, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 12, 2021

Friday, March 12, 2021 Jeff Stillman

Theme: Here You R at Last! - Letter R is added to end of each common noun phrase.

16. West Coast footballer on an RV vacation?: ROAMING CHARGER. Roaming charge.

26. San Fernando counterfeiter?: VALLEY FORGER. Valley Forge.

41. Fisher who won't take advice?: OBTUSE ANGLER. Obtuse angle.

52. Indecisive European?: BELGIAN WAFFLER. Belgian Waffle.

C.C. here, Lemonade will be with you on Sunday blogging another Jeffrey's grids.

I feel I'm missing something. Simply a R addition? A set of *GE to *GER entries will be tighter. First two entries, plus Badge/BADGER, or WAGE/WAGER.

More often we see 11's on Row 3/13. With this grid, 14 on Row 3/13 with edge blocks work out nicely. Loved the parallel 9's in Down slots.


1. Flash: JIFF.

5. Hustle and bustle: RUSH.

9. Just: MERE.

13. Lake near the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: ERIE. ARIA, ARIE, OREO, all vowel-rich.  

14. __ rug: AREA.

15. Bean sprout?: IDEA. Good old clue.

19. "As Good as It Gets" Oscar winner: HUNT. Helen.

20. Deer madam: DOE. Nice clue.

21. Considerable: GRAVE.

22. "Sex Education" actor Butterfield: ASA. Don't know him. But I like this new clue angle.

23. Mischief maker: ELF.

24. Used crayons: COLORED.

29. Mystery writer's middle name: ALLAN. 10. Mystery writer's first name: EDGAR. Edgar Allan Poe.

30. Emotional shock: JOLT.

31. Show stoppers: ADS. TV shows.

34. Times Square gas: NEON.

35. Parking unit: SPACE.

37. Property attachment: LIEN.

38. Minnesota senator Klobuchar: AMY. Played a prominent role in the inauguration. Her father was a columnist for the Star Tribune.

39. Unctuous: OILY.

40. Tailor's dummy, e.g.: TORSO.

44. Goal of regular exercise: FITNESS.

47. Omaha Beach craft: Abbr.: LST. Landing Ship, Tank.

48. Boiling blood: IRE.

49. Disney princess with red hair and a green tail: ARIEL.

50. Prefix with center: EPI.

51. Colony members: ANTS.

56. Opposite of exo-: ENDO. Prefix meaning "inner".

57. Spanish rivers: RIOS.

58. Big name in razors: ATRA. Gillette.

59. Pond plant: REED.

60. Shortfin shark: MAKO.

61. More than half: MOST.


1. City near the Mount of Olives: JERUSALEM. Several regulars on our blog might have stopped here. Hahtoolah, Yellowrocks, Lucina. Anyone else?

2. Steel, e.g.: IRON ALLOY.

3. Italian automaker since 1899: FIAT.

4. Like the yin side: Abbr.: FEM. Feminine. Cucumber is Yin, but ginger is Yang. You eat more Yang food in winter. Yin in summer.

5. Xeroxed: RAN OFF.

6. Exhort: URGE.

7. Flash: SEC.

8. "So there!": HAH.

9. Funhouse fixture: MIRROR.

11. Superman player: REEVE. Christopher.

12. Like some jugs: EARED.

17. Without thinking: IDLY.

18. Shoelace end: AGLET.

19. Caribbean metropolis: HAVANA.

23. Dark time for poets: EEN.

24. Nile threat: CROC. Learning moment for me. Saw it during your trip, Anon-T? This is often a clue for ASP.

25. Eye rudely: OGLE.

27. Office PC nexus: LAN.

28. "Love Train" group, with "The": O'JAYS.

31. O'Hare arrivals: AIRLINERS.

32. Former name of an arid-region Afro-Asian rodent: DESERT RAT.

33. Sleeps soundly?: SNORES. I used to poke Boomer when he snored too loud. Now his snoring is music to my ears. Neuropathy, shoulder pain often keeps him awake.

35. Poses: SITS.

36. Furthermore: PLUS.

37. Captain's journal: LOG.

39. Marks in ancient manuscripts: OBELI. Plural of "obelus""

40. Dynamite stuff: TNT.

41. Basis of monotheism: ONE GOD.

42. Westernmost Texas county: EL PASO.

43. "Yeah, right!": AS IF.

44. __-Castell: office supply brand: FABER. Sorry. Never heard of this brand.

45. Ryan of "The Beverly Hillbillies": IRENE.

46. Piña colada garnish?: TILDE. The squiggle over Piña.

50. Furry Endor critter: EWOK.

51. Choir member: ALTO.

53. Equip: ARM.

54. Actress Vardalos: NIA.

55. Relatives, slangily: FAM.
