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Jun 18, 2022

Saturday, June 18, 2022, Adrian Johnson and Brad Wilber

Saturday Themeless by Adrian Johnson and Brad Wilber 

Two familiar constructors collaborate today on a puzzle where the SW corner challenged me. It appears that EDAM is not the only four-letter cheese and AVIAS are not the only five-letter sneakers. Coupled with my "shouldn't have been that hard" AGUA FRESCA, whatever TACOS those were and TANSY not PANSY it made it interesting but I "got 'er done".


1. Concern when merging: BLINDSPOT.

10. Texas river diverted into the Red Bluff Reservoir: PECOS.

15. Museum download: AUDIO TOUR - At the Louvre 

16. Dippy: INANE.

17. Stranger in many a family holiday photo: MALL SANTA - I recall one who was in Miracle On 34th Street

18. Cake made from ground nuts: TORTE - A Martha Stewart TORTE with almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts

19. "While I Was Gone" novelist Miller: SUE.

20. Becomes, finally: ENDS UP.

22. "High Anxiety" actress: KAHN - A true comedic genius

23. Say further: ADD.

24. Corps member: MARINE.

26. Metered fleet: CABS.
29. Treatment plant input: SEWAGE - My dad worked at our town's STP (SEWAGE Treatment Plant) and gave me a visual and olfactory tour. 36. "Jinkies!": YIKES.

32. "The Cube" network: TBS Hit Play at this link for a sample of this game

34. Delighted toddler's demand: AGAIN - I got tired before my daughters did 

37. Time worth studying: ERA.

38. Gruff prescription for a minor injury: RUB SOME DIRT ON IT - "Suck it up and keep playing!" A familiar refrain in my yute.

41. "Glad to hear it!": YAY.

42. Aspect: FACET.

43. Branch of Islam: SUNNI.

44. Org. whose members take hikes?: NFL - BSA? Wrong hikes.

45. Mets slugger Pete who holds the record for most home runs by a rookie: ALONSO - He broke Aaron Judge's record

47. Benefit: SAKE.

48. Irredeemable: ROTTEN.

50. Word of invitation: SIT.

52. Cheese paired with kalamata olives: FETA.

53. Do more than listen: STEP IN.

56. __ diavolo sauce: FRA -
 (Brother Devil) "FRA diavolo sauce is an Italian classic sauce made with juicy tomatoes and fiery chili flakes, perfect for seafood and pasta."

59. #LiveUplifted sneakers brand: ASICS Here ya go

61. Arthroscopic procedure that may follow an MRI of the knee: ACL REPAIR.

63. McNairy of "Halt and Catch Fire": SCOOT - Saturday-obscure cluing for a common word

64. Ride between runs: CHAIR LIFT - Oh, ski runs!

65. Button-like flower: TANSY - Sounds like PANSY but doesn't look like one

66. Setting for some unboxing videos: TOY STORES - This man makes a living shooting unboxing videos and posting them on YouTube. 


1. Some carpentry noises: BAMS.

2. Party with poke: LUAU - Poke is Hawaiian for "chunk"

3. Between jobs: IDLE.

4. Bupkis: NIL.

5. Gave a shot, say: DOSED - We have been correctly DOSED and shot three times

6. Efforts at resistance: STANDS - Custer's last one was a disaster for him and his men

7. Spot for a koi or a decoy: POND.

8. Ballpark figure: OUTS.

9. Emergency gear: TRAUMA KITS.

10. Depression: PIT.

11. Miso soup mushroom: ENOKI - From C.C.'s June 12 write-up

12. Road show necessity?: CAR ANTENNA - Or dual ones

13. Flirting with: ON THE BRINK Top 10 animals ON THE BRINK of extinction 

14. Camille Pagán's "Woman Last __ in Her Thirties": SEEN.

21. "Your table's ready" device: PAGER 

23. Warts and all: AS IS.

25. Relies (on): RESTS.

26. Whoopi's birth name: CARYN.

27. Drink often flavored with hibiscus: AGUA FRESCA -(Spanish for Fresh Water) - "AGUA FRESCA is a light fruit drink popular throughout Mexico. It's simply made by blending fruit with water, a bit of sugar and a little lime juice." You're welcome.

28. Aveeno product: BABY LOTION.

30. Peer-to-peer sharing?: EYE CONTACT - You peer at me and I peer at you.

31. Add capacity to, in a way: WIDEN.

33. French composer who influenced Ravel: SATIE.

Debussy                Ravel               Satie

35. Diet food choice: NO FAT.

39. Some mechanical connectors: MALES.

40. Dethrone: OUST.

46. Egyptian god invoked in "The Magic Flute": OSIRIS.

49. __ al pastor: TACOS - "Al pastor (from Spanish, "shepherd style"), also known as TACOS al pastor, is a taco made with spit-grilled meat."

51. Disinclined to form compounds: INERT - Chem 101

52. Media __: unplugged period: FAST  - How long could you go?

54. Sign of hollowness: ECHO - That barrel must be empty

55. "Proof" or "Doubt": PLAY - New to me but "had to be"

56. "Point taken": FAIR.

57. Abounding (with): RIFE.

58. Review-heavy newspaper section: ARTS.

60. Trough spot: STY. - Fun clue

62. Gp. central to the 1993 Oslo Accords: PLO - A smiling PLO leader Yassar Arafat shaking hands with a reluctant prime minister of Israel Yitzhak Rabin