, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 20, 2014

Thursday, March 20, 2014 Kevin Christian

Theme: It's Not What You Think…

17-Across. It's not a swine : GUINEA PIG. It's actually a rodent, as is 43-Across.

21-Across. It's not an equine : SEAHORSE. It's actually a marine fish.

35-Across. It's not an amphibian : HORNED TOAD. It's actually a lizard.

43-Across. It's not a canine : PRAIRIE DOG. It's actually a rodent, like 17-Across.

53-Across. It's not a rodent : TITMOUSE. It's actually a bird.

62-Across. It's not an ursine : KOALA BEAR. It's actually a marsupial.

Six theme entries, with four of them overlapping, could make some compromises in the fill. But I found this to be quite smooth. I also thought the theme was very fresh, and enjoyed filling in each entry with the "pseudo-name."

At first I thought we had another puzzle by Rich Norris, until I remembered that the "pseudo-name" he uses is GIA Christian, not Kevin. ("Again, it's Rich.")


1. At attention, say : ERECT.

6. Whale group : GAM. Hands up for "pod"????

9. Caught at a rodeo : ROPED.

14. Grammy-winning Jones : NORAH. I really love this one - it has special meaning for me.

15. CXVIII x V : DXC. 118 x 5 = 590

16. Officer on the Enterprise bridge : UHURA.

19. Alert to drivers : SIREN.

20. Vinyl item : RECORD.

23. Zilch : NADA.

25. Hot times in Lyon : ETES. As Splynter says, "Frawnch" for "summers."

26. MST part: Abbr. : STD. Mountain StandarTime. Hey, it's MDT already!

29. Endow : VEST.

31. __ projection : ASTRAL.

38. Million finish : AIRE. Millionaire.

39. Mayflower Compact signer : ALDEN.

40. Patriots' Day mo. : APR. I think this holiday is officially celebrated only in Massachusetts, the day of the Boston Marathon.

41. Former U.S. Army post near Monterey : FT. ORD.

42. Big name in game shows : MERV. Griffin.

45. "Remington __" : STEELE. 1980's romance-comedy-detective show, starring Pierce Brosnan.

47. Enthusiasm : ZEAL.

48. Common rebus pronoun : EWE.  I had a really cool rebus puzzle to post here, with a picture of an EYE, a tin CAN, an image of the SEA and a picture of a EWE. Oh well, technology got the better of me.

49. Avis adjective : RARA.

51. "Stay" singer Lisa : LOEB. Sorry, I used up my one link on Norah Jones...

57. Lacking the wherewithal : UNABLE.

61. Confess : ADMIT.

64. Seven-year phase : TEENS. 13-19 year olds. Funny, I always thought of teens as being a ten-year stretch. But I counted on my fingers, and YEP!  It's only seven years. It just seems longer, when you are a parent of one, I guess...

65. SASE, e.g. : ENC. Self addressed stamped envelope - enclosure.

66. Ben Stiller's mother : MEARA.

67. Biography Channel owner : A AND E. Seems weird to see A&E spelled out.

68. Most of AZ doesn't observe it : DST. Daylight Savings Time.

69. Freddy Krueger's haunts: Abbr. : ELM ST.


1. Tech sch. grad : ENGR.

2. Rake : ROUE.

3. Idle in comedy : ERIC. Of Monty Python fame.

4. Leica competitor : CANON.

5. Title "ungainly fowl" of poetry : THE RAVEN. Funny how it overlapped 36-Down, NEVER MIND…(so close to "nevermore"!!!)

6. Natl. economic indicator : GDP. Like EST or EDT, I always struggle with GDP or GNP. Fill in two letters, wait for perps to confirm the third.

7. x, y or z : AXIS.

8. Blues singer Bobby of song : MCGEE. "But feeling good was easy, Lord, when he sang the blues…"

9. Fraternity events : RUSHES.

10. Columbus school : OHIO STATE.

11. Sign of feline felicity : PURR.

12. "__ Tu": 1974 hit : ERES. Mocedades, "It's You."

13. Hamlet, for one : DANE.

18. Contributed : ADDED.

22. Slightly : A TAD.

24. Sirius or Vega : A STAR. Not just a star, but an "A" star.

26. Counterfeits : SHAMS.

27. Available, on a real estate sign : TO LET. Sounds more European to me. I'm used to seeing "For Rent."

28. Rapper who co-founded Beats Electronics : DR. DRE.

30. November birthstone : TOPAZ.

32. __ Janeiro : RIO DE. meh.

33. Bow go-with : ARROW.

34. Dove's perch : LEDGE.

36. "Don't bother" : NEVER MIND.

37. Disney mermaid : ARIEL.

41. Identifier in a folder : FILE NAME.

43. Machu Picchu locale : PERU.

44. Lover of Christine, in "The Phantom of the Opera" : RAOUL.

46. "Tao Te Ching" author : LAO TSE. Attributed to him, but I believe its true authorship is uncertain. Loosely translated as "The Classic Path to Virtue."

50. Tried to date, with "out" : ASKED.

52. Tower city : BABEL.

53. "See ya" : TA-TA.

54. What a light bulb may signify : IDEA. TA-DA!!

55. The Untouchables, e.g. : T-MEN.

56. Eras upon eras : EONS.

58. Smile broadly : BEAM.

59. Metallica drummer Ulrich : LARS. The first Dane to be inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

60. Q.E.D. word : ERAT. Quod erat demonstrandum. "Which had to be demonstrated."

63. Pretend to be : ACT.

That's all for this week, folks!


Note from C.C.:

1) Happy Birthday to dear Spitzboov (Al), who has been faithfully contributing to this blog for a few years. Al served in the Navy Reserve for over 20 years and retired as Commander. This morning I had a bonding moment with Al. I made my breakfast Al Style 5 minutes only. I had been using the wrong water to oats ration previously. (Ratio! Thanks, Owen). Too much water. By the way, D-Otto, I tried the Test Kitchen steel-cut oats with dates & toasted walnuts & soy milk on Tuesday. Great result. I'll experience with coconut milk tomorrow. (Experiment. Thanks again, Owen)

Spitzboov & his lovely wife Betty, US Coast Guard Academy, New London, CT,
August 2012
2) Happy Birthday to John28man as well. The lady in his avatar picture is his wife. They were in a restaurant in Vienna, Austria. Do you spend every winter in Arizona, John?

3) To regular commenters: Please email me ( if you want to be included in our blog birthday list. I'd love to see a picture of you too.