, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Dec 26, 2012

Wednesday, December 26th, 2012 Neville Fogarty

Theme: I-C; U-C-2!

The first word of the starred answers phonetically reveals the ... ummm... reveal! (I always wondered why it was called a reveal, now I know!) You see it, I see it too!

18A. *"The Golden Girls" actress : BEA ARTHUR. Here's her USMC ID headshot. Semper Fi!


23A. *Interior designer's forte : EYE FOR DETAIL. Eye for Inflating the Budget also, if we're not careful.

39A. *Traveling : EN ROUTE.  Crying European foul here. I say "en route", you say "en route". Hmm - let's see - I say "On Root", you say "eN Rout".  But wait, you say "Root 66", but the wireless thing in the corner is a Rout-er. Oh well - on a recent trip to England I saw, regarding the actor Sean Bean - "Look, you can be Seen Been or Shawn Borne, you can't have it both ways".

 52A. *"My goodness!" : GEE WILLIKERS! If I was a constructor I'd retire in glory, Hall Of Fame bound, with this answer. Marvelous!

62A. *Head-slapper's cry : OH BROTHER. I prefer "D'oh", but I've got nine empty spaces to fill.

71A. Name spelled out in a canine song, and also by the starts of the answers to starred clues : BINGO. Also, a clue which is so long that I had to scroll to read it.

Happy Boxing Day, everyone! Steve here with a potpourri of a Neville Fogarty puzzle - we've got all kinds of things working here, so let's get to work!


1. 1978 co-Nobelist from Egypt : SADAT. Former President Anwar Sadat.

6. Bookstore ID : ISBN. The 13-digit International Standard Book Number which uniquely identifies the volume in your hand. It used to be 9 digits, but apparently we were running out.

10. Romantic gift : ROSE. An excuse to post this earworm

14. Rowing teams : CREWS

15. Cpls. and sgts. : N.C.O.'S Those non-commissioned officers still make me wonder how to punctuate and pluralize!

16. In pain : ACHY. Just slightly painful, surely.

17. Monteverdi character seeking to bring Euridice back from Hades : ORFEO. Learning moment for me, I knew Orpheus but ... now I know

20. Chum : PAL

21. Williams-Sonoma purchases : PANS. Don't get me started on the wonderful broiler pan I bought from these guys two weeks ago.

22. Make good (for) : ATONE

27. Advanced math assignment : PROOF. Hmmm - not sure about "advanced" here.

28. __ v. Ferguson: 1896 segregation case : PLESSY

32. Gem of a Hitchcock film? : TOPAZ

34. Gumbo vegetable : OKRA. FOOD! In my experience there are two things you can do with okra - put it in Gumbo or make Bhindi Bhaji with it. The latter has my vote.

37. Playbill listing : ROLE

38. Thurman of "Pulp Fiction" : UMA. This is one of my favorite movies and I'd love to post links to the dialog, but this is a family blog and I'd like to be here next year.

42. Like a limbo bar, late in the game : LOW

43. Fishhook feature : BARB

45. Mideast VIP : EMIR

46. Record's two : SIDES. I'm old enough to remember this, but might be clued shortly as "Retro"?

48. Like chinchillas : ANDEAN. Perps all around. Wanted Llama, Rabbit, Furry Things, all kinds of wrong answers.

50. Beaded counters : ABACI. Yes! I love it! Finally my Latin class at school paid off!

57. Playbill listing : ACTOR

60. Biol. branch : ANAT. Anatomy and Biology? I though they were separate when I was at school learning how to spell 50A!

61. Dirt road feature : RUT.

64. Common herb in Italian cooking : BASIL. You say Bay-sill and I say bah-zil.

66. In proximity : NEAR

67. Oliver's request : MORE

68. River past Geneva : RHONE

69. Biblical reformer : EZRA

70. Small bit : IOTA. I had "MOTE" at first when I had the "OT". Eventually scrubbed and replaced.


1. Sharpshooter's apparatus : SCOPE. Really a telescopic sight, but "scope" is quicker to say and fits the grid.

2. Matrix, e.g. : ARRAY. MOVIE didn't work, but eventually this did. I've certainly been dragged (kicking and screaming) to High School today.

3. "Pour Some Sugar on Me" rockers : DEF LEPPARD. I could link some music here, but in the spirit of the holidays, I won't do that to you. This is what you're missing:

4. Wonder : AWE

5. Chinese menu general : TSO. Still haven't tried this.

6. Breaking all the rules : IN BAD FORM

7. Act subdivision : SCENE. Quickly - soliloquy association - Shakespeare's Hamlet; Act 3 Scene 1 "To ...."

8. Talk a good game : BOAST

9. Code-breaking org. : N.S.A. The National Security Agency is the United States Cytological Organization, or the USCO - wait, no  - encrypt that - the NSA.

10. Audible snake : RATTLER.

11. Dos y dos y dos y dos : OCHO. I like my math workout in any language. Today's challenge was Spanish - thank goodness I didn't have to say "9,000,245,693.29" or we'd be here until next year.

12. Ostracize : SHUN

13. Brontë's Jane : EYRE

19. Skatepark component : RAIL. I had RA and wanted RAMP, but eventually sanity prevailed. RAIL it is.

21. How some amateurs turn : PRO

24. Monk's title : FRA. I thought Fra. Angelico was an Italian liqueur until I went to Florence:

25. Move viscously : OOZE

26. Give __ on the back : A PAT

29. Continues despite hardship : SOLDIERS ON

30. Plumlike fruit : SLOE. I've eaten plums, and made gin from sloes - they're not really alike, I'm sorry. They're alike in the sense that a domestic kitten and a Bengal Tiger are similar, but you really don't want to confuse one with the other, trust me.

31. Trees with elastic wood : YEWS. The source of the wood to make either longbows or cricket bats. The English would claim either was a tool to subjugate the masses.

32. Bass brass : TUBA

33. Yemen neighbor : OMAN

35. Decorative pond fish : KOI

36. The sticks : RURAL AREA

40. Hawaiian flier : NENE

41. 57-Across Morales : ESAI

44. Galway "Golly!" : BEGORRA. Oh please, if we're going to have a phonetic mis-spelling of Begorrah! can we at least make the alliteration work? How about "Belfast Bollocks!"?

47. "That's nasty!" : ICK

49. Dynamic start? : AERO. Aerodynamic.

51. Brief diner order? : B.L.T.

53. "Hooray!" : WAHOO!

54. Like a noble gas : INERT

55. Wishing one hadn't : RUING. I still want an "E" in here somewhere!

56. Canonized fifth-cen. pope : ST. LEO. Was this LEOI or LEOX or LEOIV or one of the other convenient LEOs? Because you can't be Seen Been or Shawn Born (c.f. 39A)

57. Topnotch : A-ONE

58. French eatery word : CHEZ. Nous, Max, Maman, Steve - oh wait, that's here.

59. Skier's transport : T-BAR. Another "retro" entry? I'm old enough to have fought my way up an Alp on one of these things - trying not both not fall of yourself nor push your co-rider off the precipice either. Not easy. I hope never to see one of these instruments of torture again.

63. Texter's "I've heard plenty, thanks!" : TMI

64. Texter's "I'm away for a moment" : BRB (Be Right Back)

65. Sushi bar tuna : AHI.

And try as I might I couldn't sneak a Boxing Day reference in anywhere!


Notes from C.C.:

1) Happy Birthday to Andrea!
Back row: Dot (85) and her husband Irv (99). Hope I got the ages right, Dot. Front Row: Kazie and Andrea. Sept 19, 2009
(From Dot: Irv will be 99 in Mar.; I will be 85 in Apr.)

 2) Belated Happy Birthday to SL Zalameh (Zcarguy). Here is a photo of him and his wife Kathy.