, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Dec 22, 2021

Wednesday December 22, 2021 George Jasper

(Notes from C.C.: Boomer wrote this post last weekend. The original plan was to have a CT and a bone scan on Thursday 12/23/2021, but then he had another fall. His oncologist was alarmed and insisted that we go to ER immediately. 

He'll  probably have the surgery on Friday. Two different neurosurgeons visited him a few times but no firm plans yet. He's been receiving steroid infusion. He'll have more CAT scan and some other scan tomorrow. Thank you so much for your concern and well wishes for Boomer!)


Theme: RAIL-SPLITTER (52. Abraham Lincoln nickname, and a hint to a hidden word in each answer to a starred clue) RAIL is split up in 3 different ways.

20. *Generate funds for a corporate project, say: RAISE CAPITAL.

34. *Condition of steaming water with lots of bubbles breaking quickly: RAPID BOIL.

40. *Drambuie and Scotch cocktail: RUSTY NAIL.

Boomer again, filling in another blog slot.  

Happy to be here and wish all of you a Merry Christmas Eve and Merry Christmas.  I am hoping C.C. and I will be Merry also.  I am going to the VA tomorrow for a CT scan and bone scan and hoping that Doctor Santa Claus will read the scans and put good news in my stocking.


1. Abe Lincoln feature: BEARD.  President Abe received a letter from an 11 year old girl suggesting he grow the BEARD.  $5.00 bills look good but I prefer Benjamins.

6. Starting from: AS OF.

10. Yarn relative: TALE.

14. Pool owner's bane: ALGAE.  I thought folks could put chemicals in the pool to keep ALGAE from growing.

15. Spitting sound: PTUI.  In the comics.

16. One slain in Genesis: ABEL.  Actually, Cain pulled his gun and thought it was his Taser.

17. Dyeing targets for some: ROOTS.  What a great TV movie.  I think it took about 7 weeks to watch it completely.

18. Dollywood's st.: TENN.  Located in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

19. Princess friend of Gabrielle: XENA.

23. Pinkish hues: CORALS.

26. Archaeological artifact: RELIC.  Generally tiny pieces of bone.

27. Ranges of colors: SPECTRA.  I really like some of the Christmas trees on display.  FOX HQ in New York had theirs burned up.  I am not a fan of FOX News but to burn up their Christmas tree is outrageous.  

29. "Fantastic" J.K. Rowling critters: BEASTS.

33. Fortunate ones: HAVES.

37. EPA pollution std.: AQI.  50 is good, 300 will choke you.

38. Kept from squeaking: OILED.  I change it every 3000 miles and it doesn't squeak. 

39. Outdoor gear brand: REI.

43. Hogwarts motto language: LATIN.  Four years in High school and all I remember is "et cum spiritu tuo."  I think that's the Pope's phone number.

45. Watch closely: PEER AT.

46. Poking fun at: TEASING.  Okay, I have never called the Pope.

48. "__ Survive": disco classic: I WILL.  "If you want me to, I WILL."  John Lennon and Paul McCartney.

51. In-group privilege: ACCESS.

56. Not pizzicato: ARCO.  I remember ARCO gas stations.  We still have a very few in Minnesota.

57. Domesticated: TAME.

58. Loses on purpose?: DIETS.  A lot of these may begin after the Holidays.

62. Trudge (through): SLOG.

63. A comet was often considered a bad one: OMEN.  A pain in the neck is worse.

64. WWII sea threat: U BOAT.

65. Fork over, with "up": PONY.

66. __ Room: White House banquet site: EAST.  How should I know this?  No one ever asked me to dinner there.

67. Reddish cent: PENNY.  We started across with honest Abe on a $5.00 bill.  Now look what coin we have.


1. Limbo need: BAR.  You also may need a curved spine.

2. Jeff Lynne rock gp.: ELO.

3. Had __ at: tried: AGO.  "A long, long time AGO, I can still remember when the music used to make me smile."  American Pie.

4. Wearying grind: RAT RACE.  I've heard a lot about this race, but I never found out who won.

5. Makes potable, as seawater: DESALTS.

6. Bldg. divisions: APTS.  We have plenty of these where C.C. and I live.  Rents are pretty spendy.

7. Take the helm: STEER.

8. Prevention measure: OUNCE.  And a pound of cure.

9. Auction ender: FINAL BID.  SOLD!  We used to have these at baseball card shows.

10. One hailed in cities: TAXICAB.  Uber and Lyft are cutting into their business.

11. Be on the lookout for?: ABET.  Put it on the PASS line, and maybe a little on numbers 4-10.

12. Headey of "Game of Thrones": LENA.

13. Airline to Tel Aviv: EL AL.  It sounds like Air Travel in the U.S. may take some Covid heat.

21. Tel Aviv home: Abbr.: ISR.

22. Variegated: PIED.  Piper of Hamline.

23. Note in an A major scale: C SHARP.

24. Not transparent: OPAQUE.

25. Edit: REVISE.

28. "Rigoletto" highlight: ARIA.

30. Combat mission: SORTIE.

31. Fast-food toy giveaways, typically: TIE-INS.

32. "The __ and arrows of outrageous fortune": Hamlet: SLINGS.

35. "Thrilla in Manila" victor: ALI.

36. Hit, as with snowballs: PELT.  Snowball fights are not too much fun.

38. Sneaking, maybe: ON TIPTOE.  "Through the Tulips" Tiny Tim.

41. Three-part work: TRILOGY.  Normally in League we bowl three games.  Does that count?

42. Sailing deviations: YAWS.

43. Got ready for the ice, as skates: LACED UP.  Yup, when I was young.  I can remember that far back and we had a great ring walking distance from my home.

44. Chalk up: ASCRIBE.

47. No longer fast?: EAT.

49. Andean grazer: LLAMA.

50. Bartender's supply: LIMES.  Lemons are better, in my humble opinion.

52. Abrasive sound: RASP.

53. Woody's son: ARLO.  He got whatever he wanted at Alice's Restaurant.

54. Clickable pic: ICON.

55. Outdoor party rental: TENT.  Never had a big party one, but I have slept in a few over time. 

59. Ages and ages: EON.

60. Summer shade: TAN.  It will be back in 6 months.

61. Oink pen: STY.  I always use an OINK Pen on Crosswords.
