, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


May 10, 2015

Sunday May 10, 2015 Melanie Miller

Theme: "L-iminated"- L is removed from each theme answer.

23A. Comment after a big raise? : THE POT THICKENS. The plot thickens.

42A. Faux furs left out in the cold? : FROSTED FAKES. Frosted Flakes.

60A. Chicago athlete in Denver? : MILE HIGH CUB. Mile high club.

84A. Gem named for a dinosaur? : BARNEY STONE. Blarney Stone.

99A. Fair-haired castaway? : BEACHED BLOND. Bleached blond. Lots of girls sported silver hair last summer. Not easy to be DYED (Covered the gray, say) in silver gray. Very complicated procedures. 

120A. Running buddy's question? : YOUR PACE OR MINE? Your place or mine?

33D. Green Giant deal? : PEA BARGAIN. Plea bargain.

56D. Slacks for the boardroom? : POWER PANTS. Power plant.
The stray L's in MILE HIGH CUB  and BEACHED BLOND might bother some purists, but they're fun phrases.

Lovely grid arrangement. No cheater square! Hard to do that on a Sunday.


1. Padlock part : HASP

5. Boldly forward : PERT. 18D. Gets boldly forward with : SASSES. Clue echoes.

9. Yrs. before college : EL-HI

13. Only major league team without a no-hitter to its credit : PADRES. I did not know this trivia. I asked Boomer. He answered "Marlins". We're no good.

19. Polynesian getaway : OAHU

20. Small number : A FEW.

21. Aslan of Narnia, e.g. : LION. As Marti linked last week, Met Gala featured a China theme this year. So much fun for me to watch each red carpet interpretation of various Chinese flowers/animals.

22. Parthenon dedicatee : ATHENA

26. Range ropes : REATAS. Or RIATAS.

27. Mosaic part : TESSERA. New word to me. Its plural is Tesserae. Not *S.

28. Didn't let go of : KEPT

30. Takes the wrong way? : ROBS. Fun clue.

31. Scholarly piece : PAPER

34. Assign : ALLOT

37. Express sorrow : CRY. So is SOB.

38. Garden annoyance : MOLE

39. Dark clouds, perhaps : OMEN

40. Prison canary? : RAT. Nailed it. We also have 77. Field scurrier : MOUSE

45. Row : SPAT

46. Recess retort : AM SO

48. Cargo unit : TON

49. "Pshaw!" : FIE

50. Dwindle : SUBSIDE

52. Start of many a tribute : ODE TO

54. Pertinent : APROPOS

59. Greenhouse gas regulator: Abbr. : EPA

63. Pad : ABODE

64. Satisfied, as a debt : REPAID

66. Yucatán native : MAYAN

67. Arrived suddenly : BLEW IN

68. Bit of kelp, say : ALGA. I eat Wakame often. Kelp is too tough. It's good for veggie miso stock though.

70. Come down hard : TEEM. Like rain. Not a word I use.

72. Asian cuisine : THAI. Lemonade is lucky.

74. Do a farming job : SEED

75. Uncouth : COARSE

81. One hoping to find a school : ANGLER. School of fish!

83. Skylark sound : TRILL

86. Life : PEP

89. Physically aware : SENSATE. Not a word I use.

91. Fathered : SIRED

92. Unprocessed information : RAW DATA. Big gimme for all of us.

94. Hatch, e.g.: Abbr. : SEN. Orrin Hatch.

95. Helena-to-Lincoln dir. : ESE

96. Islamic official : IMAM

98. Rural roadside stops : INNS

105. Don Ho's instrument : UKE

106. Doctor's order : STAT

107. Bonnie Raitt, for one : ALTO. Got via crosses.

108. Gathering that may involve a wagon : TEA. What wagon? We call it tea cart. 

109. Calls for : NEEDS

111. So last week : PASSE

112. Captures : NABS

113. Sea raptors : ERNS

115. Computer output device : PRINTER. What printer are you using? Ours is HP Envy. So so.

118. Food label reader, perhaps : DIETER. I cook by feel and instinct.

126. Preposterous, as an idea : INSANE

127. Shipbuilding tool : ADZE

128. Little red schoolhouse lady : MARM

129. Steady : EVEN

130. Brahms' symphonies, e.g. : TETRAD. No idea. I'm a classic music idiot.

131. Tenderfoot : NAIF

132. Shampoo additive : ALOE. I tried this clue for ACAI once. Rich did not use it.


1. Like some wings : HOT

2. Warm-bath reaction : AAH. I'll say "Ahh" only when it's hot.

3. Yachting pronoun : SHE

4. Out-of-style Boy Scout shelters : PUP TENTS. By the way, do any of you remember the big Chinese earthquake in 1976? Over half a million people died. I have faint memory of sleeping outside in a big tent. Wiki mentioned under Damage that "Tremors were felt as far away as Xi'an approximately 760 km (470 mi) away."  I was 5 at the time.

5. Gently touches : PATS

6. Little newts : EFTS

7. Zaps : REHEATS

8. Dancer's move : TWIRL

9. FDR was one : ELK. Unknown trivia. Because the clue is an abbreviation, I though the answer might be DEM.

10. Moment of dishonesty : LIE

11. Protest on the road : HONK

12. Cricket, for one : INSECT

13. Bowlful next to the chips : PARTY DIP

14. Put away : ATE. I put EAT first. Fooled by the tense.

15. Hindu duty : DHARMA. How do they decide where to put H? I have trouble spelling Gandhi also.

16. Seized again : RETOOK

17. Allow : ENABLE

24. "... sadness comes __ me": Longfellow : O'ER

25. Baby moose : CALF

29. Factory-built home : PREFAB

31. Western chasers : POSSE. And 99. 31-Down quarry : BANDIT

32. Energize : AMP UP. I tried PEP UP.

35. Former Sandinista leader : ORTEGA

36. Like the Cheshire Cat's grin : TOOTHY

40. Send forth : RADIATE

41. 2001 French romantic comedy : AMELIE. Loved the movie.

43. Tracked winter vehicle : SNO-CAT

44. Wild : FERAL

47. Trick reaction : OOH. Did you try "Doh"?

51. Bart Simpson, e.g. : IMP. Hi there Spitzboov!

53. Reduce in intensity : DIM

55. Quite hefty : OBESE. And 117. Hefty volume : TOME. One of our blog readers read "Dream of the Red Chamber", a hefty Chinese classic. I was totally impressed.

57. Jim Davis canine : ODIE

58. Summon, with "for" : SEND

61. Buildup of fluid : EDEMA

62. Tip a tam : UNHAT. Not a word I use.

65. British noblemen : EARLS

67. Standout : BIG NAME. I just learned that our Steve lives in the same area as Miley Cyrus. And he sees her from time to time at their local coffee shop & Trader Joe's.

68. 97-Down pair, frequently : ACTS. And 97. Play with songs : MUSICAL

69. Passed-down learning : LORE

71. Smidgen : MORSEL

73. Inuit wear : ANORAK

76. Cut back : SLASH

78. Choral parts may be sung in it : UNISON

79. Not agitated : SERENE

80. Discriminating ability : EYE

82. Jack __, treasury secretary since 2013 : LEW. Known for his loopy signature.

84. Spree : BENDER

85. Cold War missile prog. : SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative)

87. Old lab heaters : ETNAS

88. Kid's adhesive : PASTE

90. Struggled for balance : TEETERED

93. Removed pieces from : DISARMED

100. Five-time Tony nominee Stritch : ELAINE

101. Ideally : AT BEST

102. Marquee partner : CO-STAR

103. Fig tree variety : BANYAN. Have you seen fig trees in person?

104. "Transcendence" actor : DEPP. Never saw the movie. Johnny Depp & Brad Pitt are not my type.

110. Many a TV series : DRAMA

111. In accordance with : PER

114. Vending machine buy : SODA

116. First-century emperor : NERO

119. Bambi family member : ENA. Aunt Ena.

121. Israeli weapon : UZI

122. Field official : REF

123. Creeping evergreen : IVY

124. Wedding page word : NEE

125. Stamp out : END
