nice long entry.

75. Explorer Tasman : ABEL. Oh, the guy who discovered Tasmania.

76. Nevada casino city : RENO

77. Cong. member : SEN

78. Rickey Henderson, notably : STEALER. Henderson holds the records for most stolen bases.

79. Ambulance bandage : TOURNIQUET. Also new word to me.

80. 1952 Olympics city : OSLO

81. Oboe component : REED

83. Like tongue-against-roof-of-the-mouth consonants : PALATAL. Wish I had proper education on how to speak English.

84. Febrero preceder : ENERO. January/February.

89. Mao __-tung : TSE

90. Surg. branch : ORTH. Orthopedic.

91. Exposes : LAYS BARE

94. Makes a call : STOPS IN

95. Orchestra section : VIOLINS. Remember that time when Joshua Bell played incognito at a Washington subway station? From Wiki: "The experiment was videotaped on hidden camera; of the 1,097 people who passed by, only seven stopped to listen to him, and only one recognized him. For his nearly 45-minute performance, Bell collected $32.17 from 27 passersby (excluding $20 from the passerby who recognized him.")

96. Foe of Saruman, in Tolkien : ENT

98. Controversial high school health lesson : SAFE SEX

102. Makes happy : ELATES

104. Throaty sound : RASP

105. Space age toon dog : ASTRO. On "The Jetsons".

106. Corner pieces : ROOKS

107. First family before the Wilsons : TAFTS

108. Magic, on scoreboards : ORL (Orlando)

109. Saharan region : SAHEL. Arabic for "shore, coast". "describing the appearance of the vegetation of the Sahel as a coastline delimiting the sand of the Sahara."

110. Held power : RULED

111. Cheerleaders' repertoire : YELLS

114. In __: truly : ESSE

117. Group decision-making challenge : EGO

118. In high spirits : GAY

119. "Let me think ..." : HMM
