, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Nov 18, 2020

Wednesday November 18, 2020 Kurt Krauss

>Theme: Let's go to the unifier

57 A. Rock genre ... and a hint to the starts of the answers to starred clues: HEAVY METAL.  A blues influenced type of music developed in England ca. 1980, characterized by a dominant, repeating bass line, distortion, and extended guitar solos.  Heavy Metals are metallic elements that have high weight or density A few show up in the theme fill.  Some others are cadmium, mercury and gold.

17. *Mind reader's obstacle, some believe: TIN FOIL HAT.  The idea being that the metal will insulate the brain from electromagnetic radiation.  Also indicates belief in unscientific or conspiracy theory ideas.  As a foil wrapping material, TIN has long since been replaced by aluminum.

24 A. *20th-century political symbol: IRON CURTAIN.  A political and physical barrier that separated Counties with ties to the USSR from those that were independent or tied to NATO.  Iron is a common element and vital nutrient.

33 A. *Metaphor for a failure: LEAD BALLOON.  A heavy BALLON is doomed to sink.  LEAD is the basis for solder.

48 A. *Symbol of inherited wealth: SILVER SPOON.  To be born with it in ones mouth.  Silver isn't just heavy, it's a precious metal.

Hi gang.  JzB here.  Had some technical difficulty so this will be sketchy.  Lo siento.


1. 1978 Peace co-Nobelist: SADAT.  Muhammad Anwar el-Sadat was an Egyptian politician who served as the third President of Egypt, from 15 October 1970 until his assassination by fundamentalist army officers on 6 October 1981.

6. Officiates: REFS.  Acts as an arbiter in sporting events.

10. Painter of limp watches: DALI.  Salvador [1904-1989] 

14. Spanish Olympian's goal: EL ORO.  The Gold.

15. Other, in Oaxaca: OTRO.  Literal, in Spanish

16. Turkey neighbor: IRAN.  I was thinking mashed potatoes.  But this is geography, and that is next week

19. Expansive: VAST.

20. Caddie's bagful: TEES.  Wooden pegs that support the ball for the first stroke on a golf hole.

21. Cruel: MEAN. Nasty

22. Trigger, for one: HORSE.  With famous cowboy Roy Rogers.

23. St. whose name is part of its capital's name: IND.  Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.

26. Tattoo tool: NEEDLE.  For body art

28. Took a time out: RESTED.  Had a nap

29. They're shifted often in cities: GEARS.  Due to stop and go traffic.

30. Vicinity: AREA. Region.

38. Ages and ages: EONS.  Forever, more or less.

39. Italian fashion house: PRADA.  Founded in 1913.

42. Port ENE of Cleveland, OH: ERIE, PA.  

47. Closed in on: NEARED.  Approached

52. Coke alternatives: RCSRoyal Crowns.

53. Jazz drummer Cozy and a king: COLES.  And another King


 54. Reasons: WHYS.

55. FDR's dog: FALA.

56. Business envelope abbr.: ATTN.   Attention - somebody. Routing direction

59. Full of pizzazz: PERT.

60. Alleviate: EASE.

61. Dino's love: AMORE.  Of course.


 62. Slow Churned ice cream brand: EDY'S.  Founded in 1928.

63. Seals, to sharks: PREY.  Things they eat.

64. Elements in playground banter: DARES.  Double Dares and double dog dares.


1. Backdrop: SETTING.

2. Property recipient, in law: ALIENEE.  Strange legalese.

3. Fait accompli: DONE DEAL.  Finished.  The End!

4. Kennel sounds: ARFS.  Dog utterances.
5. Also: TOO.  In addition.

6. Loggers' contest: ROLEO.  Log rolling contest.

7. Actor Hawke: ETHAN. [b 1970] American actor, writer, and director. He has been nominated for four Academy Awards and a Tony Award. 

8. Swiss capital: FRANC.  Money.

9. Lush: SOT.  Drunkard.

10. "Replace all __": golf course reminder: DIVOTS.  Little chunks of planet earth lifted with gold clubs.  They must be replaced before you chase your ball.

11. Mount in Genesis: ARARAT.  Where Noah landed.

12. Heroic TV dog: LASSIE.  From 1954 to 1973

13. Have in mind: INTEND.  Mean to.

18. '50s Hungarian premier Nagy: IMRE.  A Hungarian communist politician who served as Prime Minister and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Hungarian People's Republic from 1953 to 1955. In 1956 Nagy became leader of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 against the Soviet-backed government, for which he was executed two years later.

22. Longtime Eur. realm: HREHoly Roman Empire

24. To whom Rick said, "We'll always have Paris": ILSA.  From the classic 1942 movie Casablanca.

25. Caspian Sea feeder: URAL.  River to sea.

27. Hip-hop Dr.: DRE.  Andre Romelle Young, known professionally as Dr. Dre, is an American rapper, record producer, audio engineer, record executive, entrepreneur, and actor.

30. Blood-typing letters: ABO.  Types are A, B, AB, and O, based on the presence or absence of two genes.  It is important to match donor and recipient types for blood transfusions and organ transplants.

31. Hightailed it: RAN. Escaped, perhaps.

32. Over-the-street transports: ELS.  Above street level rapid transit systems.

34. Cherished: DEAR.  Beloved

35. Inviting store window sign: OPEN.  Come in and pend your money

36. U.K. singer Rita: ORA.  Rita Sahatçiu Ora (b.1990] is a British singer and actress. 

37. Ishmael, in "Moby Dick": NARRATOR.

40. Announce: DECLARE.

41. Much of Google's income: AD SALES.

42. Break out: ESCAPE.  High tailed it and ran.

43. Ran amok: RIOTED.  One person can act in an out of control and disruptive manner.  It takes a crowd to riot.

44. "Do your best" response: I'LL TRY.  Or not.


 45. Decathlon's 10: EVENTS.  This is a competition held over two days.  The events are: First day - 100m, long jump, shot put, high jump and 400m; Second day -  110m hurdles, discus, pole vault, javelin and 1500m.

46. Latin foot: PES.  Literal.

47. Like an eavesdropper, say: NOSY. Too interested in other people's business.

49. Talk a blue streak?: SWEAR.  A string of "blue" language.  Clever.

50. New moon, e.g.: PHASE.  The moon's phases change over 28 days.

51. Yiddish "Yikes!": OY VEY.  Expression of dismay, surprise or alarm.

55. Disaster relief org.: FEMA. Federal Emergency Management Agency.

57. Cool, once: HEP.  Is "cool" even cool thee days?

58. Bonkers: MAD.  Insane.

That wraps us another Wednesday [but not in TIN foil.]  Stay healthy and have a safe Thanksgiving.

Cool Regards!