, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jun 27, 2013

Thursday, June 27, 2013 Jean O'Conor

Theme: "Bag it!"

20. *Polite words showing little interest : NOT MY CUP OF TEA. Unless it's Earl Grey. Right, Abejo?

32. *Words often heard after "Welcome" : YOU'VE GOT MAIL. Also, a cute movie starring Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks.

41. *Verbal gamesmanship : TALKING TRASHSports stars are really good at it.

55. *Metaphorical boundary : LINE IN THE SAND. Here's one.

And the reveal(ers):
59. With 62-Down, certain...and where to find the ends of the answers to the starred clues : IN THE
62-Down. See 59-Across : BAG.

The ends of the theme entries could each be found in a bag: TEA BAG, MAIL BAG, TRASH BAG and SAND BAG. Neat!


1. Worked a wedding, perhaps : DJ'ED. All I could think of was  the "Wedding Crashers."

5. Film on water : SCUM. Had it, took it out, scratched my head, put it back.

9. Worker with a whip : TAMER. Because "trainer" wouldn't fit...

14. Jackknifed, say : DOVE. Anyone else think of tractor-trailer trucks?

15. What you may do when you snooze? : LOSE.

16. Like Silas Marner before finding Eppie : ALONE.

17. Flow slowly : SEEP.

18. Conversant with : UP ON.

19. Cap'ns' underlings : BOS'Ns. Short for "boatswain." He is the senior crewman on deck.

23. Ready to sire : AT STUD. On our tour of the Lippizaner stables, I saw several studs looking like they were ready...

25. Forbid : OUTLAW.

26. Overly : TOO.

27. Be a bad omen : BODE ILL.

31. RB's units : YDS. Running Backs in football are measured by the yards they gain on each play.

35. Chamber opening? : ANTE. Antechamber.

36. Humerous Margaret : CHO. Not a big fan, so I won't give her a link. (It's my write-up, and I can do whatever I want!)

37. Landed : ALIT.

46. Old flier : SST.

49. Enlarge, as a blueprint : RESCALE.

50. Égotiste's pronoun : MOI. French - it's all about "me."

51. Ready for : OPEN TO.

53. City on the Somme : AMIENS. Just north of Paris. Map.

60. Scull crew : OARS.

61. Names : DUBS.

64. Mule and whitetail : DEERS.

65. Balanchine bend : PLIE. George Balanchine is known as "The father of modern ballet."

66. Canon ending? : ICAL. Canonical. I guess non-Mac users wouldn't know that this is Apple's calendar app.

67. Peacock's gait : STRUT. Some women are just soooo hard to impress. 0:55

68. Law firm letterhead abbreviations : ESQS. Esquires.

69. Lines from the heart? : EKGS. Abbr. for Electrokardiogram, the German spelling of the term. Both EKG and ECG are in common use.


1. Smile specialist's deg. : DDSDoctor of Dental Surgery.

2. Morning pick-me-up : JOE. Java, mud, battery acid, rocket fuel, mojo, jitter juice, caffeine fix...

3. Smooths : EVENS OUT.

4. Where to get a ticket to ride : DEPOT.

5. "___ Millionaire": 2008 Best Picture : SLUMDOG. Great movie!

6. Column filler : COPY. Not "data," but a newspaper column.

7. Biennial games org. : USOCUnited States Olympic Committee.

8. List : MENU.

9. Bulgur salad : TABOULI. Yummm!

10. Up in the rigging : ALOFT.

11. To a large degree : MOSTLY.

12. Ball team, e.g. : ENNEAD. Group of nine.

13. Corrects in wood shop : RESAWS. My motto is always, "Measure twice, cut once." Splynter?

21. ___ top : TUBE. For the guys.

22. Old-time actress Negri : POLA. She lives on in crossword puzzles.

23. "Back ___!": "Same here!" : AT YA.

24. Bugs, for one : TOON. Nice misdirection.

28. Places to tie up : DOCKS.

29. Set of moral principles : ETHIC.

30. "___ roll!" : I'M ON A.

33. Hardly a rookie : VET.

34. "Knots Landing" actress ___ Park Lincoln : LARAll perps.

38. Certain November also-ran : LAME DUCK.

39. Will occur as planned : IS ON.

40. The one here : THIS.

42. Most pretentious : ARTIEST.

43. Trotsky of Russia : LEON. He once had an affair with artist Frida Kahlo.

44. Ones resting on a bridge : GLASSES. Great clue!

45. Vivaldi motif : TEMA. "Theme," in Italian. I guess I can link his most famous one. 42:00

46. Infants don't eat them : SOLIDS. I had Steaks, then SaLaDS before SOLIDS appeared.

47. Parlor instrument : SPINET.

48. Backpacker, often : TENTER.

52. '60s rockers' jacket style : NEHRU. Popularized by The Monkees and The Beatles, but it was never worn by Nehru!

54. Many a low-budget film : INDIE.

56. Engage in frequent elbow-bending : TOPE.

57. Dutch artist Frans : HALS. One of my favorite Dutch painters. (Other than Rembrandt, of course!)

58. La Salle of "ER" : ERIQAll perps.

63. Mercedes roadsters : SLs. From the German "Sport Leicht" ("Sport Lightweight"). First used on the Gullwing.

That's it from me for this week!
