, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


May 9, 2021

Sunday May 9, 2021, Gary Larson

Theme: "Forcing the Issue" - Common phrases with magazine names in are punnily clued.

22. Celebrity magazine employee?: PEOPLE PERSON.

26. Using a lifestyle magazine to cool off?: ELLE FANNING. Clue sounds stretched to me.

42. Found a child-rearing magazine?: BIRTH PARENTS. The "establish" found, not the past tense of "find".

66. Graphic for a personal well-being magazine?: PICTURE OF HEALTH.

91. Closing the doors of a financial magazine?: FOLDING MONEY.

108. Shoplifting a fitness magazine?: TAKING SHAPE.

117. Kiosk selling a news magazine?: STALL FOR TIME. 

Two in front, 5 in the back. No odd man out. We've seen a few magazine/newspaper puzzles, but not with the punny approach.

No FORTUNE/STAR as they dupe Money/People in terms of the content.


1. Perfume brand that sounds forbidden: TABU. I have a tiny vial of Rosa Rossa by Guerlain. So fresh.

5. Was humbled: ATE CROW.

12. Resulting (from): ARISING.

19. It's known for its bell ringers: AVON.

20. Only one of Rolling Stone's "500 Greatest Songs" not written in English: LA BAMBA. Also the name of the Ritchie Valens biopic.

21. Like Hershey's Kisses: CONICAL.

24. Night vis-á-vis Nacht, e.g.: COGNATE.

25. Possessive in a Harry Potter title: SORCERERS.

29. Kind of DA: ASST.

30. 1983 Streisand title role: YENTL.

31. Uproar: TO-DO.

32. Large seal hunters: ORCAS.

36. "What a lousy play!": BOO.

39. Furry wrap: STOLE.

41. Catch in the act: NAB.

47. Head-turning hiss: PSST.

49. Levine of Maroon 5: ADAM. "The Voice" judge for many seasons.

50. Goes too far: OVERSTEPS.

53. "Over There" songwriter: COHAN. George M. Cohan, who also wrote "The Yankee Doodle Boy".

57. Jumble: MESS.

58. Spanish province or its capital: LEON.

59. Zodiac animal: RAM.

60. Group mental condition: MORALE.

61. Firewood option ... or destiny: ASH.

62. Former Russian space station: MIR.  Meaning "peace" in Russian.

63. Tired: TRITE.

65. Removed all evidence of: ERASED.

70. Esoteric: ARCANE.

73. Challenges: DARES.

74. They may be blocked: ADS.

75. Workmanship: ART.

78. Pressured, with "on": LEANED.

79. Legend on the ice: ORR (Bobby)

80. Indian wrap: SARI. Here's a wedding sari. 

82. Whoop-de-do: STIR.

83. Three-__ engine: LITER.

84. Writer with the most combined Oscar and Tony nominations: NEIL SIMON.

87. Showgirl in a Manilow song: LOLA.

88. Czuchry who played Cary Agos on "The Good Wife": MATT. Don't know him.

93. French toast need: EGG.

96. Turkish bread: LIRAS. Google says this portrait is Turkey's founding father Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who served as its first president from 1923 to 1938.

99. Round-skipping edge: BYE.

100. Newspaper essays: OP-EDS. New York Times now call them "Guest Essays".

101. Gift tag word: FROM.

103. Film that's barely shown?: NUDIE.

105. Marlon's "Godfather" role: VITO. Corleone.

111. Not bright: PINHEADED.

116. Split: VAMOOSE.

119. Nook or Kindle: E READER.

120. Hollywood's Annette and Peter: O'TOOLES.

121. Valhalla VIP: ODIN.

122. Street, in Stuttgart: STRASSE.

123. Sneaky programs: MALWARE.

124. Street in New York's Chinatown: MOTT. Any of you been to Chinatown?


1. Bedtime melody: TAPS.

2. Fuel-efficient Chevy: AVEO.

3. Loudmouth: BOOR.

4. Not culturally sensitive, for short: UN-PC.

5. A's, Jays and Rays: ALERS. American Leaguers.

6. Records, in a way: TAPES.

7. "The Future of the Movies" co-author: EBERT.

8. Sonatas, say: CARS.

9. Real estate ad abbr.: RMS.

10. Symphonic wind: OBOE.

11. In a languid way: WANLY.

12. Highlight: ACCENT.

13. Reindeer landing area: ROOFTOP.

14. "Little House" series author Laura __ Wilder: INGALLS.

15. __ Féin: SINN.

16. Defeatist's statement: I CAN'T.

17. Chad, but not Jeremy: NATION. Unfamiliar with Chad & Jeremy.

18. Two-time Oscar winner Jackson: GLENDA.

23. Chow line?: LEASH.

27. "Survivorman" creator Stroud: LES.

28. Whipped cream serving: GOB.

32. "Becoming" memoirist Michelle: OBAMA.

33. Teases: RIDES.

34. Stay over: CRASH.

35. Mall features: ATMS.

36. Swiss capital: BERN.

37. Switch positions: ONS.

38. Baseball's "Little Giant": OTT. Big Easy took this picture a while ago. Sorry for the ordeal, George.

40. Social companions: ESCORTS.

43. Neatened, as barracks: POLICED.

44. Ward off: AVERT.

45. Vintage auto: REO.

46. Features of many fonts: SERIFS.

48. Synagogue scroll: TORAH.

51. Way to go: PATH.

52. Jolly Roger bosun: SMEE.

54. Consumes: HAS.

55. Newcastle Brown __: ALE.

56. "Game of Thrones" patriarch Stark: NED. Played by Sean Bean.

60. Gin rummy action: MELDING.

62. Twenty Questions category: MINERAL.

63. "Super!": TERRIF.

64. Sushi garnish: ROE. And 67. Hokkaido noodle: UDON. Love seafood udon.

66. Land in "The Hunger Games": PANEM. Forgot. We had this before.

68. Unusual: RARE.

69. Yankee manager Boone: AARON. Brother of Bret Boone.

70. "... and justice for __": ALL.

71. Outdoor gear giant: REI.

72. Tom or tabby: CAT.

75. Do penance: ATONE.

76. Very upset: RILED.

77. They may be slid into ovens: TRAYS. Missing the fresh egg tarts in Guangzhou.

80. Fries, e.g.: SIDE.

81. Friend in France: AMI.

82. Sty feed: SLOP.

85. Soft toss: LOB.

86. Subtle: SLY.

89. Authority abusers: TIN GODS.

90. Bridge supports: TRUSSES.

92. Cow, at times: MOOER.

93. Pond dweller: EFT.

94. "I, Claudius" author Robert: GRAVES.

95. Small racing vehicle: GO KART.

97. Stick (to): ADHERE.

98. "Chandelier" singer: SIA. And 110. Jazzy Jones: ETTA. 113. "No Angel" singer: DIDO.

102. Charades player: MIMER.

104. __ salts: EPSOM.

105. Fancy home: VILLA.

106. Surmise: INFER.

107. "__ Were the Days": THOSE.

109. Hurricane-tracking agcy.: NOAA.

111. Team's burden: PLOW.

112. Either H in H2O: ATOM.

114. Release: EMIT.

115. Job for a body shop: DENT.

118. 2015 Verizon acquisition: AOL.
