, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Oct 14, 2020

Wednesday, October 14, 2020, Jeff Stillman


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19. Outerwear in the bush: SAFARI JACKET.

25. Rhyming hair-loss metaphor: CHROME DOME.

43. Large urban areas just outside of a central business district: EDGE CITIES.

49. Reply to a salesperson ... or a hint to the start of 19-, 25- and 43-Across: JUST BROWSING.

Melissa here. As C.C. would say, a very scrabbly grid, short only Q, X, and Z of a pangram. The first word in each theme answer is a type of browser. Surprising how many there are that I've never even heard of. Feds may target Google’s Chrome browser for breakup.


1. Tranquilize: DRUG.

5. Req. for some IKEA purchases: ASSY. Haha. Assembly. See also 31D.

9. Icy coating: HOAR. I never see that word without thinking of Agatha Christie. The first time I read the word hoarfrost was when I did a term paper in high school about Christie and her mysterious disappearance. After her car apparently broke down, she checked into a hotel, her hair covered in hoarfrost.

13. Convenience: EASE.

14. Construction __: SITE.

15. Planning to, informally: GONNA.

16. "Is there a problem here?": WHAT GIVES.

18. Peyton Manning's alma mater, for short: UTENN.

21. Tiffs: SPATS.

24. Feminist author Wolf: NAOMI.

28. __ vu: DEJA.

32. Metal in Montana's motto: ORO"Oro y Plata" is Spanish for "Gold and Silver" and hearkens back to when mining ruled Montana, and the state was nicknamed the "Treasure State."

33. What snobs put on: AIRS.

34. Descartes et al.: RENES.

35. Film critic Kael: PAULINEPauline Kael was an American film critic who wrote for The New Yorker magazine from 1968 to 1991. Wikipedia.

37. Brother of Ophelia:

39. City on the Ruhr: ESSEN.

40. Draws a bead on, with "at": AIMS.

41. "We ___ the World": ARE.

42. Grasps: SEES.

46. Goggle: STARE.

48. Decorates superficially: GILDS1. To cover with or as if with a thin layer of gold. 2. To give an often deceptively attractive or improved appearance to.

54. Top dog: ALPHA.

55. At risk of running aground, perhaps: NEAR SHORE.

59. Get fuzzy: BLEAR. Never heard this verb form.

60. Glamour rival: ELLE. Magazines.

61. Breakfast-in-bed aid: TRAY.

62. Cut with a tool: SAWN.

63. Place to see runners: SLED. Nice clue.

64. Kind of terrier: SKYE.


1. Morning coat?: DEW.

2. "Yay, team!": RAH.

3. G7 member: USAThe Group of Seven is an international intergovernmental economic organization consisting of seven major developed countries: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, which are the largest IMF-advanced economies in the world. Wikipedia.

4. Bugs: GETS TO.

5. "In your dreams!": AS IF.

6. The Destroyer, in Hinduism: SIVAShiva is known as "The Destroyer" within the Trimurti, the Hindu trinity that includes Brahma and Vishnu. In Shaivism tradition, Shiva is one of the supreme beings who creates, protects and transforms the universe.

7. Cans under dishes: STERNOSSee them there, under the serving dishes?

8. Emphatic confirmation: YES I AM.

9. Drink on a chilly fall day: HOT CIDER.

10. Fun run dist.: ONE K. One kilometer.

11. Elizabeth I's mother: ANNE.

12. Sound off: RANT.

15. Island east of Manila: GUAM.

17. Utility pipe: GAS MAIN.

20. Java: JOE.

21. Checks (out): SCOPES.

22. Part of a sentence: PHRASE.

23. Stimulate: AROUSE.

26. Article in Der Spiegel: EIN. This may be referring to the German news magazine, Der Spiegel. EIN is one in German. Anyone have a different take?

27. Dr. with Grammys: DRE.

29. Involve by necessity: ENTAIL.

30. Rode from the stands: JEERED. Rode? If you say so ...

31. Take stock of: ASSESS. Also 5A ASSY.

34. Formally steps down: RESIGNS.

36. <: <: b="">LESS THAN.

37. Fish story: LIE.

38. "Mad Men" network: AMC.

40. Look 35 at 45, say: AGE WELL.

43. Keen perception: EAR.

44. Unmanned fliers: DRONES.

45. Common circus wear: TIGHTS.

47. Skier's aid: TBAR.

49. Setups for knockout punches: JABS.

50. Uma's role in "The Producers": ULLA.

51. Gush forth: SPEW.

52. Pitcher's goal: SALE. Not baseball - tricky. Hand up for BASE?

53. Teed off: IRED.

56. TV planet: ORK. Where Mork is from.

57. Bit of hope: RAY.

58. Watch: EYE.