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Jan 15, 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Gareth Bain

Theme: Canine Connections - the four theme answers start with a variety of terrier as explained by the unifier.

18A. *Broadcaster of many TV games : FOX SPORTS

59A. *Seemingly unfitting name for Wrigley Field vines : BOSTON IVY. Famously-green home of the Chicago Cubs.

3D. *Like newly shaved legs, per some razor ads : SILKY SMOOTH

26D. *One checking crossings : BORDER GUARD. There's also a border collie - one demarcation line, two dogs! The collie gets my vote.

and the unifier:

39A. Dog breed, a type of which begins the answers to starred clues : TERRIER

Happy Wednesday everyone - Steve here with a nice midweek offering from Gareth Bain. It took me  a little while to get moving with this one - the theme helped once I saw the unifier. The Northwest was a problem, thankfully backed into the solve from filling the bottom up. Food, animals and all kinds of fun followed. Let's take a look!


1. Under siege : BESET

6. Raul Castro's country : CUBA. Is Fidel OK with this clue? I think he might be 10A!

10. Irate : SORE

14. Sheeplike : OVINE. Not to be confused with "bovine", a completely different animal.

15. A long way off : AFAR

16. Lily variety : ARUM. I think I knew this, but crosses to the rescue anyway.

17. Give birth to a baby elephant, say : CALVE. Cows and whales too. Any others?

20. Acting the quizmaster : ASKING

22. Mink kin : STOAT. Cute-looking, but ferocious for their size.

23. Like some simple questions : YES/NO

25. Dress like a king or for the ring : ENROBE. Boxers and other pugilists wear a robe going into a fight.

28. "I'd rather not" : PASS

30. Say convincingly : AVER

32. Brother : MONK

34. Higher limb : ARM

35. Vase-shaped jug : EWER. Not sheep-shaped?

36. "The Treasure of the __ Madre" : SIERRA. 1948 John Huston movie starring Humphrey Bogart. Huston won the Oscar for Best Director.

38. __ Balls: Hostess treats : SNO. Food! (Almost!) Did you know they make green ones for St. Patrick's Day and orange ones for Halloween?

41. Dawn to dusk : DAY

42. "Better luck next time!" : TOO BAD

44. Chooses : OPTS. I like you can opt in, out, for or against. Versatile little word for being three letters long.

45. It may be massive or massaged : EGO

46. __ sax : ALTO

47. Narrow strip : SLAT

48. Lode deposits : ORES

49. Greg's sitcom wife : DHARMA

52. Impersonating : DOING

54. Thin-layered rock : SHALE

56. Nancy Drew, e.g. : SLEUTH

63. British Columbia neighbor : IDAHO

64. Jim Davis pooch : ODIE. He of comic strip "Garfield" fame.

65. Optic layer : UVEA

66. Go along : AGREE

67. Make (one's way) : WEND

68. Automatic "P"? : PARK. One of the P-R-N-D-L car transmission selector positions.

69. Yields (to) : CEDES


1. __ Burger, veggie brand that originated in Florida : BOCA. Food! (kinda!). I've never had a veggie burger and I'm not sure I want to start now.

2. Perón and Gabor : EVAS

4. Wishes one had : ENVIES

5. Many "Glee" characters : TEENS

6. Half-__: coffee order : CAF. Hmmm - I've never heard this in any coffee shop I've ever been in, but I guess you can order half caffeinated and half decaf?

7. What weather balloons may be mistaken for : UFOS. Or vice-versa if you believe the conspiracy theorists.

8. Ron Burgundy's dog : BAXTER

9. Burning crime : ARSON

10. Príncipe's island partner : SÄO TOMÉ. Completely unknown to me - crosses all the way. Located off the west coast of Africa on the Equator. Who knew? Not me!

11. NHL great Bobby : ORR

12. Tough thing to be stuck in : RUT. I had "MUD" at first which slowed me down a little.

13. What mom has that dad doesn't? : EMS. Two of 'em.

19. Links goal : PAR. A pretty lofty goal in my case. I'm delighted if I make bogey every hole, let alone par.

21. Worked on, as a bone : GNAWED

24. In the past : OVER

27. Incense : ENRAGE

28. Ribbons on a plate : PASTA. Food! Fettuccine in this case. I once had fettuccine alfredo at the restaurant in Rome that introduced the dish to the world.

29. Turncoat Benedict : ARNOLD. He really hitched up to the wrong wagon on that one! Ummmmm - Revolutionary War - Great  Britain fighting on foreign soil against REALLY amped up people? Yeah, I'm going GB on this one. WRONG!

31. Flashy Flynn : ERROL.

33. Sends to the canvas : KAYOS. The second reference to boxing, the "noble art" today.

35. Greek vowel : ETA

36. Squabbles : SET-TOS

37. Recipient of many returns: Abbr. : I.R.S. Our beloved Internal Revenue Service.

40. Popular tablet : iPAD

43. Sang one's own praises : BOASTED. When I played Squash (kinda like Racketball) in England, a boast was a shot played over the head of your opponent that left him or her helpless. I like to think of the word in those terms.

47. Mouth moisture : SALIVA.  Eeeew?

48. Antsy : ON EDGE

50. Letter before sigma : RHO

51. Not wimp out : MAN UP

53. Sacro- ending : ILIAC

55. Continually : EVER

57. Quaker pronoun : THEE. "THOU" went in, then out. Finally.

58. Tilling tools : HOES

59. Hood's weapon : BOW. I was thinking "gangster" at first and confidently filled in "GAT" until it was apparent that I was on the wrong track. Robin Hood.

60. Laudatory poem : ODE

61. Reason for contrition : SIN

62. Shaggy ox : YAK. I think that the word "shaggy" was introduced for the yak. It's almost - "guys, we don't have a word for how those things look".

Enough already - heading to Kansas City today so trading a nice warm hike in 80F in LA yesterday  for a winter coat. As they say in Tibet - it's a Yak Wrap.
