, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jul 18, 2022

Monday July 18, 2022 Howard Barkin

Theme:  DOLLAR MENU (57. Budget option at a fast-food joint that the answers to the starred clues could all belong to?) - The first word of each food item is also a slang for money.

17. *Fried seafood appetizer: CLAM STRIPS.
27. *Sandwiches with leafy exteriors: LETTUCE WRAPS.

43. *Starchy and eggy dessert: BREAD PUDDING.

Boomer here. 
I had a great visit with the VA last week.  After a blood draw and X-ray, I met with orthopedics and they gave me a good report on the shoulder.  I need to continue physical therapy and the huge sling is on the shelf for now. Next stop oncology. The doctor prescribed new pills and hope to bring the cancer under control.  
Thanks to all for your kind words of encouragement.  Maybe next week I might be able to type this blog with two hands again.
1. Karaoke devices, for short: MICS.  I was a really good Karaoke singer in the bar after work.  Can you say "Mac the Knife"??

5. Chip maker __-Lay: FRITO.  Not my favorite.  I like regular potato chips.

10. Big rig: SEMI.  Why do they call them SEMIs when they are whole trucks?

14. Dept. of Labor div.: OSHA.  I remember when this was passed.  Changed a lot of high storage in warehouses.

15. First name of Yankee manager Boone and Yankee slugger Judge: AARON.  Number 99 in pinstripes.

16. Mimicked: APED.

19. Small container in a chemistry lab: VIAL. Or a test tube.

20. Stage hog: HAM.  Easter dinner with eggs.

21. Blackjack cards: ACES.  Need a face or 10 to go with them.

22. Frozen spike: ICICLE.  We grow a lot of them off our roof in the winter.

24. Savanna antelopes: IMPALAS.  I remember driving a 1965 Chev IMPALA years ago.

26. Emotionally detached: ALOOF.  I sometimes need to buy a LOOF of bread.

31. "Catch those villains!": GET 'EM.

34. Cooking vessels: PANS.  This clue is a SNAP

35. Debtor's letters: IOU.

36. "We try harder" car rental chain: AVIS.  Never used them in Las Vegas.  They seem to try harder to charge more money.

37. Faceplanted off a skateboard, say: ATE IT.

39. Unmitigated joy: GLEE.  Proud member of my high school GLEE club many years ago.

40. Sleep stage letters: REM.

41. Pizazz: ELAN.  ELON is the guy who decided he does not want Twitter.

42. Bridge positions: EASTS.  I never knew my position until I read the column in the paper.

47. Zero: AUGHT.  It's a round number.

48. Takes down, as a flyer: UNTACKS.

52. Know-it-all's taunt: TOLD YA.  Here's my wisecrack. "I have been fighting cancer for 4 years, but now it's starting to fight back."

54. Fashion monthly: ELLE.  My Grandmas name was ELLA.

55. Canyon edge: RIM.

56. Love, in Spanish: AMOR.  Never took Spanish.  My Catholic high school required Latin.

60. Walking aid: CANE.  I have one in the garage.  Hope I can get back to it and leave the rolling walker home.

61. Initial stage: ONSET.

62. Contributes: ADDS.  Two and two are four.

63. Hoops long shot: TREY.  Trey and Trey are six.

64. Honking birds: GEESE.

65. Luxurious: POSH.  A lot of SUVs are in this category,  Also pretty spendy.


1. Chewy rice cake: MOCHI.

2. Ramadan faith: ISLAM.

3. Tourney winner: CHAMP.  In all the years I spent knocking down pins, I never won a tournament.  Maybe top ten a few times,

4. "You Send Me" singer Cooke: SAM.  Darlin' you do OOOHHHOOH

5. Big shot with big bucks: FAT CAT.  Most of them will be in the All-Star game tomorrow. Thanks for your comments on our puzzle yesterday.

6. Least likely to be found: RAREST.  A $20.00 bill on the sidewalk.

7. Colorful eye part: IRIS.

8. Spinning toy: TOP.

9. Like a cellphone in a theater, hopefully: ON SILENT.  Shh!

10. Knight in shining armor: SAVIOR.  Relief pitcher sometimes.

11. Major faceplants: EPIC FAILS.

12. Brunch, e.g.: MEAL.  People say BRUNCH. How come they never say Lupper ?

13. Inactive: IDLE.  Car at a red light.

18. Oregon capital: SALEM.  Also a brand of smokes.

23. Dairy farm animals: COWS.  Moo!

25. Gastropub pours: ALES.  I like Canada Dry ginger.

26. Smoothie berry: ACAI.

28. Flip over: UPEND.  Sometimes painful to do in bed.

29. Maya Angelou, for one: POET. She's a poet and don't know it.

30. Seeks damages from: SUES.

31. Attire: GARB.  Are bowling shirts in this category?

32. Happily __ after: EVER.

33. Chance to unwind and read a book, perhaps: TIME ALONE.  Not a book. On the internet.

37. Pack leader: ALPHA DOG. A dog with a Greek letter.

38. Lacking slack: TAUT.  Pull those shoelaces tight.

39. "Born This Way" singer Lady __: GAGA.


41. Tense and irritable: EDGY.

42. Word near a maze arrow: ENTER.

44. "Sabrina" actress Hepburn: AUDREY.  Famous for "Breakfast at Tiffany's"


45. Airport serving the D.C. area: DULLES.  Named for John Foster Dulles.  Ike's Sec of State.

46. Arriving after curfew: IN LATE.  Better late than never.

49. Statement of faith: CREDO.

50. "It takes all __": KINDS.

51. Flatten: SMUSH.

52. Social finesse: TACT.  I don't have much... Sorry.

53. "Doctor Zhivago" actor Sharif: OMAR. Also Ilhan OMAR.  Troublesome Rep from Minnesota.

54. "What __ can I say?": ELSE.  I once knew a man named Merle ELSE.

58. Individual: ONE.

59. Atlas page: MAP.
