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Apr 9, 2018

Monday April 9, 2018 Lila Cherry

Theme: AS A (36D. Words that connect each pair of four-letter words intersecting at a circle).  X as a Y. The X crosses each Y. Both X and Y are four-letter words.

17A. Rich : WELL-HEELED. Crossing 2D. Thoughtful : DEEP.  Deep as a well.

11D. 2000s best-seller involving flying toys, with "The" : KITE RUNNER. Crossing 16. Tipsy : HIGH. High as a kite.

 29D. Protective bar on a flat roof : SAFETY RAIL. Crossing 68A. Skinny : THIN. Thin as a rail.

 66A. Object of the puddy tat's pursuit : TWEETY BIRD. Crossing 63D. Priceless? : FREE. Free as a bird.

Boomer here.  Hello Everyone, I am pinch hitting for our friend Argyle again, and hoping for the best for him.  (Notice I wrote "pinch hitting" as the baseball season is now underway.  But it's tough for the teams to play in Minnesota when the temp does not even reach 30 degrees.)  Well we have a tough Monday puzzle for all of you puzzle masters, the theme is trickier than average Mondays.

Speaking of Masters, there was another game played this weekend.  I was not able to watch much on Saturday and Sunday due to a baseball card show commitment but I enjoy a round of golf, (when the temp gets above 30!).  However I don't think I could break 200 at Augusta.  No problem, I have a green jacket in my hall closet, I just don't have the million and a half dollars to go with it.  But congratulations to the terror of  the 2016 Ryder Cup Hazeltine here in Minnesota, Mr. Patrick Reed for capturing the Master's title, and also a salute to Rickie Fowler and Justin Spieth for making it interesting.  

C.C. says Lila Cherry is an anagram of "Really Rich", alias for Rich Norris the editor.

Rich Norris, XWord Info


1. Romantic kissing at the mall and such, briefly : PDAS - Public Displays of Affection.  I think it's "People diddling around".

5. Skier's challenge : MOGUL - "Well they called him Super Skier, as he sat around the sundeck, for he swore that he would never take a spill.  When they finally brought him down they had to use three toboggans, to carry all the pieces off the hill."

10. Ref's decisions : TKOS

14. Finnish architect Saarinen : EERO - What's this?  A four letter word with three vowels!

15. Egg-shaped : OVATE - I put oval and left one square blank.

19. To be, in Bordeaux : ETRE

20. English china : SPODE - Costs more than folks can afford.

21. With 61-Across, seriously overweight fictional sleuth : NERO. 61. See 21-Across : WOLFE

22. Chick's cry : PEEP - Did you get some marshmallow ones for Easter ?

23. Tree-toppling tool : AXE - The AWA used to have a Wrestler named Larry Hennig.  He changed his ring name from "Pretty Boy" to the "Axe".

25. "That's cheating!" : NO FAIR! - When I drive the Minnesota State Fairgrounds, there is no fair there either for 350 days.

27. Wine evaluators : TASTERS

31. Get in your face about : FLAUNT

34. Lisbon hello : OLA - I have a friend from Chile and when I email him I write "Hola". 

35. Shankar's instrument : SITAR - I believe this is a Latin word for guitar.

38. Personal, as thoughts : INNER - Or.. A type of belly button.

39. Break in relations : RIFT

41. Lawyer's backlog : CASES

43. "I'm paying for the drinks" : ON ME - Okay, I'll leave the tip.

44. Dined at home : ATE IN  - Okay, no tipping here.

46. Indian breads : NAANS - Sort of looks like a Frisbee.  I suppose it's served at Progressive Field?

48. "A mouse!" : EEK

49. Sound equipment that may pick up a private remark : HOT MIC

51. Prayerful chants : MANTRAS

53. Scold loudly : YELL AT

56. Sticky stuff : GOO - Actually, Goo is not necessarily sticky.  Mud, Slippery Elm, or anything that Bert Blyleven put on a baseball.

57. "Cosmos" author Sagan : CARL

59. Chief Asgard god : ODIN

65. Healthful berry : ACAI - All right, another four letter word with three vowels.  I am addicted.

69. Dominican Republic neighbor : HAITI - News says they are slowly recovering from Hurricane Irma.

70. Triangle calculation : AREA - Tough to do.  You need all three side plus the height from the base to the highest point.  Math majors, correct me if I am wrong.

71. Prefix with -pathic : TELE

72. Max of Dadaism : ERNST

73. Consider : DEEM
1. Benches flanking church aisles : PEWS

3. Guthrie at Woodstock : ARLO - Also spent time in "Alice's restaurant", and I think he rode on the "City of New Orleans".  Illinois central, Monday morning rail.

4. Went for in an auction : SOLD AT - Auctions used to be boring, but now there is eBay.

5. Homer's bartender : MOE - What about Larry and Curly? (I don't watch "The Simpsons.")

6. Pizza maker : OVEN - I was a pizza maker in a younger life and no one called me oven.  I think Pizza baker may have been a better clue.

7. Ancient Greek physician : GALEN

8. In __: not yet born : UTERO - Not to be confused with Ichiro, who was born 44 years ago.

9. Batted first : LED OFF -  Speaking of Mr. Suzuki, he used to lead off for the Mariners, but now he bats 7th or 8th.

10. 1993 film with an instrument in its title : THE PIANO

12. Fairy tale meanie : OGRE

13. Herding dog name : SHEP - I was going to mention Larry, Moe and Curly again, but then I realized that guys name was Shemp.

18. Evil spells : HEXES - Stop signs.

24. Guitarist Clapton : ERIC

26. Muhammad in a ring : ALI - I knew him when he was Cassius Clay.

27. Hebrew scroll : TORAH

28. Samuel on the Supreme Court : ALITO - I think his friend call him Sam.  I would call him Mr. Justice.

30. X-Men co-creator Lee : STAN

32. Mythical lion's home : NEMEA

33. Arduous journeys : TREKS - I think 18 holes at Augusta could be a trek.
37. Unit at Staples : REAM - Interesting that this is a stack of paper, but you can also use a tool to ream a bigger hole in a piece of metal.  Ain't English great. ?

40. Facebook feature : TIMELINE

42. Stocking tear : SNAG - I think we had this last week.  Do ladies still wear nylon stockings?

45. Zip, in soccer : NIL

47. Wintry and white : SNOWY - Believe it or not, This happens in Minnesota on April 9th!!!

50. Provide apparel for : CLOTHE - You may clothe people with clothes.  If you wash them, hang them on a Clothesline with a clothespin.

52. "Tough!" : TOO BAD!

54. No-holds-barred commercial competition : AD WAR - "Ask your doctor if an Ad War is right for you."

55. Advertising link : TIE IN

57. Suffragist Carrie : CATT

58. Tooth pain : ACHE - Believe it or not, I have not had a tooth ache since 2009!  (That's when I got my dentures.)

60. Brooklyn NBA team : NETS - Strange name for an NBA team.  I would have picked Dodgers.

62. Old Italian cash : LIRE

64. Cheese from the Netherlands : EDAM

67. Tiny songbird : TIT - Also a willow and other stuff.
