, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jul 12, 2021

Monday July 12, 2021 George Jasper

Theme: ESPYS (69. Annual athletic achievement awards, and a phonetic hint to 17-, 27-, 47- and 61-Across) - Each theme answer has a S* P* pattern.

17. The orange one is often called a yam: SWEET POTATO.

27. Hidden Hogwarts corridor: SECRET PASSAGE.

47. Behind-the-scenes investor: SILENT PARTNER.

61. Group looking for a missing person: SEARCH PARTY.

Boomer here.  This looks like a Swell Puzzle.  I am sure that our neighbors in Saint Paul will like it.


1. Jigsaw puzzle unit: PIECE.  Sorry to admit how many hours I spent putting these things together. 

6. Rome's Fontana di __: TREVI.

11. Baseball's Ripken: CAL.  I have dozens and dozens of his baseball cards.  I put together a stack of ten for eBay.

14. Fizzy mixers: SODAS.  I am sold on Diet Pepsi and Canada Dry Ginger ale.  But I do not mix it with anything anymore.

15. Whirlybird part: ROTOR.

16. Ike's WWII arena: ETO.  Yup, the European Theater of Operations - Dwight Eisenhower's command.  He did so well we elected him President for eight years.

19. Court of __: LAW.  Where Jack McCoy takes over.  I watch too much TV.

20. Beach souvenirs: TANS.  We used to get these on the golf course.

21. Golf ball position: LIE.  Also a way to lower your golf score.

22. Complete: ENTIRE.

24. Words with mode or carte: A LA.  Southern state with a low percentage of vaccinations.

26. Stylish suits: ARMANIS.

32. Many a stray pooch: CUR.

33. Nonetheless: STILL.  "Though you broke my heart, STILL, though we're far apart." Bill Anderson.

34. Art class subjects: NUDES.

37. "T" on a test: TRUE.  Some of my tests were "F".

39. Blunted fencing blades: EPEES.

41. Carpet thickness: PILE.  I have been going through PILES of Baseball cards.

42. "There you have it!": VOILA.  Always reminds me of Frank Viola of the Twins.  I think I have some of his cards.

44. "Fame" singer Cara: IRENE.  "Good night IRENE, Good night IRENE, I'll see you in my dreams." 

46. World Cup cheer: OLE.  Sven's buddy and boy do I have those jokes.

50. Business event using Zoom, perhaps: MEETING.  I had a lot of MEETINGS, but never on ZOOM.

52. La Brea goo: TAR.  We had a MEETING with the Association last month and it sounds like we may be getting a new driveway soon, also a big bill.

53. Trouser measure: INSEAM.  I think I am still a 34.  I've been wearing shorts all summer.

54. D.C. fundraising group: PAC.

56. Like much tea in summer: ICED.  It's pretty good but I'll stick with Diet Pepsi for now.

60. Cry from Homer: DOH.  I never got into the Simpsons.

64. MSNBC co-anchor __ Velshi: ALI.  I cannot know if he shaved his head or just lost his hair.

65. German industrial city: ESSEN.

66. Words of defeat: I LOSE.

67. Syrup source: SAP.

68. Tremble: SHAKE.  Rattle and Roll!


1. Attention-getting hiss: PSST.  Do you want to know a secret.

2. Des Moines' state: IOWA.  Our neighbor to the south.  C.C. and I traveled there while I was working as I had to visit Graybar in Des Moines. 

3. Starter home for Adam and Eve?: EDEN.  Minnesota has an EDEN Prairie.  Adam and Eve never lived there but Vikings' Bud Grant does. 

4. Salad variety: CAESAR.  "How many eggs did you have for breakfast CAESAR ??"
"Et Tu Brute"

5. Superlative ending: EST.

6. Picard's counselor: TROI.

7. Mechanical learning method: ROTE.  I remember we used to learn music by ROTE.

8. LAX posting: ETA.  Estimated Time of Arrival, and they do mean Estimated.

9. People filling out ballots: VOTERS.  C.C. and I voted by mail last year. It seemed better than standing in line for two hours at a local church.

10. Ripken nickname based on his durability: IRON MAN.  He played in 2632 games in a row.  The previous record was held by Lou Gehrig at 2130.  I have many Cal Ripken baseball cards but only one of Lou Gehrig, and it's not an original.


11. Canadian-born singer with the 2019 album "Courage": CELINE DION.

12. Gaming pioneer: ATARI.  Played these games many times.

13. The Home Depot competitor: LOWE'S.  We have both stores in our area.  I have to admit that Home Depot has gotten more money from us than Lowe's.

18. Nebraska river: PLATTE.

23. Prepare to score from third, say: TAG UP.  Only on a long fly ball.

25. French article: LES.

26. Out for the night: ASLEEP.  Happens every night.

27. Old Canadian skit show: SCTV.

28. Italian money: EURO.  I purchased some EUROs on eBay once but I think I sold them at a flea market for a loss.

29. Vacation vessel: CRUISESHIP.  We have never taken a cruise on one of these monsters.  It seems they were Covid carriers a couple of years ago.  

30. __ hot: steaming: PIPING.

31. On the lookout: ALERT.

35. Fashion monthly: ELLE.

36. Visionary: SEER.

38. Cream of the crop: ELITE.  I used to be an ELITE bowler, Now I am only LITE.

40. Grab quickly: SNATCH.

43. Assumed names: ALIASES.  Smith and Jones?

45. Pitcher's stat: ERA.  Most of our Twins are over 6.00.

48. Catch in a net: ENMESH.

49. "All Rise" procedures: TRIALS.  "All my TRIALS Lord, Soon be over".  Peter, Paul, and Mary and others. 

50. Golden-touch king: MIDAS.  I went there once for a brake job.  Never again. 

51. __ Gay: WWII bomber: ENOLA.  A famous WWII bomber.  The name came from the pilot's Mother.

54. Educ. for tots: PRE-K.

55. Teen's bane: ACNE.

57. Field yield: CROP.  We have some beans and cucumbers planted.  I guess we might get what the squirrels did not ruin.

58. Craftsy etailer: ETSY.

59. Hair salon colors: DYES.  I am a natural Minnesota Swede Blonde.  Maybe it has a little gray mixed in but I'll never tell.

62. Clean __ whistle: AS A.  My Great, Great grandfather is ASA Hutchinson of the Hutchinson family singers.  They founded Hutchinson Minnesota about 150 years ago.  I once wrote to ASA Hutchinson, the governor of Arkansas with the story.  I thought we might be related but he said no.  However he once visited Minnesota and Congressman Eric Paulsen took him out to Hutchinson.  ASA wrote me a nice letter in response.  

63. Dessert pastry: PIE.
