, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jun 12, 2013

Wednesday, Jun 12 2013, Jack McInturff

theme: FATHER FIGURES - each theme entry is an actor in a film with "Father" in its title.  timely theme, with father's day just around the corner. couldn't have been easy to fit all these full names in one grid. 

18a. "Father of the Bride" co-star : STEVE MARTIN. recently became a father, at 67.

26a. "Father Dowling Mysteries" star : TOM BOSLEY

34a. "Father Knows Best" star : ROBERT YOUNG

41a. "Father Goose" co-star : CARY GRANT

55a. "Father Murphy" star : MERLIN OLSEN

and a beautifully placed vertical crossing the center theme answer:

24d. Father's Day "award" : BEST DAD

melissa here. don't know if jack is a dad or not, but he deserves a relaxing day off for this one. (From C.C.: Jack is a 83-year-old grandpa.)


1. Bank offerings, briefly : CD'S. certificates of deposit.

4. Emmy winner Edie : FALCO

9. Stockholm native : SWEDE

14. Pewter with 80% tin : LEY. did not know that. wikipedia says it was used for items that did not come into contact with food or drink.

15. First husband of Bathsheba : URIAH

16. Hermit : LONER

17. Ques. response : ANS

20. Star on the stand : WITNESS. courtroom.

22. Mean : NOT NICE

23. It's uncertain when it's gray : AREA. nice clue.

24. Rite performed by a mohel : BRIS

25. USSR successor : CIS. commonwealth of independent states.

30. Force : DINT. not a word you hear often.

31. Cardinal and carmine : REDS. pretty.

32. "In that case, scram!" : THEN GO

37. Belief in one god : THEISM

39. Put in stitches : DARN. nice.

40. Disapproving sound : HISS. as in boo, hiss!

46. Freud's "The __ and the Id" : EGO

47. Cattle unit : HEAD

49. Out of the wind : ALEE

50. Brouhaha : RHUBARB. i didn't know these were synonyms, must start using this word.

52. One settling a score : AVENGER

57. Keats opus : ODE

58. First name in wieners : OSCAR. anthony wouldn't fit.

59. Carried : TOTED

60. Legal thing : RES. another obscure one for me. "An object, a subject matter, or a status against which legal proceedings have been instituted."

61. Marks on a manuscript : STETS

62. Reaches great heights : SOARS. like this.

63. LeShan who wrote "It's Better to Be Over the Hill Than Under It" : EDA


1. Use for scratching : CLAW AT

2. "GoodFellas" actor : DE NIRO

3. One may be used to pick Powerball numbers : SYSTEM. not my favorite clue.

4. Oft-blown circuit component : FUSE

5. Crafts partner : ARTS

6. Alibis, sometimes : LIES

7. Cleveland NBAer : CAValier.

8. Storywriter known for twists : O HENRY

9. Mattress supports : SLATS

10. Tattered : WORN

11. Like a Greek siren : ENTICING

12. Cold weather wing maintenance : DE-ICING. dig the rhyming.

13. Che, at birth : ERNESTO. guevara.

19. "Who, me?" : MOI

21. Arrest : NAB

27. Globes : ORBS

28. Appear : SEEM

29. Pres. or CEO : LDR. leader.

30. __ of iniquity : DEN

32. British Conservative's ancestor : TORY. political faction.

33. Unable to reach a verdict : HUNG

34. Natural or renewable supply : RESOURCE

35. Grafton's "__ for Outlaw" : O IS

36. Pirate's cry : YAR

37. Insulated container : THERMOS

38. Like Mount Everest : HIGHEST

41. Explorers John and Sebastian : CABOTS

42. Sought a seat : RAN. tricky.

43. Dan Quayle's successor : AL GORE

44. Had to have : NEEDED

45. Saintly Mother : TERESA

47. What hagglers split : HAIRS

48. Sea eagle : ERN

51. Sheep's sound : BLAT

52. Hammett hound : ASTA. dashiell hammet, author of the thin man series.

53. Swerve : VEER

54. Extremes : ENDS

56. Head of Hastings? : LOO. great.
