, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Dec 23, 2012

Sunday Dec 23, 2012 Erik Agard

Theme: "Secret Agent" - REP spans across each common phrase.

 23A. *Scenic souvenirs : PICTURE POSTCARDS. My youngest sister-in-law still sends us postcards wherever she travels.

 36A. *Acupuncturist's target : PRESSURE POINT. Painful to watch, but acupuncture does work, for some.

 59A. *Nonconformist, idiomatically : SQUARE PEG

 67A. *Cookies sent from home, say : CARE PACKAGE. What's your favorite Christmas cookie?

 77. *Repair shop item : SPARE PART

 95A. *Tense subject? : FUTURE PERFECT. Grammar.

 115A. *British Sunday meal staple : YORKSHIRE PUDDING. Yellowrocks' & TTP's Christmas meal. I never had it. They don't look like puddings to me.

 15D. *Protected area : NATURE PRESERVE

 51D. *Smokey Bear's bailiwick : FIRE PROTECTION

 125A.  Agents "hiding" in the answers to starred clues: REPS

Nicely designed grid. It takes skills (and luck) to intersect theme entries. At times, intersecting results in compromises in fill. But for theme dense grid, whether weekday or Sunday grid, intersecting actually makes smooth filling possible.
I think this is Erik Agard's first Sunday puzzle. Congratulations! He's the young kid in black T-shirt.


1. To be, to Balzac : ETRE. Balzac sure knew love and cheats.

5. Perfume oil : ATTAR

10. "It __ to me ..." : SEEMS

15. Classic pop favorite? : NEHI

19. Number on le menu : PRIX. Price.

20. "Next week on ..." ad : PROMO

21. It's blocked by sunblock : UV RAY

22. Gives the sack : AXES

26. Slow roller on a baseball diamond? : TARP. What were you picturing?

27. Cuddle, in a way : SPOON

28. Delivered a sermon : PREACHED

29. Little green man? : GUMBY

30. Place for a pin : LAPEL

33. "Eww, more than I need to know!" : TMI

34. Take exception : DEMUR

41. One way or another : SOMEHOW

45. "Malcolm in the Middle" dad : HAL

46. Get rid of : LOSE

47. Egyptian Christians : COPTS. Chickie's son-in-law is one.

49. Prefix with cab : PEDI. That guy over there has no chance.

50. Flips (through) : RIFFLES

53. Oscar-winning foreign language film based on a Fugard novel : TSOTSI. No idea. Oscar 2005.

56. Sap : DRAIN

57. Fesses up to : ADMITS

58. Memorable tumbler : JILL. Jack and Jill.

62. Browns quickly : SEARS

63. To-do list items : DUTIES

65. Aptly named fruits : UGLIS. It's actually quite juicy.

66. Shore flier : ERNE

69. "¿Cómo __ usted?" : ESTA

73. Apt to mope : POUTY. What happened, baby?

75. Sofa cushion concerns : STAINS

76. Legal right : DROIT. Also new to me. Quite similiar to French "right". A droite.

81. Old-style "once" : ERST

82. One just starting : NOVICE

83. Intense passion : ARDOR

84. Van Gogh masterpiece : IRISES. Van Gogh loved yellow.

86. Totals : COMES TO

87. Fall guy : GOAT

88. Three-star mil. officer : LT GEN

90. Wheel with a knife nearby : EDAM. Tricky clue.
92. __ de Cologne : EAU
93. Seventh-inning ritual : STRETCH

100. Space __ : CADET

102. Zip : NIL

103. "It's the Hard-Knock Life" musical : ANNIE

104. Singer LuPone : PATTI

107. Didn't go along : RESISTED

110. Guitar parts : NECKS. I see the necklace, not the pendant.

114. Et __ : ALII

118. O'Brien predecessor and successor : LENO. Jimmy Fallon is the funniest. Talented too.

119. Video game plumber : MARIO

120. Looks for a vein : MINES

121. Pierre's South Dakota? : ETAT. Awesome clue!

122. Eight-legged team : OXEN. I felt stupid!

123. Rhett's last words : A DAMN

124. Actress MacDowell : ANDIE. Long time L'Oréal spokeperson.

1. "House" actor : EPPS (Omar)

2. Voyage : TRIP

3. Puerto __ : RICO

4. Lauds : EXTOLS

5. Earth Day mo. : APR

6. Afternoon ora : TRE. Ora = Hour. Italian.

7. Brings down : TOPPLES. I really like Xi Jinping, China's new president. Every time I look at Hu Jintao, I see my old boss, who had me tailed for a week after I left Shanghai. Jerk!

8. Love of Latin : AMOR

9. Faced head-on, as a challenge : ROSE TO

10. To the point : SUCCINCT

11. Cole Porter's "Well, Did You __?" : EVAH

12. Put one's foot in it : ERRED

13. Most miffed : MADDEST

14. Part of MS-DOS: Abbr. : SYs

16. Teacher's handout : EXAM

17. Rosemary, e.g. : HERB

18. "__ with my little eye ..." : I SPY

24. Señor's "some" : UNAS

25. Author Hoag : TAMI. Again, learned from doing Xword.

29. Mess (up) : GUM

31. Whines : PULES. I think I'd have whined too if I were Jordan (Bill's grandson). I sure do not want to play tennis or anything when it's cold and dark.

32. Oldest of the gods, in Plato's "Symposium" : EROS. No idea. I don't believe it.

35. Cal. pages : MOs

36. Put into words : PHRASE

37. Takeover engineer : RAIDER

38. Composer of the "Beetlejuice" score : ELFMAN (Danny). Impressive filmography.

39. Diminutive : PETITE. Don't google. Guess what's the height of average American women?

40. Chuck : TOSS

42. Rattletrap : HEAP

43. Garfield's pal : ODIE

44. Building addition : WING

48. Agreeably sharp-tasting : PIQUANT

52. NYPD ranks : LTs

54. Typos and such : SLIPS

55. Fatty-acid esters : OLEATES. This word looks very unhealthy.

56. Soft & __: Dial product : DRI

58. MacGyver, so to speak : JURY RIG. We had MacGyver discussions long time ago.

60. Trendy fleece-lined boots : UGGs. Not trendy any more.

61. Malt beverage : ALE

63. It's often raw : DATA

64. Goosebump raiser : SCARE

67. Target on the green : CUP. Golf.

68. Mouth : KISSER

70. "Evidently" : SO I SEE

71. "Fresh entertainment" mint : TIC TAC

72. Eschewed cooking : ATE OUT

74. On top of, to poets : O'ER

76. Abbey title : DOM. So is FRA.

77. Yields to gravity : SAGS. Don't you wish the excess fat will only go to your boobs?

78. Bapt. or Meth. : PROT

79. Feast of Esther month : ADAR. Their "June".

80. Nonkosher : TREF. Learned from doing Xword.

82. Certain club restriction : NO MEN. Ladies' club.

85. Together : IN UNISON

86. Cereal box title : CAP'N. Crunch.

88. HDTV feature, often : LCD
89. Pulitzer-winning Cormac McCarthy novel : THE ROAD. Was made into a film, starring Viggo Mortensen.

91. Like a McJob : DEAD END

94. Mai __ : TAI

96. Wednesday's mom, to Gomez : TISH. "The Addams Family".

97. Last syllable : ULTIMA. New word to me also.

98. Fruit discard : RIND

99. Thing out on a limb : FEEDER. Bird feeder. Really "on a limb".

101. Caesar's land : TERRA

104. __ Alto : PALO

105. Michael's "Family Ties" role : ALEX. Michael J. Fox.

106. Pea piercer : TINE

108. Milk choice : SKIM

109. Leprechaun's turf : ERIN. I tried to find a simple sterling four-leaf clover pendant in early summer. No luck. What the stores had were all too fancy or pricey for me. I ended up with a pretty butterfly.

111. Mention : CITE

112. Sack opener? : KNAP. Knapsack.

113. Boot camp NCOs : SGTs

115. Soprano Sumac : YMA

116. I.M. with plans : PEI. He was born in Guangzhou, but grew up in Hongkong & Shanghai.

117. Employ : USE
