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Aug 16, 2022

Tuesday, August 16, 2022 Gary Cee

Words within words.  This was a very clever theme, but I am not clever enough to come up with a good title, so here's your challenge:  Name this Puzzle!  And the winner is TTP for is entry of:

Indifferently Different

17-Across. Playful but egocentric?: SELFISHLY ELFISH.

27-Across. Hopeful but insubstantial?: MEAGERLY EAGER.

44-Across. Terrible but legal?: LAWFULLY AWFUL.

58-Across. Impolite but uptight?: PRUDISHLY RUDISH.

1. Barton who wrote "A Story of the Red Cross": CLARA.  Clara Barton (née Clarissa Harlowe Barton; Dec. 25, 1821 ~ Apr. 12, 1912) led a remarkable life.  [Name # 1.]

6. TMI part, briefly: INFO.  Textspeak for Too Much Info.

10. Tibetan priest: LAMA.  As Ogden Nash has informed us: 

        The one-l lama,
        He's a priest.
        The two-l llama,
        He's a beast.
        And I'll bet
        A silk pajama
        There isn't any
        Three-l lllama.

14. Refueling ship: OILER.

15. Juice extractor extraction: PULP.

16. Actor Bana: ERIC.  Eric Bana (né Eric Banadinović; b. Aug. 9, 1968) just celebrated his 54th birthday.  [Name # 2.]

20. Egyptian boy king: TUT.  The tomb of King Tut (né Tutankhamun) was discovered 100 years ago.  [Name # 3.]

21. "hehe": LOL.  More textspeak.  Laughing Out Loud.

22. Jot down: NOTATE.

23. Blue cheese from England: STILTON.  Everything you wanted to know about Stilton Cheese, but didn't know to ask.
26. Diagnostic test for epilepsy, for short: EEG.  As in the ElectroEncephaloGraphy.  Everything you wanted to know about the EEG but didn't know to ask.

33. Words in the title of some tribute poems: ODE TO.

35. "__ your head!": "Think!": USE.  //  Change one vowel, and you get 57-Across. Can. neighbor: USA.  

36. Start all over: REDO.

37. Horseback game with a namesake shirt: POLO.

38. Like pet birds, typically: CAGED.

40. __ Millions lottery: MEGA.

41. Starting on: AS OF.

42. Heavenly sphere: ORB.

Celestial Spheres

43. Cheat: COZEN.  Definitely not a Tuesday word.

48. Mucky stuff: GOO.  //  And 62-Across. Exude, as confidence: OOZE.

49. Spot for a pingpong table: REC ROOM.

52. Pampers all the time: SPOILS.

56. Links org.: PGA.  As in the Professional Golfers Association.

63. Human rights lawyer Clooney: AMAL.  Amal Clooney (née Amal Alamuddin; b. Feb. 3, 1978) married George Clooney in 2014.  She was born in Beirut, Lebanon.  Her speciality is international law and human rights.  [Name # 4.]

64. Jeff's wife on "Curb Your Enthusiasm": SUSIE.  Susie Essman (née Susan Essman; b. May 31, 1955)  plays Susie Greene on Curb Your Enthusiasm.   [Name # 5.] 

65. "Terrible" time for tots (and their parents): TWOS.

66. Solitary: LONE.

67. Joyful shout: CHEER.
1. Is priced at: COSTS.

2. Fire dept. rank: LIEUT.  As in Lieutenant.  The fire pole is a traditional feature in the fire station, but it also presents a safety risk to the firemen.

3. Coldest temperature on record, e.g.: ALL TIME LOW.  What is the coldest recorded temperature in your state?

4. NWSL official: REF.  Hand up if you knew that NWSL stood for National Women's Soccer League.  Referees are needed for the soccer games.

5. Melber of MSNBC: ARI.  Ari Melber (né Ari Naftali Melber; b. Mar. 31, 1980) hosts The Beat with Ari Melber, which airs on MSNBC.  [Name # 6.]  

6. Apple device featuring Siri: iPHONE.

7. __ and void: NULL.

8. Travel by air: FLY.  Flying is not fun anymore.

9. Carefully attentive: OPEN-EYED.

10. Skipped town: LEFT.

11. Opera solo: ARIA.  My favorite aria from Carmen.

12. Fine spray: MIST.

13. Dull pain: ACHE.

18. Uphill climb: SLOG.

19. Stadium section: LOGE.

Loge in the Budapest Opera House

24. Release, as steam: LET OFF.

25. Chinese philosophical principle: TAO.

26. "What __ is new?": ELSE.

28. Sport with scrums: RUGBY.  The perps gave me enough letters to let me guess Rugby.  I know nothing about this game.  Apparently scrums is short for scrummage.

29. Under __: sports apparel brand: ARMOUR.  I am not familiar with this sportswear, but I have seen the logo.

30. "Heavens to Betsy!": GEEZ, LOUISE!  Also the name of a clothing boutique in Gulf Shores, Alabama.

31. Advantage: EDGE.

32. Speckled horse: ROAN.  What exactly is a Roan horse?

33. Hot springs gemstone: OPAL.  How opals are formed.  Australia is a huge source of opals.  Hi, Kazie!

34. Lentil pancake in Indian cuisine: DOSA.  You, too, can learn how to make Dosa.

38. Mammoth: COLOSSAL.  The Colossal of Rhodes was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

39. Folk singer Guthrie: ARLO.  Arlo Davy Guthrie (b. July 10, 1947) is the son of folk singer Woody Guthrie.  Arlo is probably best known for Alice's Restaurant, but he also sang The City of New Orleans.  [Name # 7.]

43. Ozone-depleting chemical, for short: CFC.  Short for ChloroFloroCarbons.

45. Aptly named hybrid fruit: UGLI.  The Ugli is a hybrid of a tangerine or orange and a grapefruit.  

46. Diamond-shaped pattern: ARGYLE.  Also a reference to our dear Santa.

47. Have on: WEAR.

50. Davis of "Do the Right Thing": OSSIE.  Ossie Davis (né Raiford Chatman Davis; Dec. 18, 1917 ~ Feb. 4, 2005) was an actor and a civil rights activist.  He was also married to actress Ruby Dee.  I saw Do the Right Thing when I was living in France.  It didn't translate well.  [Name # 8.]

51. HBO's "Real Time With Bill __": MAHER.  Bill Maher (b. Jan. 20, 1956) is a comedian and political commentator, known for his satire.  [Name # 9.]

52. Catch sight of: SPOT.

53. Ship's front: PROW.

54. Liqueur with a licorice taste: OUZO.  Everything you wanted to know about Ouzo, but didn't know to ask.

55. Mid-month day: IDES.  Beware the Ides of March.

56. Course of action: PLAN.

59. Managed care gp.: HMO.  As in a Health Maintenance Organization.

60. The Trojans of the NCAA: USC.  As in the University of Southern California.

61. "I think we all know that!": DUH.

Here's the Grid:


Sandwich, Massachusetts is the oldest town on Cape Cod.
The law enforcement officers there are the Sandwich Police.

Notes from C.C.:

Happy birthday to Joseph (MM), who has been wittily guiding us on Thursdays. Here's a picture of him in Chiang Rai. He said "On that trip we spent time in Langkawi, Penang, Bangkok, Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai, Krabi, Siem Reap, Phnom Penh and Singapore."


Chiang Rai, 2017