, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 21, 2021

Sunday March 21, 2021 Gary Larson

Theme:  "Oh, That Changes Things!" - O sound is added to the end of each common phrase, changing spelling as needed.

25A. Sketching an infamous emperor?: DRAWING NERO. Drawing near.

27A. Outdoor barbecue area for wings?: CHICKEN PATIO. Chicken patty.

48A. iPad, iPod and iPhone?: APPLE TRIO. Apple tree.

71A. Theme park beast, perhaps?: ARTIFICIAL HIPPO. Artificial hip.

97A. Intoxicated to the point at which getting a tattoo sounds like a good idea?: INK BLOTTO. Ink blot.

121A. 100 centavos?: CHANGE OF PESO. Change of pace.

123A. Twin peaks?: MOUNTAIN DUO. Mountain Dew.

3D. On one's own?: LIVING SOLO. Living soul.

80D. Spur-of-the-moment Tinder profile?: IMPULSE BIO. Impulse buy.

We've had a few O addition themes, but I don't remember one with spelling changes in the end. You need creativity and imagination for this type of theme.

Quite theme-heavy, with 9 entries. Two of Down entries intersect two Across ones. I like when this happens. It eases the gridding, thought at times it creates fill constraints. 


1. Gretchen of "Boardwalk Empire": MOL. A few other proper names in this puzzle: 18A. Dr. __ Skoda, J.K. Simmons' "Law & Order" role: EMIL. 55A. Funny Fey: TINA. 75A. Actress Woodard: ALFRE. 106A. Former New Mexico senator with an Uncle Mo: TOM UDALL.129A. Indy racing family: UNSERS. 28D. Clinton running mate: KAINE. 29D. Revered Mother: TERESA.37D. Charlotte of "The Facts of Life": RAE. 39D. Six-time N.L. home run champ: OTT. Here's our Gretchen Mol.

4. Takes steps: ACTS.

8. Takes time drinking: NURSES. And 22. Whiskey cocktail: SOUR. And 103. Martini go-with?: ROSSI. Vermouth.

 14. Tiff: SPAT.

20. Dory, e.g.: BOAT.

21. Pricing word: A PIECE. Moe just explained this two days ago.

23. "Must-see" review: RAVE.

24. Cheese with an edible rind: BRIE.

30. Loses it: GOES MAD.

31. Yemen's capital: SANAA. Vowel-rich.

32. Conger catchers: EELERS. Vowel-rich.

33. Georgia et al., once: SSRS. We also have 99. Blog feed letters: RSS. 135. WWII spy org.: OSS. And 4. IRS ID's: SSNS.

34. More coarse, as sandpaper: GRITTIER.

36. Named time span: ERA.

38. Big brand in card collections: TOPPS. I think this is the most expensive Topps card.

43. Stubborn equine: ASS.

45. Albany is its cap.: NYS.

46. Brave opponent: RED. Atalanta Braves. Cincinnati Reds.

51. More relaxed: LOOSER.

53. "Word on the street is ... ": SOME SAY.

56. Shirt named for a game: POLO.

57. Land: ACREAGE. Santa still owned his childhood land when he passed away.

61. Grassy plain: LEA.

63. Admit, with "to": COP.

64. Never again: NO LONGER.

66. Ragout, e.g.: STEW. Never made this.

69. Leaves alone: STETS.

78. Spot in the Senate: SEAT.

79. Tattoo target: BARE SKIN.  This is pretty.

82. Road sign caution: SLO.

83. Great Lakes' __ Canals: SOO.

86. More inclined: STEEPER.

88. Gym site: YMCA.

90. Scarlett's plantation: TARA.

92. Windpipe: TRACHEA.

95. Woodlouse, e.g.: ISOPOD.

101. Simple sack: COT.

102. Play for a sap: USE.

104. Cries of pain: OWS.

109. Chowder morsel: CLAM. And 112. Iced pastry: ECLAIR.

114. Dukes seen in fights: FISTS. Not the noble Dukes. The slang for "fists".

117. Paradise: ELYSIUM.

126. Genetic lab samples: DNAS. Iffy in plural.

127. Support beam: I BAR.

128. Stallion's mate: MARE.

130. Notes after fa: SO LA.

131. Tabloid fodder: DIRT.

132. Start to build a pot: ANTE.

133. Navy builder: SEABEE.

134. __ child: ONLY. China ended its one-child policy in 2015. It started in 1979. Now it's two-child policy.


1. Former Ford autos, briefly: MERCS.

2. City on the Missouri: OMAHA. The Steaks!

4. French cleric: ABBE.

5. Trumpet kin: CORNETS.

6. Where Chiang ruled from 1950 on: TAIPEI. Chiang Kai-shek. Here with his wife Soong Mei-ling.

7. Thief: STEALER.

8. Rock bottom: NADIR.

9. Revolted: UPROSE.

10. Coastal inlet: RIA.

11. Work on a seam, say: SEW.

12. Vaping products, briefly: E-CIGS.

13. Man of La Mancha: SENOR.

15. Hardy work: POEM.

16. Certain something: AURA.

17. Walked over: TROD.

19. Aptly named Renault: LE CAR.

26. Chansons de __: medieval French poems: GESTE. Learning moment for me.

33. Weakens: SAPS.

35. Coup target, perhaps: TYRANT.

40. Number on a tag: PRICE.

41. __ noir: PINOT.

42. Bars not for drinking: SOAPS. Cute clue.

43. Swiss peak: ALP.

44. In a bit: SOON.

47. One watching a shepherd, say: DOG SITTER.

49. Amigo: PAL.

50. Cleaning chemical: LYE.

52. Renewable energy choice: SOLAR.

54. Physical opening: META. Metaphysical.

58. Some Hollywood FX: CGI.

59. Court arbiters: REFS. Basketball court.

60. Toledo's lake: ERIE.

62. Snakes in hieroglyphics: ASPS.

65. Valuable rocks: ORES.

67. River to the North Sea: ELBE.

68. Hard-hitting sound: WHAP.

70. Ginza locale: TOKYO.  Good old pre-COVID days.

72. Wallet contents: CASH.

73. Wrath: IRE.

74. J.R.R. Tolkien feature: PERIOD.

75. Up: ASTIR.

76. Peruvian plain: LLANO.

77. Travelers' decision points: FORKS.

81. Sgts. and such: NCOS.

84. Plains tribe: OTO.

85. Leftover morsel: ORT.

87. California locale where "Maria Maria" fell in love, in a Santana hit: EAST LA. "Oh Maria Maria/ She fell in love in East L.A./To the sounds of the guitar, yeah, yeah/Played by Carlos Santana..."

89. Vitamin C source: ADE.

91. Six-pack contents?: ABS.

93. Speck: ATOM.

94. Legendary fire starter: COW. Mrs. O'Leary's cow.

96. Office group: STAFF.

98. Permissible: LICIT.

100. Son-of-a-gun: SO AND SO.

101. It makes everything better, purportedly: CURE-ALL.

105. Safe and sound: SECURE.

107. Filet __: MIGNON.

108. Fat, say: LIPID.

110. Hawaiian feasts: LUAUS. That's poi in front, right? I eat taro often. Never tried poi.

111. Nitrogen compound: AMINE.

113. Selected: CHOSE.

115. Rulers before the Bolsheviks: TSARS.

116. Gets ready to file: SORTS.

117. Jane Austen novel: EMMA.

118. Student __: LOAN. Thankfully Chinese government paid for my college education.

119. Mongolian tent: YURT.

120. "The Mikado" weapon, briefly: SNEE.

122. Anthem opener: O SAY.

124. Eavesdropping org.: NSA.

125. Young socialite: DEB.
