, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Oct 19, 2022

Wednesday, October 19, 2022, Doug Peterson & Christina Iverson


19. Items sold in a pop-up shop?: CHAMPAGNE CORKS.

24. Items sold in a pop-up shop?: TOASTER WAFFLES.

41. Items sold in a pop-up shop?: FOLDING CAMPERS.

46. Items sold in a pop-up shop?: JACK IN THE BOXES.

This is about as straightforward of a theme as it gets. Each theme answer is something that pops up. I anticipate some complaints about unknown or too many proper names. Melissa here, happy Wednesday! Pop-up shops are sure getting popular, even in my little town of 5,000. 

Lots of fun and colorful fill today.


1. Creature in the 2019 animated film "Abominable": YETI.

5. Break sharply: SNAP. We've got pop and snap, all we need now is a crackle.

9. Owlet's home: NEST.

13. Smartphone border: BEZEL. A guide to bezels.

14. Fine-tune over time: HONE.

15. German spouse: FRAU. Wiki: Fräulein is the diminutive form of Frau, which was previously reserved only for married women. Frau is in origin the equivalent of "My lady" or "Madam", a form of address of a noblewoman. But by an ongoing process of devaluation of honorifics, it came to be used as the unmarked term for "woman" by about 1800.

16. Aquarium decoration: CORAL. Not chest.

17. Kate Middleton, to Archie and Lilibet: AUNT.

18. Tree trimmer's target: LIMB. Ouch.

22. "Geez!": MAN.

23. "Insecure" actress/writer Issa: RAE. HBO comedy series.

32. Game with a numbered board: DARTS.

33. "The Fiddler of Dooney" poet: YEATS. William Butler Yeats.

34. Actress Mendes: EVA. Longtime partner of Ryan Gosling.

35. Stage award: OBIE. Off-Broadway Theater Awards.

36. Tigger's creator: MILNE.

37. Home of Iowa State: AMES.

38. Nemesis: FOE.

39. Corral, as cattle: PEN IN.

40. Floors: STUNS. Verb, not noun.

44. Post-ER place: ICU. Intensive Care Unit.

45. Animated Olive: OYL. POPeye's girl.

54. Many-axled vehicle: SEMI. When fully attached to a trailer, a semi-truck technically has five axles. If not attached to a trailer, a semi-truck technically has three axles.

55. Lawn care brand: TORO.

56. In base eight: OCTAL. The octal numeral system, or oct for short, is the base-8 number system, and uses the digits 0 to 7.

57. "I Dream of Jeannie" star: EDEN. She celebrated her 91st birthday this past August.

58. Nefarious: EVIL.

59. Take one's sweet time: TARRY.

60. Pizazz: ZING.

61. Start of something big?: MAXI. MAXImum.

62. Give a hand?: SLAP


1. "Everything Everywhere All at Once" star Michelle: YEOH. Malaysian actress.

2. Old Testament scribe: EZRA.

3. One wearing a matching jersey: TEAMMATE.

4. "None for me, thanks": I'LL PASS.

5. Layered style: SHAG. Haircut, or carpet. This is Shaggy, from Scooby Doo.

6. Life or death: NOUN.

7. China __ McClain of "Black Lightning": ANNE. Actress and singer, 24 years young.

8. Sleeping spot for some dogs: PET CRATE. Dogs generally like their crates .... my cat Scout hates hers.

9. TD caller: NFL REF.

10. "The Devil in the White City" author Larson: ERIK. The movie adaptation is in development.

11. __ Club: Costco rival: SAM'S. Sam's Club vs. Costco.

12. Oleo container: TUB.

13. Email field: BCC. Blind carbon copy.

20. Tiny member of a collective: ANT. Cute.

21. Big galoots: OAFS. Clumsy people.

24. Party game "of unspeakable fun": TABOO.

25. Projecting window: ORIEL. An oriel window is a form of bay window which protrudes from the main wall of a building but does not reach to the ground.

26. Looking over: EYING.

27. Shrine artifact: RELIC.

28. Sheryl Crow's "All I __ Do": WANNA.

29. Madagascar primate: LEMUR.

30. Makes true: EVENS. Sneaky clue. True as in, "exact or accurate formation, position, or adjustment."

31. Smart talk: SASS.

32. Tip: DOFF. Remove, or get rid of.

36. Restaurant option: MENU ITEM.

37. Had a farm-to-table meal, say: ATE LOCAL.

39. Guitar accessory: PICK.

40. Malicious trackers: SPYBOTS.

42. Prep cook's forte: DICING.

43. Oft-pranked Simpsons character: MOE. Proprietor and bartender of "Moe's Tavern," voiced by Hank Azaria.
46. Rey of the "Star Wars" films, for one: JEDI. Every Jedi Ever.

47. "Too true!": AMEN.

48. Stellar explosion: NOVA. A nova is a strong, rapid increase in the brightness of a star. The word comes from the latin for "new star," because often a star previously too dim to be seen with the naked eye can become the brightest object in the sky (besides the sun and the moon) when it becomes a nova.

49. Cereal whose flavors include grapity purple: TRIX.

50. Hindu spring festival: HOLI. Celebrated as a way to welcome in spring, and also is seen as a new beginning where people can release all their inhibitions and start fresh. It is said that during the Holi Festival, the gods turn a blind eye, and it's one of the few times extremely devout Hindus allow themselves to let loose. Also called Festival of Colours or the Festival of Love.
51. Tide alternative: XTRA. Brands of laundry detergent.

52. Surname at the O.K. Corral: EARP. Wyatt.

53. Artful: SLY.

54. "__ who?!": SEZ.

Note from C.C.:
Here's a beautiful picture of Melissa's granddaughter Jaelyn and Harper.