, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 13, 2013

Wednesday, Mar 13 2013, Gerry Wildenberg

theme: go green!

17a. GREEN : CONSERVATIONIST. environmentally beneficial.

27a. GREEN : VILLAGE COMMONS. a common, open area within a settlement.

48a. GREEN : PUTTING SURFACE. on a golf course, where the flagstick and hole are located.

63a. GREEN : THE COLOR OF MONEY. the color of US paper money, and the name of a 1986 movie starring paul newman and tom cruise, a follow-up to the hustler.

melissa here. 

two grid-spanning theme entries - the black squares look so pretty the way they  cascade diagonally down.

no extra charge (get it?) for these:

5a. Parsley family herb : DILL 

9a. Straight from the garden : FRESH 

23a. First word of "Greensleeves" : ALAS my love, you do me wrong.

33a. Green prefix : ECO. as in eco-friendly.

34a. Green shade : TEAL. check him out. 

57a. "The Green Hornet" airer, 1966-'67 : ABC. superheroa little before my time.


1. Sound finely tuned : PURR.  motor.

14. Role for Ronny : OPIE. ronny howard, in the andy griffith show.

15. Neighborhood : AREA

16. Ceiling : LIMIT. i won't say it.

20. Next in line : ON DECK

21. Hobbyist's buy : KIT. model airplane or car, etc.

22. Tennis racket part : GRIP. the handle.

25. In a glass by itself : NEAT. tin!

35. Aimée of "La Dolce Vita" : ANOUK. fellini film, italian for the sweet life.

37. Cozy reading rooms : DENS

39. Personal property : STUFF. unless you have a cat, then not so much.

42. "At Wit's End" humorist Bombeck : ERMA

43. Drilling tool : AUGER

45. Buster? : NARC. new clue.

47. It might say "Wipe your paws" : MAT

52. __ carotene : BETA

53. Draws : TIES

54. Parlor piece : SOFA. quaint.

59. Puget Sound port : TACOMA. washington state.

66. Japan's commercial center, historically : OSAKA

67. Accessory on the handlebars : BELL. does anyone use these anymore?

68. TV part? : TELE

69. __-case scenario : WORST

70. Oscillation : SWAY. a little tricky.

71. Body art, briefly : TATS


1. Little, to Leoncavallo : POCO. italian opera composer, poco is italian for little.

2. Aware of, as the latest : UP ON

3. Fruit coat : RIND. peel.

4. Protect again, as a driveway : RESEAL

5. Pre-Renaissance period : DARK AGES. sometimes i think we're going back there.

6. Football commentator Cross : IRV

7. Drip, say : LEAK

8. Emilio Estefan, notably : LATINO

9. Producer Ziegfeld : FLO. short for florenz - creator of ziegfield follies.

10. Cellphone customer's creation, perhaps : RINGTONE

11. Mideast ruler : EMIR

12. "Right away, señor!" : SI SI. c.c!

13. Internet address letters : HTTP

18. Brilliance : ECLAT

19. Gossip tidbit : ITEM

24. Install in Congress : SEAT

26. Dr.'s group : AMA. american medical association.

27. Sanskrit scripture : VEDA. archaic form of sanskrit.

28. Frost over : ICE UP

29. Mute sound? : LONG U. trying to trick us.

30. Stuck (to) : CLUNG

31. Marilyn, before she was Marilyn : NORMA jeane mortenson.

32. Poison __ : SUMAC

36. Latest addition to the British Royal Family : KATE. not for long.

38. Reversals : SETBACKS

40. __ food : FAST

41. Genetic research insect : FRUIT FLY. haven't seen tse-tse in a while.

44. U.S. 1, for one : RTE

46. Lobster Newburg ingredient : CREAM. 

49. Emphatic type: Abbr. : ITALics

50. Big wheels : NABOBS. just sounds funny.

51. Author Fitzgerald : F. SCOTT. the great gatsby. 

54. Put in the overhead bin : STOW

55. Very : OH SO

56. Cold feet : FEAR. alright.

58. Seagoing help : CREW

60. Military classification : ONE A

61. Go all weak in the knees : MELT. mmmm.

62. Seagoing assents : AYES

64. Bit of muesli : OAT

65. Schnozz extender : OLA. ha.
