, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


May 18, 2022

Wednesday, May 18, 2022, Adrian Johnson


17. Investment option when leaving an employer: ROLLOVER IRA.

30. London fashion street: SAVILE ROW.

39. Leaving the state without permission, perhaps: PAROLE VIOLATION. Nice grid-spanner.

46. Goal at a film audition: MOVIE ROLE.

64. Dickens orphan, and what is found in each set of circles in this puzzle?: OLIVER TWIST.

Melissa here. Adrian is clever to think of this. The circled letters can be TWISTed to spell OLIVER. Crossword constructor's brains must be always ready to ROLL, to notice names and common phrases that could be used for crossword themes.


1. Rapunzel's abundance: HAIR.

5. "Finally!": AT LAST.

11. Fashion monogram: YSL. Yves Saint Laurent.

14. "What __ is new?": ELSE. Yawn.

15. Dazed state: TRANCE. For Scorpions fans.

16. Punk subgenre: EMO.

19. Chem class: LAB. I loved my high school chem class.

20. Link to another story?: STAIR. Love this clue.

21. __ Sutra: KAMA. An ancient Indian Sanskrit text on sexuality, eroticism and emotional fulfillment in life.

22. Botch: FLUB. D'oh.

23. Station with an eye on the TV: CBS.

25. Words of regret: APOLOGYThe Five Worst Ways to Apologize. My pet peeve is #3.

27. __ and reel: ROD. Fishing.

33. Big Apple?: IMAC. Once I went Mac, I never went back.

35. Audio jack abbr.: MIC. I don't refer of the jack itself as a mic - maybe it just means related to the jack?

36. "It's a Wonderful Life" director: CAPRA. Frank Capra on making It's a Wonderful Life. I  know one person who hates this movie. I think there might be something wrong with her.

43. Low joint: ANKLE. My first thought was a seedy bar.

44. Outer: Pref.: EXO. As in, exoskeleton.

45. Tizzy: SNIT.

50. Country quartet __ Young Band: ELI. Hadn't heard of them. My brother and I were having lunch at a restaurant where the tv was tuned to a daytime talk show doing a segment on celebrity gossip. I did not recognize ANY of the faces shown.

51. Trattoria frozen dessert: GRANITA. Semi-frozen dessert, like a snowcone for adults. What’s the Difference Between Sorbet, Sherbet, and Granita?

53. Delay: LAG.

55. "Darn!": RATS.

56. Physics entity: ATOM. The basic building block of chemistry. It is the smallest unit into which matter can be divided without the release of electrically charged particles. Atom.

59. Goes it alone: SOLOS.

63. Be in the picture?: ACT. Nice.

66. Gym shirt: TEE.

67. Wee: MINUTE. Minute (my NOOT) is an adjective that means very small, tiny, infinitesimal, insignificant. Minute vs Minute.

68. Mardi Gras locale, familiarly: NOLA.

69. Pour hamster food into the dog's bowl, say: ERR. That's not the worst. Once I walked into the kitchen to find my aunt (with dementia) filling the coffee maker with water from the dog's bowl!

70. Guy who writes jokes: GAGMAN.

71. Elitist sort: SNOB.


1. Like everything in a she shed: HERS.

2. Boatloads: A LOT. The alot is better than you at everything.

3. Land in the agua: ISLA. Spanish agua = water; isla = island. Lucina, can you confirm this: in slang aguas means be careful or look out!

4. Ancient artifact: RELIC.

5. Off-roader, for short: ATV. All-terrain vehicle.

6. Long slog: TREK.

7. Fictional archaeologist Croft: LARA. From the movie and video game Tomb Raider.

8. Critter: ANIMAL. My Texas-born aunt referred to all our pets as critters.

9. Minor injury: SCRAPE.

10. Steeped beverage: TEA.

11. Evergreen wood used for flooring: YELLOW PINE. From Southern yellow pine wood is one of the principal sources of softwood products in the United States. Not only is it strong, stiff, and dense, but it also has the ability to hold nails and other fasteners particularly well, which makes it a great choice for residential and commercial construction.

12. "The Hobbit" dragon: SMAUG. LOTR fans: 16 Things You Didn't Know About Smaug.

13. L, in a hotel elevator: LOBBY.

18. Planets, to poets: ORBS.

22. Ice cream concoctions: FLOATS.

24. "Ditto": SAME.

26. Killer whale: ORCA.

27. TV host Kelly: RIPA.

28. Mideast sultanate: OMAN. 1: a state or country governed by a sultan. 2: the office, dignity, or power of a sultan. Oman.

29. Hypothetical cosmic stuff: DARK MATTER. Dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter thought to account for approximately 85% of the matter in the universe. Wikipedia.

31. "Tom & __": biopic about T.S. Eliot and his first wife: VIV.

32. Less approachable: ICIER.

34. Analogy punctuation: COLONS. The colon stands for the phrase is to. Example - hammer : nail :: comb : hair.

37. Make muddy: ROIL. I'm more familiar with the meaning, to make someone annoyed or irritated. But the first definition is make (a liquid) turbid or muddy by disturbing the sediment.

38. Against: ANTI.

40. "Shazam!" actor Zachary: LEVI. Levi was praised for his performance as Billy Batson's alter ego Shazam. The sequel Shazam! Fury of the Gods is scheduled to release on June 2, 2023.

41. Good Grips gadget brand: OXO.

42. Lounge around: LOLL. Funny word.

47. Napoli's home: ITALIA. "In Napoli where love is king, when boy meets girl, here's what they say ..."

48. Out to lunch, say: EATING.

49. Sunrise locale: EAST.

51. Rub harshly: GRATE.

52. Indy entrant: RACER. The Indianapolis 500-Mile Race, or simply the Indy 500, is an annual automobile race held at Indianapolis Motor Speedway in Speedway, Indiana. Scheduled this year on Sunday May 29th.

54. Prom wear: GOWNS.

57. Fertility clinic egg: OVUM.

58. Like a podcast about recording a podcast: META. Greek for beyond or transcending. Pertaining to or noting a story, conversation, character, etc., that consciously references or comments upon its own subject or features. Sometimes called "breaking the fourth wall." Ten Incredibly Meta Films about Films Within Films.

60. Detroit pro: LION. NFL team.

61. Capital city served by Gardermoen Airport: OSLO. Capital of Norway.

62. Wild guess: STAB. Good one.

64. "!!!": OMG.

65. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame rapper MC __: REN. From Compton. First name LoRENzo.