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Feb 13, 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014 Susan Gelfand

Theme: "Green Anagrams"

17-Across. "Sommersby" actress : JODIE FOSTER. Forest green.

28-Across. Shortcut, perhaps : DIAGONAL LINE. Nile green.

39-Across. Freaked out : GONE APE. Pea green.

49-Across. Measure used by navigators : NAUTICAL MILE. Lime green.

65-Across. Packaged produce buy, and a literal description of the ends of 17-, 28-, 39- and 49-Across :

Whenever I see something like "mix" in the reveal, I immediately look for anagrams. I start with the shortest - "pea" - and then work on the longer words.  But L-I-N-E had me stumped for the longest time - I just couldn't think of a green color with those letters. Light finally dawned, but there were other challenges for me in this one (as a Thursday puzzle should…)


1. Asian noodles : RAMEN.

6. Quick looks : PEEKS.

11. "The __" : WIZ.

14. Poke __ in : A HOLE. Odd partial.

15. Game console button : RESET.

16. __ polloi : HOI.

19. 1992 figure skating silver medalist : ITO. Midori.  A clue with at least part of her name would have helped!!

20. What "will be" will be? : ARE. Tricky: what "ARE" now, will be later...

21. Actress Dolores __ Rio : DEL. Big starlet in the '20s-'30s.

22. Post-blizzard creation : SNOWMAN. Which I will not be making on Friday...

24. "The Federalist Papers" co-writer : HAMILTON. Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison. They promoted the ratification of the US Constitution.

27. Part of UNLV: LAS. University of Nevada LAS Vegas.

33. Kobe's home : JAPAN. Not KOBE Bryant - he was born in Philadelphia. But the city in the Hyogo prefecture. (Home to Kobe beef. - Argyle))

36. Energy : VIM.

37. Environmental sci. : ECOL.ogy

38. Hosp. areas : ORs.

43. Org. for analysts : APA. American Psychological Association.

44. Dickens clerk : HEEP. Uriah, to friends, from "David Copperfield."

46. __ Aviv : TEL.

47. Plant circulatory tissue : XYLEM.

53. Some govt. lawyers : DAsDistrict Attorneys. English is so capricious. Why isn't the plural spelled "attornies"???

54. Kind of memory : AUDITORY.

58. Golfer and his buddy, say : TWOSOME.

62. Barbecue item : RIB.

63. Never, in Nuremberg : NIE.

64. Trash holder : BIN. Anyone else want "can" at first???

68. Word before or after blue : SKY.

69. Paris pupil :  ÉLÈVE.

70. Picture : IMAGE.

71. "Mr. __ Passes By": Milne play : PIM.

72. A.J. Foyt, e.g. : RACER.

73. Flies alone : SOLOS. Dudley!


1. Hindi for "king" : RAJAH.

2. Now, in Nicaragua : AHORA.

3. Surfing equipment : MODEM. Anyone else want "board"???

4. Ransom __ Olds : ELI.

5. Locker room exchange : NEEDLING.

6. Opening words : PROLOG. I thought it was "prologue"?

7. Some RPI grads : EES. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.  Electrical Engineers. Spitzboov & Splynter - any others out there?

8. Body shop figs. : ESTSEstimates.

9. Sharp : KEEN.

10. Easy pace : STROLL.

11. Playfully kooky : WHIMSICAL.

12. Minute amount : IOTA.

13. Utah national park : ZION.

18. Crumbly cheese : FETA.

23. Corduroy ridge : WALE.

25. Biographer Tarbell : IDA. Most notable for "The History of the Standard Oil Company." (Hmmm…note to self, do NOT put that on your reading list!)

26. Extended short story : NOVELLA.

29. Singer/actress Peeples : NIA. Best known for her role as Nicole Chapman in "Fame."

30. Energize, with "up" : AMP.

31. "Not a chance" : NOPE.

32. Character actor Jack : ELAM.

33. Doe in many films : JOHN.

34. Specialty : AREA.

35. Lewis Carroll, for one : PSEUDONYM.

40. Non-Rx : OTCOver the Counter.

41. Museum funding org. : NEA. National Endowment for the Arts.

42. Bookplate words : EX LIBRIS. Latin for "From the library of…"

45. Educ. collaborators : PTAs.

48. As of now : YET.

50. Glucose, to fructose : ISOMER.

51. Geese : gaggle :: crows : __ : MURDER.

52. Beatnik's "Gotcha" : I DIG.

55. "Barry Lyndon" actor : O'NEAL. Ryan. Did not know this film. All perps.

56. Musical nickname related to jewelry : RINGO.

57. Survey answers : YESes.

58. Cook's meas. : TBSP. Tablespoon. None of my cookbooks have this as the abbr.

59. Collaborative Web project : WIKI.

60. Kunis of "Black Swan" : MILA. Great film. Have you seen it? It gives me a whole new appreciation for the gruelling training that ballerinas have to go through.

61. Corporate VIP : EXEC.

66. Holiday starter : EVE.

67. Rock genre : EMO. Characterized by expressive lyrics. Short for "emotive."

I'm all in for now. If I didn't cover all your questions, let me know!
