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Jul 9, 2022

Saturday, July 9, 2022, Kyle Dolan

 Saturday Themeless by Kyle Dolan

I have no triskaidekaphobia so my thirteenth blogging of a themeless Saturday puzzle for Dr. Dolan did not fill me with any dread. Seeing "Works" as a verb (7. Works for literati: HIGH ART) instead of a noun really hung me up in the NE. Each section of this fun puzzle took one key word/phrase to unlock.


1. Stock option in a seafood business?: BISQUE Traditionally, lobster bisque is made with a stock that 5. Exploits: USES whole lobster shellsRecipe for lobster stock.

7. Works for literati: HIGH ART - Works of art, not art workers

14. Rather dense: OBTUSE - This remark to the warden in Shawshank Redemption got Andy Dufresne thrown into solitary confinement

15. Waterway dividing two sides of a college football rivalry: RED RIVER - Longhorns vs. Sooners

16. Knesset country: ISRAEL - The Israeli lawmaking body and 51. Ancient Roman province now part of modern 16-Across: JUDAEA - An alternate spelling of Judea 

17. Digits in parentheses: AREA CODE.

18. Isn't quite neutral: LEANS - All of us can think of a news outlet that LEANS in one political direction or the other

19. Signer of the first of the Oslo Accords: ABBAS - Mahmoud ABBAS was the Palestinian negotiator and is standing on the far right in this signing ceremony.

20. Pad kee mao pan: WOK Why this is called "Drunken Noodles"

21. Huff: SNIT.

22. One of many on Massachusetts Avenue in D.C.: EMBASSY A clickable map

24. __ machine: GUMBALL - The GUMBALL machine took a penny and the pinball machine took a nickel in my misspent youth.

26. Dappled horses: ROANS.

30. Chat: SCHMOOZE.

32. Washington's Grand __ Dam: COULEE - On the mighty Columbia River in Washington state.

33. Webinar's first slide, often: OUTLINE - 1) Tell them what you are going to say, 2) Tell them, 3) Tell them what you just told them.

34. Treat traditionally paired with RC Cola in the South: MOON-PIE.

35. Like Robert Johnson's music: BLUESY - The Gateway To The Blues Museum in Tunica, MS. has this display of Robert Johnson memorabilia. I wonder if you can get an RC and Moon-Pie there. 

36. Styling combs: RATTAILS.

37. Fifth-century bishop in Ire.: ST. PATrick

38. Tempts: LURES IN.

39. Grammar police, e.g.: PURISTS.

41. Took off: LEFT.

44. Help for a broken-hearted BFF: TLC.

47. Some IRAs: ROTHS - Retirement withdrawals are tax-free

48. Bass kin: CELLO - Not a fish, shoe or singing voice

49. "OK, sure": YEAH I BET - "If elected, I will..."

52. Diet option in black cans: COKE ZERO.

53. Motorized rides: E-BIKES.

54. Zen harmony: ONENESS.

55. Can't stand: DETEST.


1. Sanitizes, perhaps: BOILS.

2. Playwright called "The Father of Realism": IBSEN - "He turned the European stage away from what it had become – a plaything and distraction for the bored – and introduced a new order of moral analysis." You're welcome.

3. Truthfully: STRAIGHT UP - "Don't sugar coat it, tell me STRAIGHT UP!"

4. Dramatic advance: QUANTUM LEAP - Technology made a QUANTUM LEAP with the discovery of transistors 

6. London's __ Pie Island: EEL - Probably named for the EEL pies that used to be served there at an inn in the 1800's

7. Ancient physician's reference book: HERBAL - A page from one

8. Bean sprouts?: IDEAS - Bean is a euphemism for head, so...

9. Bottom-up, in a way: GRASS ROOTS.

10. "__ sunt dracones": line on an ancient globe: HIC - That area is unknown, so "Here be dragons"

11. Profess: AVOW.

12. Take from the top: REDO - Director/Star Charlie Chaplin did 62 takes of this scene of him eating a shoe (it was actually made of licorice)

13. Long haul: TREK - The start of the Appalachian Trail that ends 2190 miles north at Mt. Katahdin, Maine. That is quite a TREK.

15. Raucous crowd: RABBLE.

19. Floor: AMAZE.

22. Magazine whose archive was purchased by a consortium that includes the Smithsonian: EBONY.

23. "Bingo": YOU NAILED IT.

25. Keep from cracking, perhaps: MOISTURIZE.

27. Yellowstone, for one: ALPINE LAKE - An ALPINE LAKE occurs at high elevations and Yellowstone Lake is almost 8,000' above sea level.

28. Good name for a knight?: NEIL - NEIL Armstrong did meet Queen Elizabeth but did not kneel before the queen to become a knight

29. Dates: SEES.

30. Breaks down: SOBS.

31. Unorthodox sect: CULT.

32. Pigeon holes: COTES - The pigeons in Terry Malloy's (Marlin Brando) rooftop COTE in On The Waterfront were symbols of innocence in his rough world

34. Trading places: MARTS - Where you trade cash for merchandise  

36. Try and reach quickly: RUSH TO.

38. Shampoo buys: LITERS - My Head and Shoulders comes in a 700 ml or .7 LITER size 

40. Spa wear: ROBES.

42. Hurries toward safety: FLEES.

43. Brown bread: TOAST - A toaster can brown bread after which you have brown bread

Revolution Toaster - $349.00

44. Onetime producer of Magna Doodle: TYCO.

45. "Sex on Fire" Grammy winners Kings of __: LEON Gee, Gary, I'd like to hear that tune

Three brothers and a cousin that
named their band after their grandfather LEON

46. Candle holder: CAKE - My next one will hold 76 candles 

48. Pyrite crystal, at times: CUBE - A pyrite crystal mounted on a piece of basalt

50. Female lobster: HEN.

51. Abbey's husband on "The West Wing": JED.

We certainly welcome Kyle to stop by and make a comment below.