, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jan 10, 2022

Monday January 10 2022 Daniel Bodily

Theme: STRIKE ZONE (59. Home plate ump's concern ... or what the answer to each starred clue can be?)

17. *Sensei's studio: KARATE DOJO.

22. *Loud, wet weather event: THUNDERSTORM.

37. *Source of crude: OIL WELL.

49. *Site of spares and splits: BOWLING ALLEY.

Boomer here. 

Yup, it's really me. I begged my way out of the hospital last Monday and now I let C.C. think she is taking care of me. I need to use a walker but beside that life goes on with three meals per day and some of the coldest Minnesota weather.  

Also, I imagine that 17A, 22A, and 37A could possibly produce a STRIKE, but I have never heard of 49A.  The ALLEY is outdoors, usually behind the Bowling Center.

Oh another bit of shocking news,  When I checked out of the hospital they weighed me at 160 pounds.  I used to be 237, and when I got diabetes I went down to 185.  I guess the malignant tumor that  they whacked out of me, must have weighed 25 pounds?


1. It may be acute, obtuse or right: ANGLE.

6. Lee with desserts: SARA.  "Everybody doesn't like something, but nobody doesn't like Sara Lee."


10. Way cool, in the '90s: PHAT.  As above, maybe I was PHAT in the 90's

14. High school experiment site: SCIENCE LAB.  Ours was Chemistry, and it always smelled like smoke and fire.

16. Mishmash dish: HASH.  Not my favorite.  At least the hospital did not try that on me.

18. Poker pot starter: ANTE. Five cents in the caddy shack.

19. Khan of Khan Academy: SAL.

20. Greek T: TAU.

21. Rage: ANGER.  After two weeks I had to hold it in.  Finally a great occupational therapy doc was on my side and fixed me up with a discharge without an AMA (Against Medical Advice).

26. Big jets: JUMBOS.  747, a great 3 game score.

29. Fictional lawyer Perry: MASON.  A favorite show in the 1950s.  I still watch reruns.

30. Leave red-faced: ABASH.

31. Central points: FOCI.

33. Hat-tipper's word: MA'AM.

36. Beer barrel: KEG.  KEG parties were big when I was younger.  However I never acquired a taste for beer.

40. Edible hero: SUB.  I pass by the SUBWAY fast food.  My mouth is not that big,

41. Stonestreet of "Modern Family": ERIC.

43. Climbing plant: VINE.

44. "In __, there is always too much singing": Debussy: OPERA.  Noye's Fludde by Benjamin Briton. See also 10. "The __ of the 44-Across": PHANTOM.

46. Game with settlers: CATAN.

48. Noisy quarrel: FRACAS.  The MLB channel has many reruns.  Managers always lose to the men in blue.

53. Fed. security: T NOTE.  Not in my portfolio.

54. What the ewe said: BAA.  Poor little lambs who have lost their way.

55. Cashew or almond: NUT.  Or Boomer?

58. Emerald Isle: EIRE.

63. "High Voltage" band: AC/DC.  I think they were popular in the 90s.  But not for me.

64. Places for astronomy buffs: PLANETARIA.  Plural of planetarium. I think we visited a place like this in San Francisco, years ago.

65. Screen door stuff: MESH.

66. Wile E. Coyote's supplier: ACME.

67. Funny sketches: SKITS.  Been there, done that.


1. More than wonders: ASKS.

2. Final Four org.: NCAA.  The big tournament is coming soon, unless COVID won't let it.

3. One of a group who "just wanna have fu-un": Cyndi Lauper: GIRL. "Girls Just Want to Have Fun".

4. Meadow: LEA. Minnesota has a city named Albert LEA.  I never knew the LEA meant meadow.

5. Sinus doc: ENT.

6. Four-door, usually: SEDAN.  You do not hear this much any more.  SUVs have taken over.

7. Not whispered: ALOUD.  What?

8. Koothrappali on "The Big Bang Theory": RAJ.

9. Blood type letters: ABO.  I am O negative.  They say that is universal.

11. "Wait, I'll be right there!": HANG ON A SEC.  I just call C.C. and she helps me move.

12. Daisylike flower: ASTER.

13. Unit of heat energy: THERM.  Not many of these flying around Minnesota the past few days.   Brrr!

15. Whale constellation (anagram of CUTES): CETUS.

21. Stubborn animal: ASS.  No comment.

22. "American Dad!" channel: TBS.   I watch it sometimes.  I think it is out of Georgia.

23. Santa's jolly syllables: HO HO.  OH OH, we won't see him again soon.

24. Awards show host: EMCEE.

25. Skateboard park feature: RAIL.

26. Actor Gyllenhaal: JAKE.

27. __ Eats: delivery service: UBER.  We had to use Uber when I left the hospital.  I did not want to leave the Santa Fe in the VA parking lot for two weeks.

28. Abracadabra et al.: MAGIC WORDS.  "You are free to go home" were the MAGIC WORDS for me.

31. Casual love affair: FLING.

32. Accept blame for: OWN.  I am not accepting blame for the cancer, but I guess I own it.

34. Celestial glow: AURA.

35. CFOs' degrees: MBAS.  Master of Business Administration.

38. Lendl of tennis: IVAN. 61 years old now.

39. Campfire stories, say: LORE.

42. Pasadena engineering sch.: CAL TECH.

45. Fork over: PAY.  I have Medicare and my VA card.  I guess I still have to fork over a bit.

47. Reason for extra innings: TIE.

48. Snow speck: FLAKE.  We have seen plenty this year, I would not call them SPECKS.

49. Second-string squad: B TEAM.

50. Chilling: ON ICE.  The Wild played one at Target Field last week - below zero!

51. The "A" in James A. Garfield: ABRAM.

52. Singer Frankie: LAINE.

55. Sushi roll wrap: NORI.

56. Inch or yard: UNIT

57. Tazo products: TEAS. for TWO?

59. Pampering place: SPA.  The hospital did not have a SPA.

60. Pampering, initially: TLC.  Tender Loving Care.

61. UFO crew: ETS.

62. Drummer Starkey, son of Ringo: ZAK.
