, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 16, 2021

Tuesday, March 16, 2021 Rebecca Goldstein

When the Crossword gives you LEMONS ...

17-Across. * Embezzled: STOLE MONEY.

11-Down. *   Everyone in Paris?: TOUT LE MONDE.

25-Down. *   King or prince: MALE MONARCH.

63-Across. Fish dish garnish, or a hidden feature of the answers to starred clues: LEMON SLICE.  (Hi, Lemonade!)

1. Promotes on TV, say: PLUGS.

6. Elitist sort: SNOB.

10. Great Salt Lake state: UTAH.

14. Kayak kin: CANOE.

15. Skating medalist Lipinski: TARA.  Tara Kristen Lipinsky (b. June 10, 1982) competed in the 1998 Olympics.

16. Corn bread: PONE.  Everything you need to known about Corn Pone.

19. Dirt road grooves: RUTS.

20. Arrange, as a shawl: DRAPE.

21. Acts with passion: EMOTES.

23. Starfish's five, usually: ARMS.  Here are some beautiful and unique starfish, some of which have more that 5 arms.

26. Call from the rear?: BUTT DIAL.

28. "Groovy!": NEAT-O.

30. Mom-and-pop org.: PTA.  As in the Parent Teacher Association.

31. Slunk: CREPT.

34. Forensic tech's tool: UV LAMP.  As in an UltraViolet light.

36. 66-Down pro: EMT.  //   And: 66-Down. Life-saving proc.: CPR.  The Emergency Medical Technician may be required to perform CardioPulmonary Resuscitation.

38. Sea, in Spain: MAR.  Today's Spanish Lesson.

39. Result of too many six-packs?: BEER GUT.

41. Prestigious broadcasting award: PEABODY.  The Peabody Award is named after George Foster Peabody (July 27, 1852 ~ Mar. 4, 1938), who was a banker and philanthropist.

44. Answer to "Who's hungry?": I AM!

45. Turndowns: NOs.

47. Makes right: AMENDS.

48. Messy roommates: SLOBS.

51. 'Neath opposite: O'ER.

53. Military academy student: CADET.

54. Decade in which many Gen Zers were born: NINETIES.  Which Generation are you?

57. Cincinnati MLB team: REDS.

58. Snoopy is one: BEAGLE.

60. Poker-faced: STOIC.

62. Slips up: ERRs.

68. Tall hiking socks can protect against one: TICK.  The Deer Ticks can carry the bacterium that causes Lyme Disease.  It is a very serious disease if not caught early.

69. Qatari leader: EMIR.  Qatar is a country in the Persian Gulf.

70. Sickeningly sweet: SAPPY.

71. Hurting after exercise: ACHY.

72. Tape type: DUCT.

73. Hardly in the dark: AWARE.

1. Mac alternatives: PCs.

2. Back muscle, briefly: LAT.

3. Card game cry: UNO.  I had forgotten about this game.  We played it a lot during the summer when we were at the summer cottage.

4. "Well done" award: GOLD STAR.

5. One having visions: SEER.

6. Visit at the penthouse: STOP UP.  Meh!  I don't think you can just pop in and visit someone living in a penthouse apartment.

7. Comedy special for which Hannah Gadsby won a 2019 Emmy: NANETTE.  I am not familiar with Hannah Gadsby (b. Jan. 12, 1978) or her comedy special, Nanette.  She is an Australian comedian

8. Mother lode stuff: ORE.

9. Howled: BAYED.

10. Commotion: UPROAR.

12. Pay to play: ANTE.

13. Company with toy trucks: HESS.

18. Shakespeare's fairy queen: MAB.  Queen May can be found in Willie the Shake's play, Romeo and Juliet.

22. Word after hot or before drop: MIC.

23. Egyptian god of the afterlife: ANUBIS.  Anubis is the jackel-headed deity who presided over the embalming process and guided kings and other royalty to the afterworld.

24. Disclose: REVEAL.

27. Pack (down): TAMP.

29. Texter's "Wow!": OMG.  Testspeak for OMG~d!.

32. Like an exaggerated résumé: PADDED.

33. Secret meetings: TRYSTS.

35. Groaner, maybe: PUN.

37. Bubble __: Taiwanese drink: TEA.  Everything you wanted to know about Bubble Tea, but didn't know to ask.

40. Quick honk: TOOT.

42. "Better Call Saul" channel: AMC.  Better Call Saul was a television spin-off from Breaking Bad.

43. Pastry with an ursine name: BEAR CLAW.  Yummers!

46. Earthquake-caused: SEISMIC.

49. Montana resort area: BIG SKY.  Hi, Montana!

50. NBC skit show: SNL.  As in Saturday Night Live.  This has become a crossword staple.

52. "Are so!" or "Am not!": RETORT.

55. Sought morays: EELED.

56. Cain, to Eve: SON.  A Biblical reference.  Cain slew his brother Abel.

58. Alpha follower: BETA.  It's Greek to me.

59. Stonestreet of "Modern Family": ERIC.  Eric Allen Stonestreet (b. Sept. 9, 1971), is a comedic actor.

61. "Insecure" star Rae: ISSA.  Issa Rae (née Jo-Issa Rae Diop; b. Jan. 12, 1985) is the star of her own HBO television series.

64. Australian avian: EMU.

65. Brew initials: IPA.  As in India Pale Ale.

67. Watch closely: EYE.

Here's the Grid:
