, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


May 11, 2021

Tuesday, May 11, 2021 Tom Locke

No Ifs, Ands, or Butts?  The last word of each theme answer refers to one's tushie.  

17-Across. *   Youthful blush, say: ROSY CHEEKS.

26-Across. *   Idler at the shore: BEACH BUM.

53-Across. *   Parlor piece: LOVE SEAT.

62-Across. *   Frank holders: HOTDOG BUNS.

And the unifier:

37-Across. Hit from behind ... and what the answers to starred clues are?: REAR ENDED.  A bit of a racy theme, don't you think?

1. Urges to attack, with "on": SICs.

5. Actor Hawke: ETHAN.  Ethan Hawke (b. Nov. 6, 1970) has appeared on the Big Screen, television and live theater.  His first wife was Uma Thurman (b. Apr. 29, 1970).

10. Chew (on): GNAW.

14. Help out during exercises, as in a gym: SPOT.

This is why there are women-only health centers.

15. LP player: PHONO.

16. One of a model's repertoire: POSE.  Before he was an actor, Ted Danson (b. Dec. 29, 1947) was a model.

19. Common country suffix: -STAN.  Think of Afghanistan; Turkmenistan; Uzbeckistan; Tajikistan; Pakistan ...

20. Palindromic magazine: ELLE.  This magazine is often found in the crossword puzzles.

21. __ Alamos, NM: LOS.  Los Alamos is best know for being the home of the atomic bomb.

23. Oil field?: ART.  Cute clue.

24. Look up to: ESTEEM.

28. Double-crosser: RAT.

29. Lavish bash: FÊTE.

31. Spanish rice dish: PAELLA.  Yummers!  I had some fantastic paella when I was in Barcelona.  I have never tried to make it, but here is a recipe.

32. Not commissioned, after "on": SPEC.

34. Author Jaffe: RONA.  Rona Jaffe (June 12, 1931 ~ Dec. 30, 2005), was a prolific author.  I read a lot of her work when I was in college. 

36. Like Lady Liberty's crown: RAYED.

40. Farrier: SHOER.  Technically, although not just any shoer.  A farrier is essentially a podiatrist for a horse and does more than just shoe horses.

43. Quite a distance: AFAR.

44. Cocksure: SMUG.

48. Coming from the heart?: AORTAL.

50. "Your guess __ good ... ": IS AS.

52. Solver's cry: AHA!
55. Docking places: WHARFS.

57. Cold War mil. program: SDI.  As in the Strategic Defense Initiative, also known as the Star Wars Program.

58. Gate announcement, briefly: ETD.  Think of the gate at the airport.  Estimated Time of Departure.

59. Modern mining target: DATA.

60. Cantina cooker: OLLA.

67. Causing yawns, often: DULL.

68. Archer's weapon: ARROW.

69. Mine entrance: ADIT.  This word is derived from the Latin aditus, which means entrance.

70. Central Iowa city: AMES.  Ames, Iowa is the home of Iowa State University.
71. Watch partner: LEARN.

72. Peter or Paul (but not Mary): TSAR.  Peter I, Tsar of Russia (June 9, 1672 ~ Feb. 8, 1725) was known as Peter the Great.  Paul I, Tsar of Russia was the son of Catherine the Great.  He was not so great and was later murdered.

1. Cold War state: Abbr.: SSR.  As in the Soviet Socialist Republics.

2. Wall St. news: IPO.  As in Initial Public Offering.

3. "Les Misérables" girl: COSETTE.  There are so many versions of this Victor Hugo classic.

4. Bob or weave: STYLE.  As in a hair style.

5. Collectibles like ticket stubs and matchbooks: EPHEMERA.  These are things that are enjoyed for a short period of time.  Actually, if they are collectibles, don't they last and last?  The ticket may be used for a short period of time, but you can keep the stub forever.

6. Not just any: THE.  Meh!

7. Gardening tool: HOE.

8. Bracelet site for one on house arrest: ANKLE.

9. "Outta luck!": NO SOAP!  The phrase "No Soap!" apparently first appeared in publication in a nonsense poem in 1755.  You can read the poem here.

10. Docs who don't specialize: GPs.  As in General Practitioners.

11. Especially: NOTABLY.

12. Usually: AS A RULE.

13. Lost it: WENT MAD.

18. Musical pitch indicator: CLEF.

Treble, Bass, Alto, and Tenor Clefs

22. Close call: SCARE.

24. Trauma ctrs.: ERs.  As in Emergency Rooms.

25. Maple extract: SAP.

26. Perk from work: BENEFIT.

27. Two of them are better than one: HEADS.

30. When tripled, a 1970 WWII film: TORA.

33. Minotaur's island: CRETE.

35. Santa __: dry winds: ANAs.

38. Clear the board: ERASE.

39. Deplete, as a bank account: DRAW DOWN.

40. Grill-cleaning solution: SAL SODA.  I had never heard of Sal Soda.  Apparently it is a sodium salt of carbonic acid.

41. Gangster: HOODLUM.

42. One of the Wright brothers: ORVILLE.  Wilbur (Apr. 16, 1867 ~ May 30, 1912) and Orville (Aug. 19, 1871 ~ Jan. 30, 1948) Wright were aviation pioneers.  Because Wilbur died many years before his brother, Orville, Orville may have revised history to give himself a greater role in flight than his brother.

Orville, left; and Wilbur, right

45. Plunders: MARAUDS.

46. Old TV dial letters: UHF.  As in Ultra High Frequency.

47. Really good time: GAS.

49. Deadly: LETHAL.

51. Heavy carpet: SHAG.  Also a hair style.

54. Put on a pedestal: ADORE.

56. Facing the pitcher: AT BAT.

61. "Happy Days" diner: AL'S.

63. __-la-la: TRA.

64. Palme __: Cannes award: D'OR.  The Palme d'Or (French for Golden Palm) is the highest prize awarded at the Cannes Films Festival.

65. Actress Long: NIA.

Nia Talita Long (b. Oct. 30, 1970)

66. Philharmonic sect.: STR.  As in Strings.

Here's the Grid:
