, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jun 13, 2017

Tuesday, June 13 2017, Parikshit S. Bhat

Theme: Right Out of the GATE. Anagrams.

18. Beverage from China's Wuyi Mountains : OOLONG TEA. The best tea I ever had was from a tea room in San Francisco's China Town - Oolong Formosa, selling for $30 an ounce. It tastes like caramel and butter. The complexity of teas from the highest peaks in Taiwan are becoming harder to come by as land is reclaimed to prevent erosion. Tragic.

 3. Make terrific progress : GO GREAT GUNS

5. Protective vests, gas masks, etc. : RIOT GEAR

28. Rep seeking promising performers : TALENT AGENT

42. "Stop sweating the small stuff!" : GET A LIFE

60. Attend a party uninvited ... and a literal hint to five sets of circled letters : GATE CRASH.  

Melissa here. "Crash" indicates the circled letters are scrambled. This was a little crunchy for a Tuesday - the circles helped fill in a few unknowns. Fun to see theme answers both across and down.


1. Composer heard at graduations : ELGAR. Sir Edward Elgar composed Pomp and Circumstance, traditionally heard at graduation ceremonies.

6. Exerciser's target : FLAB

10. Rescue from trouble, with "out" : BAIL

14. Actress Watts of the "Divergent" films : NAOMI

15. Change the decor of : REDO

16. "... __ and for all!" : ONCE

17. Medical prefix with -plasty : ANGIO. Not rhino.

20. Insertion marks : CARETS

22. World's longest river : NILE

23. Accessory usually not worn on casual Fridays : TIE

24. Bearded antelope : GNU

26. Cast a spell on : BEWITCH

31. From time immemorial : AGE OLD

34. Eritrea's capital : ASMARA. Oh sure, I knew that. In the Horn of Africa, east of Sudan, and just west of the Red Sea.

35. Opel model meaning "stars" in Latin : ASTRA

37. Ears in the field : CORN

39. Move wearily : PLOD

40. On-call doctor's gadget : PAGER. Still?

41. Flightless Aussie bird : EMU

42. Ballpark figure : GUESS. Love this clue.

43. Lie adjacent to : ABUT

44. Small songbird : WREN. Did you know wrens can be colorful? Above is a variegated fairy-wren, and at left is a purple crowned wren.
45. German artist Max : ERNST. (2 April 1891 – 1 April 1976) Painter, sculptor, graphic artist, poet.

46. Movie theater : CINEMA

48. Six-line sonnet section : SESTET

50. Subjugate : ENSLAVE

52. Salty expanse : SEA

53. Nav. VIP : ADM

56. Drought-stricken : SERE. What? Is this Tuesday?

58. Torment : PLAGUE

65. Passport, e.g.: Abbr. : IDENT. Not GovID.

66. Like a thesis defense : ORAL

67. James of jazz : ETTA. A Sunday kind of love 💘.

68. Backyard border : FENCE

69. Flamingo color : PINK

70. Unhappy fate : DOOM

71. Fragrant compound : ESTER


1. Make official, as a law : ENACT

2. Hawaiian island, or Hawaiian porch : LANAI

4. French sweetie : AMIE

6. To and __ : FRO

7. Novelist Uris : LEON. Known for his historical fiction novels.

8. Improvise on stage : AD LIB

9. Algebra type : BOOLEAN

10. Marsh : BOG

11. Pantry pest : ANT

12. Cubes in a tray : ICE

13. Grassy field : LEA

19. The first "N" of CNN : NEWS. Cable News Network.

21. __-cone : SNO

25. Stomach woe : ULCER

27. Contaminated : IMPURE. Sneaky, I was looking for a verb.

29. White symbol on Switzerland's flag : CROSS

30. Owned, old-style : HADST

32. Storybook sister who pushed the hag into the oven : GRETEL

33. Semicircular roofs : DOMES

35. Speedily : APACE

36. Polio vaccine developer : SABIN

38. Mystical letters : RUNES

44. Was indecisive : WAVERED

47. Opposite of fem. : MASC

49. Autumnal equinox mo. : SEP

51. Muse for poets : ERATO

54. Nincompoop : DUNCE

55. Taxi calculator : METER

57. This, in Spain : ESTO

59. Summer refreshers : ADES

60. Republican org. : GOP

61. Shapiro of NPR : ARI

62. Shade provided by the sun? : TAN. Great clue.

63. Moose kin : ELK

64. Popular Easter entrée : HAM