, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Oct 17, 2022

Monday October 17, 2022 Dylan Schiff

Theme: STUFFED PEPPERS (54. Tex-Mex fare found with increasing spiciness in this puzzle's circled letters?)  - Three peppers are stuffed inside.

20. Annual honorees in chemistry, physics, economics, etc.: NOBEL LAUREATES. Bell pepper.

33. Military division: BRANCH OF SERVICE. Ancho pepper.

41. WordPress, for one: BLOG HOSTING SITE. Ghost pepper.

Boomer here.

I have to admit that we visit Taco Bell now and then. I like the burritos there. Also, the VA cafeteria serves HUGE burritos for a bit more $$$$ but one fills me up there.


1. Camel feature: HUMP.

5. "Saving Mr. Banks" actress Thompson: EMMA.  Ernie was not saved.  Hall of Famer passed in 2015.

9. Snares: TRAPS.  Kramer got in deep trouble for poaching the lobster traps. 

14. Birthstone after sapphire: OPAL.  October stone.  My birthday is coming up!

15. Without rocks, in a bar: NEAT.  Years ago I always ordered my VO Manhattan on the rocks.

16. During: WHILE.

17. Texas Hold 'em, e.g.: POKER GAME.  We always had a nickel ante poker game going in the caddy shack.

19. "__ Meenie": Kingston/Bieber song: EENIE.  Minee Mo.

22. "One Night in Miami" actor Goree: ELI.

23. Notice: SPOT.  4392 dogs have this name.

24. Corn discard: COB.  Always better on the COB than from the can.

27. Doctrine suffix: ISM.

29. Red root vegetables: BEETS.  Also better not from a can.

38. Lavish party: GALA.

39. Bowler's target: PIN.  The ten is the toughest. Too close to the gutter.

40. Online auction giant: EBAY.  We have spent many hours there.

46. "That's unfortunate": SO SAD.

47. __ for the course: PAR.  I would make them now and then.

48. Animal in some fables: ASS.

49. Fibs: LIES.  Never on this blog.

52. Dot on a domino: PIP.  I don't remember FATS having any.

61. Tim who was the first sophomore to win a Heisman: TEBOW.

62. Vanish: GO MISSING.

64. NBA venue: ARENA.  Now they are usually named after a sponsor.

65. Southernmost Great Lake: ERIE.  Have only seen Superior.

66. Music genre of the boy band BTS: K-POP.  Never heard of them.


67. Late: TARDY.

68. Adjusts, as a clock: SETS.  Partial tennis match.

69. Conifers with pliable wood: YEWS.


1. Jump on one foot: HOP. You can shake it there

2. "__ further reflection ... ": UPON.

3. Powerful shark: MAKO.

4. West Point cadet: PLEBE.

5. School subject with lots of reading: ENGLISH.  Been there, done that.

6. Lunch or brunch: MEAL.  Done that too!

7. Two of the "California Dreamin'" quartet: MAMAS. On such a winter's day!

8. Totally believed: ATE UP.

9. Woofer's counterpart: TWEETER.  Did Elon Musk buy this too?

10. "Better Call Saul" Emmy nominee Seehorn: RHEA.

11. "You __ seen nothin' yet": AIN'T.  AIN'T AIN'T a word

12. Ballet bend: PLIE.

13. Recognizes: SEES.

18. Archaeological artifact: RELIC.  Many churches have a RELIC of their namesake.

21. Post-shower wrap: ROBE.  I just use a towel.

24. Bygone NYC punk club: CBGB.

25. Exams for Ph.D. candidates: ORALS.

26. "The Jungle Book" bear: BALOO.  I thought this was a cat's name.

28. Deck-swabbing tools: MOPS.  Does not work well on carpet.

30. Nights before special days: EVES.  My birthday EVE is coming soon.

31. Fibula neighbor: TIBIA.  My bones are still working.  Not much meat on them anymore though.

32. Improvises vocally: SCATS.

34. Badgers constantly: NAGS.  No comment.

35. In shape: FIT.  Clothes are a bit loose now.

36. Small cut: SNIP.

37. Peepers: EYES.  Jeepers creepers, where did you get them?

42. In the middle: HALFWAY.  You are now over HALFWAY there.

43. "Garfield" dog: ODIE.

44. Diapers, in Britain: NAPPIES.  Afternoon sleep in the US.

45. Holds tight: GRIPS.  Great for the golf clubs

50. Barely beats (out): EDGES.

51. Fern seed: SPORE.

53. Hard to get rid of: PESKY.  Johnny was an infielder for the Red Sox.

54. Bit of sports trivia, for short: STAT.  Makes MLB more interesting

55. Hard drive capacity prefix: TERA.

56. Ridesharing rival of Lyft: UBER.  C.C. uses it occasionally. I do not like it.

57. Sweet on, with "of": FOND.

58. Give off: EMIT.  Thank you sun.

59. Ready to eat: RIPE.

60. Winter forecast: SNOW.  Only about 4-5 months here in Minnesota.

63. Navigation tech: GPS.  Global Positioning System.


Notes from C.C.:

Happy Birthday to Wilbur Charles (Bill), a Vietnam veteran who's been posting on our blog regularly for quite a few years.