, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Aug 8, 2022

Monday August 8, 2022 Beth Rubin

Theme: YOLO (73. "Carpe diem" acronym spelled out by the starts of the answers to the starred clues)

20. *"I can't capture how amazing that was!": YOU HAD TO BE THERE.

35. *Fallible in very ordinary ways: ONLY HUMAN.

46. *Spend extravagantly: LIVE LARGE.

57. *Very rarely: ONCE IN A BLUE MOON.

Boomer here. 

I am pretty sure that James Bond lived twice! Well, as you are reading this, I am probably at the big VA health center in Minneapolis learning if my new chemo drugs are doing their job.  So far the side effects have been manageable.


1. Chocolate dogs: LABS. In the chemist's workplace.

5. Culinary plants: HERBS.  Twins once had an announcer named Herb Carneal.

10. "Ready for my cat treat!": MEOW.

14. Zone: AREA.

15. Prefix with -phobia: AGORA.  No, I do not have a fear of the crowded VA hospital.

16. Surfer's swell: WAVE.  I remember the 1987 World Series when we all WAVED our Homer Hankies.

17. "The Great Pottery Throw Down" material: CLAY.  Also great boxer Cassius.

18. Tag player's cry: NOT IT.

19. State firmly: AVER.  AVOW did not work.

23. Form 1040 org.: IRS.  Everyone's favorite government enemy.

24. Smell awful: REEK.  In the old days - Outhouse aroma.

25. Museum-funding org.: NEA.

28. College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa: COE.  Twins minor league team is also there.

30. Doze: NOD OFF.  Not now.  CC wants me to work.

39. Enjoy with relish: SAVOR.  I SAVOR a hot dog or brat with relish.

40. Country star McEntire: REBA.  "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia"

41. Divided island of Southeast Asia: TIMOR.

43. Actress Hatcher: TERI.  She played Sidra on Seinfeld.  I think I've seen every episode. I cannot stand George.

44. With sincerity: TRULY.  Opposite of Liely.

48. Household skills class, for short: HOME EC.  I went to an all- boys high school.  This class was not offered.

50. "That's __-brainer!": A NO.

51. Kristen's "The Good Place" co-star: TED. Danson. 


52. "Mean Girls" screenwriter Fey: TINA.

55. Egg cells: OVA.

65. Winter fabric: WOOL.  Time to stock up here.  December is coming.

66. Water from France: EVIAN. They sponsor an LPGA golf tournament.

67. "What fun!": WHEE. Roller coaster word.

68. Periods of time: ERAS. Pitchers' stat.

69. First responder: MEDIC.  I am still able to get to the VA center.  Don't need a medic. Just my Santa Fe. Can you believe I have not turned the odometer to 10,000 miles yet?

70. Lively, in mus.: ANIM.

71. URL destination: SITE.

72. Coeur d'__, Idaho: ALENE.  My cousin lives in Twin Falls.


1. Full of frills: LACY.

2. "Alice's Restaurant" singer Guthrie: ARLO.  "You can get anything you want" there. 

3. Sweetheart: BEAU.

4. Greet casually, with "to": SAY HI.  Hello there!

5. Distributes, as flyers: HANDS OUT.  Halloween is October 31.

6. "Grand slam" earned by Jennifer Hudson, for short: EGOT. "E" must have got a Homer.

7. Piece in a LEGO helicopter set: ROTOR.  LEGO display at our Mall of America,  C.C. really likes that shopping mall, however gunfire there made the news last week.

8. Illegal payoff: BRIBE.

9. Shiny fabric: SATEEN.

10. "Kisses, dahling": MWAH.  This does not seem like a word, or am I too fussy?

11. Gutter locale: EAVE.  Ours get full of leaves. Looking at "Leaf  filter"

12. Eggs __ easy: OVER.  I like mine scrambled.

13. Used to be: WERE.  My legs WERE better.

21. Curved part of a foot: ARCH.  Big one in St. Louis.  I saw it when I went to game 5 of the 1987 World Series, but I did not ride up.

22. Boxing ref's calls: TKOS. Technical Knockouts.

25. Toward the Arctic Circle: NORTH.  Our "Land of 10,000 Lakes" is fairly NORTH. 

26. Month before febrero: ENERO.

27. Photo book: ALBUM.  We also used to call 33 1/3 vinyl Albums.  I still have a few, but no record player.

29. Czech track legend Zátopek: EMIL.

31. Spreadsheet input: DATA.  Lotsa work.

32. Out in the open: OVERT.

33. Make a fake of: FORGE.  You're almost done.  FORGE ahead.

34. Like tempura: FRIED. Or chicken, fish, eggs, and rice. I'm hungry.

36. Ivy League school in Connecticut: YALE.

37. "__ dreaming?": AM I.  "California Dreamin'".  Mamas and Papas.

38. __ Scotia: NOVA.  Old time Chevy compact.

42. Give up formally: RENOUNCE.  Never give up without a fight.

45. Himalayan Bigfoot: YETI.

47. Rom-com subject: LOVE.  Makes the world go 'round.

49. Movie house: CINEMA.  We have not been since "Borat".

53. __ orange: NAVEL. Belly button.

54. Put up with: ABIDE.

56. Multilevel marketing giant: AMWAY.  Home party brushes and stuff.

57. Has bills to pay: OWES.  "I OWE, I OWE, so off to work I go.

58. Edible seaweed: NORI.  I would not eat it!

59. Parka, e.g.: COAT.  Parka has a hood.

60. Alternatively: ELSE. A coat usually does not.

61. Reclined: LAIN.

62. Dismayed cry: OH NO.  Missed a four-foot putt!

63. Trompe l'__: optical illusion: OEIL.

64. Missing fish in a Pixar film: NEMO.  Jules Verne creation.


Notes from C.C.:

Gary and Joann and their family celebrated his mother-in-law Martha's 100-year-old birthday on Saturday. Here are a few beautiful pictures:



All of us watching Power Point

Joann, Gary, her twin Jocye with husband Ron

Martha and great-great granddaughter who is 99 years younger playing with a balloon.